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Hello everyone.

Lately I have been working on the development of the Add Layer features for Shoost v0.11.0. I have finally finished the whole implementation and am now ready to share it with you all.

The maximum number of layers that can be added is limited to 10. Systematically, it is possible to have an unlimited number of layers, but we set the limit for stability first. The added layers support multiple scrolling, so the layers at the back and front move differently.

Other features include a video play button.

When multiple videos are loaded, the playback timing is scattered and we want them to play at the same time. In response to this request, we added a button to control the playback of the videos.

I am currently working on debugging the added features and testing other features as well. I will do my best to update it by the end of this month or early next month!

After this update is done, I will finally be able to add more effects. I hope you continue to enjoy Shoost.




MuRoさん, thank you for your hard work. Shoost is a game changer for VRoid animation. I would not be able to have such great visuals in my upcoming VN game if not for this. Will we be able to control layer timing with shortcut keys in addition to the mouse?

Newru Guru

This is incredibly cool! Very excited to use this new feature, thank you for your hard work!


Hello. I would like to be able to set up shortcut keys in the future, but for the time being I think it will be mouse-only. Thanks for the feedbag!


I would love a play back button, a true necessity for PV producers!