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Story by SylasZanj.

Therese: I haven't had this much fun since... in a long time, actually!  

Elise: Me too. I'm glad you brought us here. 

Susanne: So am I. I just didn't expect you two to be that good at shooting, sitting down and all that.  

Therese: Yeah, speaking of that. I have an idea, but I don't know if you're going to like it.  

Susanne: Spit it out.  

Therese: Why don't we try to start a wheelchair basketball team?  

Elise: That's a great idea!  

Susanne: I don't know. I hate to say it in front of you two, but I kind of prefer walking. And I can't really shoot sitting down.  

Elise: Oh, it's OK.  

Therese: Besides, you wouldn't need to shoot that much anyway. If you can just sit in the paint and get rebounds, I and Julie can do the shooting.  

Elise: But I think we need some more stuff to start a team. Sports chairs, first and foremost. 

Therese: We need sports chairs, we need a place to play, but most importantly, we need two more players.  

Susanne: All right. If we're doing this, I'm in. But I don't want to do any organizing, OK?  

Therese: Don't worry. I'm on that.  

Elise: I know about this sports fund, don't remember what they're called, but they're funding local sports initiatives. We could apply, and if the application is accepted, we can get the sports chairs basically for free.  

Susanne: Great! Now, we only need a place to play. This court won't do in the long run.  

Therese: And a few more players. There's five on the court, but ideally, we should have a few substitutes as well.  

Elise: I'll put up a few posters, at school, at the supermarket, maybe the library, and see if we get any potential teammates.

What do you guys think about this little prologue made by the great SylasZanj, some of you may know him from DA. There will more of this story in the future so please look forward to it! :D

ALSO what do you guys think about the prostethics legs? It's my first shoot at making them myself, i think they look pretty good.



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