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Part 3 – Revelations = The word was super simple, obviously one that Kelsea had heard hundreds of times before, but the way the word ‘Mommy’ slipped out of the demon woman’s lips as she stared almost hungrily at her made Kelsea’s blood run cold.

“M-m-mommy?” Kelsea repeated, stuttering the word out.

The demon Lady of Lust chuckled as she stared down at the pretty Kelsea, cowering on the girly pink satin bed, “That’s right little one. I’m your Mommy from this moment on. I know you must have a lot of questions, so let me give you the simple version.” The smiling demon leaned in close so that her face and her giant cleavage were barely a few inches from Kelsea’s own face. “You belong to me now little girl. I chose you. And now you’re all mine.”

Kelsea’s face burned red as her heart hammered inside her chest. “W-what do you mean?! Where am I? What is this place? I was just at my graduation! How did I get here?! I’m a grown woman! I don’t...”

The demon woman silenced Kelsea with a simple wave of her hand. As soon as she’d done it, Kelsea was horrified to find that she was unable to open her lips back up, only able to let out small mumbles and muffled whines, but more prominent than that was the fact that she suddenly realized her tight lips were wrapped around something. A simple glance downwards revealed to her that it was a pacifier! A large pink and sparkly pacifier that was now somehow stuffed deep into her mouth and couldn’t be removed or spat out! Kelsea tried to reach up so she could pull the pacifier out, but she found her arms just remained lazily hanging at her sides. Her eyes widened even more as she cowered in front of the tall beautiful red demon lady.

The demon woman smiled at her and moved her hand forward which gently stroked over Kelsea’s cheek. “Shhhh, my dear. I know you have lots and lots of questions. I promise that we’ll get to all of them soon enough. All you need to know right this minute is that I’m your Mommy now, and you... you’re my beautiful little babygirl Kitty. From this moment on, you are no longer that other name people once called you. Your new name is Kitty.” The demon woman chuckled. “It suits you, don’t you think?” She reached over once again and brushed against something that was near the top of Kelsea, or now Kitty’s head. Kitty gasped a little at the strange sensation she felt. It was hard to describe, but it felt like someone was touching one of her limbs, but... it was atop her head?!

The demon lady, her new Mommy, tilted her head a little at Kitty’s reaction. “Oh my... you’ve been so distracted that you haven’t even noticed yet, have you? I suppose that makes sense. After your trip here, the initial transformation and the new sensations can be difficult for simple minds to wrap their head around. Here dear, I’ll just show you. Besides, I think you’re ready to begin now anyways. No time like the present! Isn’t that something people say in your universe?”

Then, with many more questions than answers, Kitty could only watch as Mommy leaned back and snapped her fingers. All she could see for several seconds with bright swirling lights, similar to the ones she’d seen for a moment at her graduation ceremony before she’d found herself here. When the swirling lights dissipated she found herself slumped onto a hard metal floor. She was in a large box shaped room that was nothing but metal, no windows and no visible doors. She stood up, panic swelling in her as she wondered how she’d ever escape from a place like this.

There it was again! Some strange soft gentle thing brushed against her leg! When she turned to look she thought she saw a flash of something, but nothing appeared to be around her.

“Welcome Kitty.” The voice sounded pleasant and smooth like the demon lady’s, but somewhat robotical, like Siri. “Welcome to the tutorial. Here you will learn a bit more about yourself, and the world around you. First, we need to get you out of those clothes. They don’t belong in your new world. The world... of Anobaria.”

In an instant, a small opening appeared in the room where several pink sparkles flew through and came towards Kitty. She wanted to run, but found her body no longer seemed able to follow her commands as the sparkles reached her. The only thing on her body that was moving were her lips, which were gently sucking on the pacifier in her mouth against her control.

The pink sparkles, working quickly and efficiently, stripped the poor Kitty down. They removed her graduation gown, her jewelry, her dress, her heels, and finally her bra and undies, leaving her completely nude! Kitty was able to whimper softly behind her pacifier as the fairy like sparkles disappeared back through the opening in the wall with all of her clothes, and the opening sealed itself once again.

Just like that, Kitty realized she could move her whole body again, but the pacifier in her lips still could not be removed. She heard a new panel slide up into place and she soon found herself face to face with a mirror.

“View yourself Kitty. And begin to discover the new you.”

Kitty did just that, cold and nervous, but found herself staring at her body. If it wasn’t for the pacifier in her mouth, she may have screamed...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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