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Chloe’s heart felt like a jackhammer in her chest as she sat up on the bed, still reeling from the insane dream she’d just had. As she felt a bead of sweat dripping down her brow, Chloe could see light shining in from the window, but didn’t bother to look at the clock and actually find out the time. She had a much more pressing concern.

Around her crotch Chloe felt a bit of stickiness coating around her privates. It felt cold and a little squishy and extremely uncomfortable. After the haunting dream she just had, she was afraid to look, but finally she had to. Holding her hands together nervously and with her legs spread a little open atop the bed, Chloe sat up and look down at herself, unbelievably embarrassed at what she saw.

The diaper that she had put on last night was so full, it was almost leaking! She gasped aloud as she stared down at the heavily used garment, not wanting to believe that what she was seeing was the truth. She’d soaked her diaper in that... awful dream, but now here she was with a soaked one in real life. She’d actually wet herself while she was dreaming. She’d wet the bed! Something she hadn’t done since she was maybe like four years old!

The cute little garment which had previously been pretty small and pristinely white, had now swelled and heavily expanded with the amount of liquid it was now storing and had turned a dirty dark shade of yellow.

The feeling of the diaper against her crotch made Chloe feel woozy. She had almost never felt more embarrassed than she did right now. She had actually used the diaper for its intended purpose, like she really was one of the young children that it was designed for.

Being extremely slow and precise with every movement she made, Chloe slowly sat up completely on the bed, but did her best to put as little pressure onto the diaper as possible. As she shifted on the sheets, she was sure that the diaper was going to spring a leak, but to her relief it managed to hold.

All she wanted to do was take it off and fling it as far away from herself as she could manage, but Chloe knew that she needed to dispose of the crinkly soggy thing carefully or else Brook might see something.

First thing first, she needed to get something to put the used diaper in, then she’d be able to take it off and get herself clean.

Searching inside her closet, Chloe pulled out a long high waisted skirt that she knew would cover up what she was wearing completely. Maybe she’d get lucky and Brook wouldn’t be awake yet, but she didn’t like the odds of that when it came to how much of a morning person her roommate could be most of the time. She slipped the skirt on over herself and triple checked in the mirror that her diaper wasn’t showing anywhere before opening the bedroom door and creeping out. She had to force herself to not squirm or gag when her diaper rubbed and squelched against her with every step she took. The soggy diaper was cold and disgusting as it tightly pressed against her butt and crotch, never letting her forget what she was wearing or what she’d done in it.

Just as she had suspected, Brook was in the kitchen making breakfast for herself, obediently wearing just a shirt and diaper like Chloe always demanded of her when she was home according to her rules. Chloe blushed deeply, wondering what the other girl would think if she knew of what lay hidden just under her own skirt.

“Morning.” Brook said plainly as she drank her coffee and read some stuff on her I-pad. Ironically enough, the girl didn’t even seem to mind that she was wearing a diaper anymore. She appeared to have just gotten used to it, which in some ways really annoyed Chloe because if she didn’t mind wearing them then that kinda took all the fun out of it for her.

“Oh, uh hey. Good morning.” She said just as plainly in return as she hurried to the drawer with spare bags and grabbed a plastic one.

“Everything okay?” The brunette girl said. Chloe glanced over at Brook, trying not to look panicked. She was staring at her, seemingly trying to determine something.

“What’d you mean?” Chloe asked.

“I don’t know. You just look a little... frazzled.” Brook replied, searching for the right word to describe Chloe’s strange state.

“Oh heh, no. I’m fine. I just spilled something in my room, b-but it’s all cleaned up now. Nothing to worry about.”

Before Brook could respond again, Chloe hurried off again. She grabbed some clothes from her room and hurried into the bathroom. After ripping the accursed soaked garment off herself, she threw it into the bag she’d gotten and tied it up, planning on running it out to their dumpster immediately after she took a shower.

As she slipped under the warm water of the shower, she could feel herself dreading whatever might come next. What was happening to her? She was really starting to lose control of her bladder. Was she going to be trapped in diapers even more than Brook was???

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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