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Deaw Miss Annie,

Hewwo Miss Annie. This message doesn’t matter much anymore, but the workers told me to send it off to you anyways. I’m getting released from the spa today! It’s finally happening. I’m not sure how long I’ve actually been here, but I honestly kinda forget what I was so upset about when I first came here. It wasn’t so bad. The spa facilities were very different from what you told me your sister said it was, but I think I might have actually wiked this better. Who wants an ouchie massage or a boring steam room? I got to have story time and cartoons! Hehe.

Anyways, the rest of my time at the spa started out with me being a little grumpy, but the more time I spent there the more I realized it wasn’t so bad after all. I’m still talking funny sometimes and my potty training has gone from bad to worse, but I don’t think that’s the spa’s fault. I really must just be a baby like they’ve been telling me.

Today was my last day at the spa and I feel happy about being able to come back to work soon, but a little sad I wouldn’t be coming back to my room here. I think I weally started to enjoy myself when they started using a magic wand on me. Hehe, or at least magic wand is what one of the other babies called it. They started giving it to me as a reward when I would use my diapies like a good baby. Every time I’d use one, they would reward me with cummies by rubbing the wand over my princess big girl parts through the diapies. It feel soooo good Annie hehehe, you should try it. Especially in a messy diapie. After that I started trying to use my diapies even more often so I got get even more cummies. I couldn’t help it hehe.

I even stopped minding wearing my hair in pigtails, I actually think it suits me after all. The way I use to wear it seems so stuffy and blehh now. Pigtails are so much cuter.

The picture I enclosed with this message this time was just a few minutes ago when they let me get back into my clothes. It’s funny, I use to really love this outfit, but when I was looking in the mirror just a little while ago I realized that I didn’t much care for it anymore. It mostly covers up my diapie, which is good for when I have to pretend to be a “Big Girl” at the office, but they’re soooo boring too aren’t they? No color. Soo tight. Nothing fun about them. The only thing that still felt normal was how soggy by diaper was under my pants when this picture was taken. Once I get out of here I’m gonna have to go shopping for some pwetty dwesses that are poofy enough to hide my big diapies!

Well, I don’t know if you have been getting these messages, but I should be back at work soon. I’ll be careful with my diapies until I can start wearing big girl undies again... if I ever can.

I have lots of fun new ideas for the company that I think the boss is really gonna love! I wrote them all down in my handy dandy notebook in the sparkly pink crayon they gave me! It’s super cute! I used to handle a lot of customers at the office though, and doing that now sounds kinda scary. Maybe you can help me for a while until I figure out how to be a good girl at my job again. Or maybe you can just take my old job like you wanted, and I could just kinda be your assistant until I figure it out again. Friends help each other out right? Hehe.

I’m excited to see my boyfriend again too! He must have been missing me sooo much while I was away. I wonder what he’ll think of my diapies. I hope he likes them. Sowwy, I know you always thought he was handsome too Annie, but I know he at least likes you as a friend!

Oh? The worker is telling me that my time is almost up Annie, so I guess I need to get going back home. Thanks so much for sending me to this super fun Spa! Hehe. Maybe we could go together sometime, wouldn’t that be so much fun?!

Oh... uh oh... I think I’m wetting a little bit right now. Is that... oohhhh ahhhh... it’s so warm. Oooohhhhh hehe oopsies. Well, I guess I should go tell the workers that I need one more change, huh? I could get one more session with the magic wand!

Oooooh, or maybe I should wait until I get home and Daddy... uhh I mean Richard will help me get some cummies after I show him how good a girl I was to go in my diapies. Hehe yes, I think I’ll do that. The drive home isn’t too far.

Okie well bye for now Miss Annie! I’ll see you at work very soon! Bye Bye!

Big Wuv,

Little Babygirl Wachel


This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :





Awwwww awesome


I really love this cutie pie;-)