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Hello everyone.

I recently purchased a mobile motion capture device called "mocopi" from SONY. I bought it with your support. Thank you very much!

Since I bought the system, I plan to create a character control system that will be used by "mocopi".

About mocopi

It is a motion capture system that allows easy, 3D, full body tracking anywhere by simply attaching 6 small sensors. (Seems to be available only in Japan at the moment.)


Official page→https://www.sony.jp/mocopi/ 

Try moving the character.

mocopi has a distributed SDK for developers, so it was easy to get it working when I plugged it in.

mocopi SDK→https://www.sony.net/Products/mocopi-dev/jp/downloads/DownloadInfo.html

I used the mocopi Receiver Plugin for Unity. I just applied it and it worked right away. Easy! I also tweaked the system controls to make the fingers move automatically and nicely, since the hands looked stiff.

ingertips now move automatically.

Used in conjunction with Shoost.

I added some rough character control, including lip sync by voice, and combined it with Shoost using the Spout function.

If you are using Unity, you can use the Spout function to send it. You can easily use KlakSpout that kejiro made. Just add Spout Sender to the component.

I've got it working for now, and will try to make some adjustments, such as replacing the characters. At the moment I find it difficult to use mocopi for distribution because the sensor drifts and the character twists after about 10 minutes. However, it seems to be able to make short videos, so I personally think it could be used in such situations.

If the terms and conditions of the mocopi SDK are acceptable, I would like to distribute this software when it is finished. Please look forward to it!




this is such a great finding - hope you can make a public announcement regarding this soon! i think many will be drawn to what you have planned.


Interesting! I plan to order Mocopi soon - I felt it'd look great used with Shoost, Vseeface and other VRM-compatible files. Hoping it can also be used with VMC too!


This is astonishingly amazing! I’m in love with how you interpolate the fingertip motions! Such a simple thing makes the character more real. I’d really love to see an update on this if you ever had the time Muro!