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Remember when I said I wanted it to be warm? Well, be careful what you wish for, right? It has been absolutely sweltering around here of late, and I think that's pretty fitting, given all the sizzling content I've been making lately! That heat wave I mentioned in last month's post is in full swing, and it shows no signs of stopping!

If you're new here and this is your first announcement post, Welcome to my fun-loving, warm and cozy little corner of the Internet! Our little community is a pretty special place with pretty special people, and we're so glad you've decided to join us! If you've been here before, thank you for sticking with us and Welcome back! You can look forward to another month of, well, whatever antics we find ourselves enjoying - sounds fun right? Regardless of how long you've been here, thank you all for your incredible support. To say I'm blessed that this is what I get to do every day is an understatement, and the reason I get to do that is all of you. I'm beyond grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you for choosing to be here!

June was a lot of fun, it had some ups and downs, but we pulled through and had some pretty awesome content here in Beauty-land! July is going to be amazing, as that's all we're going to accept around here, right? So let's see what's going on that will make July fantastic, shall we?

Here we go...

💜 $3 and $5 Legacy Tiers - your monthly post with your new content will be live today, so keep an eye out for that.

💜 Blushing Beauty Tier - the poll for voting on which of last month's NSFW Exclusives you'll receive this month will go live shortly. Voting goes until Tuesday, July 5th. Details will be in the post. Only the new Blushing Beauty tier will have access to this poll.

💜 A Thing of Beauty/Inner Beauty Tiers - the poll for this month's "Newly SFW" selections will go live today as well. Voting will go until Wednesday, July 6th. Only these tiers will have access to this poll.

💜 The submission deadline for our Concept Challenge game was June 30th, which means we get to vote on the submissions this month! The poll to vote on which ideas will be used this month will go live on Tuesday, July 5th. The first audio will be posted on July 20th and will be the $5 Tier NSFW Exclusive for this month. All the necessary details will be in the post that goes live on the 5th so check that out for more info! A huge thank you to everyone who sent in their concepts!

💜 The Live Monthly Update will be recorded on Discord on Wednesday, July 20th at 2pm EDT this month. I'm trying to move it around every month so we take into consideration different time zones and schedules. The format will be the same as last month. I will record the update, then hang out in the voice chat for a bit afterward.

💜The Writers' Event and Artists' Event are live and open for submissions! The submission deadlines for both events is August 31st. Details for the Writers' Event are here. Details for the Artists' Event are here. I can't wait to see what kind of awesome creativity this community has to offer!

💜 Commissions will be opening on August 1st. I will start taking requests from the $25 tier on July 26th  and the $15 tier on July 28th. This round of commissions will be Patrons only and will not be announced publicly. Details on pricing, how to order, hard limits, etc. will be posted on July 19th, so keep any eye out for that. I will not be taking any requests prior to the dates mentioned above.

💜 Our Chill Streams will be moving to YouTube this month, with a private link that I'll post here and in the Discord server when I go live. YouTube has a better interface for streaming, and will be accessible to those who want to watch the stream live and interact in the chat, but don't use Discord. I'll announce the first date when I have the details ready to go!

💜 The Patron-only Script Submission Form can be found here. Thank you to everyone who has submitted scripts! Please do not share this link outside of Patreon. The form requires your username so I can ensure that only current Patrons are using this form.

💜 We're still working toward our Patron goal of 500 Patrons! Just a reminder, the reward for that achievement is that I will open Commissions on a permanent basis. More details on this will be released when we get closer to reaching the goal, but I'm really excited to be tracking toward this with you all!

💜 For now, the Content Table is still the best place to find all of the Patreon Exclusive audios that are available. The table is updated to April 2022, and all Patreon audios after that are available under the Patreon tag on the website. Once the website has all my content listed, I will replace the table entirely.

💜💜💜 Click Here For the Patreon Exclusives on the Content Table 💜💜💜

I think that's everything for now. As always, if anything comes up during the month, I will post about it. I do add updates regularly in the Discord server as well, so if you haven't had a chance to join us over there yet, definitely check it out. All you have to do is connect your Discord account to Patreon and you'll be automatically added to the group! There's always lots going on here in Beauty-land, so there's never a dull moment!   As always, if you want to comment on an audio but don't want to do so publicly, you can send me a DM. I love reading all your messages and comments, and engaging with you all about the audios, and I'd love to see more of that happening this month!

Thank you for allowing me to live my dream, and for reminding me every single day just how lucky I am that this is my reality. You all are such a bright light in our little community, and that's what makes it such a wonderful place. Each of you is special and amazing, and I'm blessed more than I can say to have you here. Stay safe, everyone, take care of each other, and as always, thank you for being you!

I'll be in the Discord server and around the comments if anyone needs me! Have a wonderful month, everyone!




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