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I recently sent out a questionnaire and received a lot of feedback and impressions. Thank you! We're still looking for more, so I hope you'll take the opportunity to write in! 


Let me tell you a little bit about what kind of feedback and feedback we got!

Question 1: Regarding the content of Patreon posts, please let us know if there is anything you would like to see posted.

This is some, but not all, of the feedback we have received.

- What know-how and tricks do you have to make it look nice in Shoost?

- Please share your knowledge and techniques for distribution.

- Please tell us what goes on behind the scenes of producing the videos you post on Twitter.

- What techniques, information, or input methods have you been interested in lately?

- How do you create ideas, and how do you break through when you get stuck?

- How did you come up with the idea for Shoost?

- We want to hear more about you as a person, not just the technology.

Thanks for all the feedback! You're right, there are a lot of core technical stories, so I'll try to write some different articles in the future. Very helpful!

Question 2. What are your impressions and feedback about Shoost.

In this question, we also asked how you use Shoost.

The graph shows that most people seem to use it for chatting and streaming karaoke.

In Feedback, here it is. (excerpts)

- I use it for karaoke and story content, so it would be nice to have a quick and smooth transition from one loaded scene to the next.

- I would like to have a preset function to save effects.

- I would like to be able to use hotkeys to switch between cameras.

- I would like to increase the number of layers.

- I am trying to create realistic live images with a Live2D body instead of 3D.

- I would like to change the size of particles. I would like to see more types.

- I sometimes find the UI difficult to use.

- I would like to see more uses other than streaming.

- I would like to be able to capture VtubeStudio with a transparent layer.

- I would like the settings menu not to be displayed in OBS.

Thanks for all the feedback!  We'll keep your use of Shoost in mind for future development!

Response to Feedback

There are a few things I can answer right away, and I want to answer them here.

- I would like to see more layers.

We get a few requests here and there for "more layers". However, we do not plan to add more layers for the time being.

The main reason is that it is difficult to imagine what kind of expressiveness would be increased by adding more layers. There are also other reasons, such as increased processing load and the fact that replacing layers would complicate the design. If you simply want to increase the number of images to be loaded, I think you should add multiple images to the image to be loaded in advance. (I understand the desire to make adjustments on screen...)

So it would be great if you could tell me exactly what you want to do by adding layers. For example, I want to add a particle effect movie, or I want to add a frame that is OBSed out, or I want to add multiple characters, etc.

- Added preset functions and hotkeys.

We plan to add this in the future. However, there are many things to consider, such as how much to make a preset and how many hotkeys can be changed, so I don't think it will be implemented right away.

- I would like to be able to capture VTubeStudio in a transparent layer.

Recently the Spout2 capture function has been added to VTube Studio, so this function can be used to load transparent layers. Since VTube Studio already has the NDI function, you can still use transparent layers with this function, but Spout2's processing is easier and better, since NDI requires a lot of CPU processing. Spout2 uses GPU processing.

Check Spout2 in VTube Studio.

In Shoost, select "SETTINGS" and check "Spout Capture". Then select "LAYER" and select the "Spout Capture" item and select VTubeStudioSpout.

- I would like the settings menu not to be shown on the OBS.

Here, too, the Spout function can be used to display the menu on the OBS without showing it. you need to install the Spout2 plugin on the OBS. For more information, please see my previous post. →https://www.patreon.com/posts/shoost-tips-76102250 

Impressions and messages.

We have received many impressions and messages of support. Thank you! Gives me more motivation to develop! I'm so happy!

(Stated in original.)

- 最近Shoostを使い始めましたが、その機能性に感動しました!応援しています!

- おもしろいソフトでとても気に入っています

- 応援しております

- Shoostを使用すると配信が華やかになって嬉しいです。

- 背景配布もありとても助かっております!

- 本当に素晴らしいソフト、ありがとうございます!

- Shoostいつも使わせていただいております。とても簡単にリッチな表現ができて大変満足しております!

- 簡単にすごく素敵な配信画面にできるのでいつもとてもとても助かっております。

- いつもShoostを使わせていただいております。ありがとうございます。

- 凄いソフトに巡り合えました。とてもいいソフトです!これからも開発頑張ってください。

- Absolutely love the program! The interface is easy to use and it makes everything feels cinematic like an anime.

- Thanks for making it easy to make aesthetically pleasing videos without having to use a major editing software to get the same result.

- I wanted to just say a BIG THANK YOU for making Shoost into existence!!! Shoost is just an amazing software!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work, YOU ARE SO AMAZING!!!

- Honestly I feel like Shoost levels up the quality of Vtuber Streams and Videos. Everytime an update occurs I get really excited about the new tools that I get to use.

- Good app.

- I love shoost, and all the new features you have added!

- Is a really great tool to give atmosphere to the live streams , and helps to create a ""professional image"" to the stream, and also , looks great and pretty."

- This is a great program!

We are still looking for your impressions and feedback, so I hope you'll take this opportunity to write to us →https://www.patreon.com/posts/questionnaires-79675667



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