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As much as Chloe was hoping that her brush with having accidents was just a coincidence or freak accident, it continued happening just enough that she was always nervous to try to go back to wearing her regular panties 24/7. She was able to make it to the bathroom most of the time, but then other days she would be working or eating and just doing her thing and she’d shift her body only to discover that she had a damp spot in between her legs, having leaked just a little without realizing it. It was never a big leak, certainly never enough that any fair-minded person checking such a diaper would call it a full on “accident”, but even tiny leaks were enough to shake up the 24 year old aspiring supermodel.

It didn’t take her long to go to the doctor in a desperate bid to get the problem resolved, but Chloe was furious at how little the facility had to offer her. Her usual doctor only told her what she already knew, that the accidents could have been caused by stress, lack of sleep, the nightmares, etc. Like she was too stupid to have already realized that, Chloe thought angrily. The doctor gave her some medication to try, but sheepishly told her that if the medication didn’t work then the only suggestion he could give her was to try out some protection.

Chloe might not have blushed as hard as she did from the man’s words, if one of Brook’s baby diapers wasn’t already wrapped around her butt as they spoke. It didn’t help even more so that by the time she got home that day and got into her bathroom to take a bubble bath to help her relax, that when she stripped herself down to the point that she only had her diaper on, she could tell from the way the designs in the front had faded away that she had leaked quite a bit more than she’d thought while she was at the doctor’s.

As far as Chloe knew, Sandra and her crew member that night were the only ones who knew anything at all was remotely wrong with her. She’d been lucky enough to hide any of her other tell-tale signs from anyone else. Or at least she hoped she was able to.

Sandra had been oddly nice to her lately, and constantly checking on her when the two of them were working a job together. Not that she’d been ever mean to her, but she seemed to be doting on her a lot more than she ever had before, and much more than Chloe had ever seen her do for any other model she was working with. When the woman checked on her, she would always ask if she was okay, and would whisper to her asking if she needed a bathroom break.

Her words only proved to make Chloe blush more when, more often than not lately, she actually did need a bathroom break when Sandra would ask her. She didn’t mind the woman being so nice to her, but the level of overprotectiveness she was showing her felt more like a parent watching over their child, rather than what a concerned coworker should ever do. Chloe knew that the woman’s strange actions must be connected to the embarrassing afternoon accident of Chloe’s she had witnessed. Part of Chloe desperately wanted the woman to stop, but she would be ignorant if she didn’t admit that the woman might have truly saved her from an accident or two when she’d halt production on their photo shoot to let the “talent” take a bathroom break. Chloe did tend to get very distracted sometimes when she was working.

Ironically, since she’d been so focused on and distracted by her own sudden accidents, Chloe had almost completely stopped worrying and teasing Brook about hers. As much as she wished she could brush this problem off and go back to the way things had been before, Chloe just couldn’t get herself to tease the girl like she had back when she’d first discovered her diapers. Surprise surprise, it was a lot more difficult to make fun of someone for having a bed-wetting problem when you had a diaper hiding under your own pants practically 24/7 for fear of having tiny leaks.

Brook had noticed this a bit, and despite Chloe’s usual threats, she had gone back to sometimes wearing panties and other clothes over her bottom around their place, surprised when her roommate didn’t say much against it. Chloe had the urge a few times to tell the girl off and make her scared she would tell her secret, but now she was thinking that wasn’t such a good idea anymore...

If Brook happened to discover her own secret one day, she could do exactly to Chloe what Chloe had been doing to her, but worse since she had to wear her diapers all the time instead of just at night.

Chloe knew that her best bet was to try harder to get on Brook’s good side, knowing that she could slip up any day and have Brook find out. When or if that happened, she wanted to be as “buddy buddy” with Brook as she could be. Though admittedly she didn’t like her chances after how long she’d humiliated the girl.

What Chloe didn’t know... is that her whole life was about to change forever. And it was all going to start snowballing with one little party...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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