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Julie used to be a police officer who had a promising career ahead of her, she was really smart and always scored high in all the physical test in the academy, sadly when she was investigating a lead in a case of a serial killer she was capture, but she wasn't kill, her hole life was changed in a second. 

The serial killer had practice somethings on her spine that left her paralysed forever. All the things that she had work on, her career, her body, was all gone and there was no way to recover it. 

She left the force once they told her that she was going to be working in a desk job all her life, she decided to become a private investigator, she had some cases here and there but nothing to exciting, she barely makes enough money to pay her rent and eat, until one day she received a call from an anonymous person. 

The person told her where she could find the person responsible for putting her in a wheelchair. With that information Julie went to seek him out in a rundown hotel outside of the city, the information that she got said that the killer was in the second floor of the hotel. 

But with her condition, Will Julie be abled to fulfill her revenge?

Was all the information that she got true or she's rolling into a trap? 

Will she be abled to go into the second floor unnoticed? 

Or she's going to be caught by the killer?

Find out next time!

What a sick origin story am i right? hahaha i actually thought of this character's story for quite some time now. In this series of renders you will see part of the Hotel "investigation" i will add text to this story in the future, first i need to illustrate her origin story. I think that everyone will like that comic, there's going to be a lot of struggle hahaha. 

The character of Julie was inspired by ma3a2001's character "The different investigator" maybe they will find each other in the future? Who knows hahaha.

So yeah please look forward to the next Julie adventure!!


ALSO i think that i will change the idea of the conventional "comic" and i will use the "Manhwa" format, this way i can speed things up, since i just have to add the text and don't have to worry that much in the panel distribution.




i wish you used open shoes