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Dear Little Babygirl Rachel,

Or Wachel, was it now? Heh. I know you enjoyed these messages that the Spa had you use by the end of your stay there, so I thought it poetic justice that the last one you hear will shed some light on a few things.

If you’re hearing this message that means that three things have effectively happened. You have lost your job, Richard has left you, and you are back home living with your parents. I’m not sure if you’ll be able to understand most of this message, but I promised your Mother I would try to explain it all to you nonetheless.

The truth is, I knew what that place was going to do to you all along. It’s called the “Newborn Resort Spa” after all, what’d you expect, hmm? I knew about it because my own Mother and I sent my younger sister there years ago after she got fired from her 4th job in a year. She was just hopeless as a working adult, so we figured she’d be better off being taken care of as a baby. That girl’s still trying to get her potty training back with no luck, but that’s a different story.

You see, your Mother had different problems, but when I talked to her about them at the company Christmas party you invited her to, I suddenly realized that our problems could be solved with the same exact solution.

All your Mother wanted was a little child again, someone to take care of and shower with love. Meanwhile... and I’ll be blunt about this, I wanted you out of the way. I know you were on the first track to getting the new promotion, but I couldn’t let that happen. I’ve been here longer and deserved it more. It was nothing personal I promise, simply business. I needed to get this promotion to get my future on track, so I did what I had to do. As soon as the boss saw you come into work with an obvious diaper bulge under your pants and your thumb stuck in your mouth it wasn’t long before I knew you’d be getting canned.

Oh! And you wanna know the funniest part? Despite how adamant your Mother wanted to go through with it after I showed her everything the Spa had to offer, I had actually talked myself out of it. I told myself that maybe I was going a little too far for a promotion. That you didn’t deserve such treatment.

But then you sealed your own fate.

You just had to flaunt your boyfriend at me, didn’t you? I was trying to be nice, and polite, but you just kept going on and on and on about how amazing and perfect he was. And this was only a few days after I’d told you how hard my breakup with Danny had been. I no longer just wanted your job, I wanted to prove myself better than you were in more ways than just that.

Hate to break it to you diaper butt, but that girl Richard told you he was leaving you for... it was me. I guess he prefers his girls in nice black leather business pants rather than big stinky mushy diapers. Who could really blame him?

Your Mother didn’t even mind that either you know, she told me many times that she didn’t even like Richard. I’ll have to see, maybe I’ll break up with him after a while too, but I just wanted to prove to myself that he’d choose me over a little girl like you.

So, if you’re listening to this that also means that you have officially moved in with your Mother once again as well. I know part of you is thinking right now that you probably won’t be living there long, but I hate to be the one to tell you that it’s probably going to be much longer than that.

My sister still lives at home, and she’s been back there post-spa visit for almost five years.

Sorry diaper butt, you’re back to live with your Mommy for the foreseeable future! Don’t worry, I’m sure there’s plenty of fun to be had and plenty of diapers to be changed. The two of you are going to have a blast.

But I think that’s about all I have time for Diaper Girl. Unlike you, I’m a very busy woman and I have to get back to work before I go out to meet my new boyfriend for lunch. I don’t have time to watch Dora the Explorer like you were gushing about.

Maybe I’ll stop by your Mommy’s house in a few weeks and check in on how you’re settling in. I know your Mommy and I were excited for this day. Maybe one day you’ll be too. Doesn’t really matter though, because this is your new life whether you learn to like it or not.

It sounded like you were starting to be a very good girl in that last message though, try to keep that up sweetheart. Don’t be a naughty thing for your Mommy or she’s going to have to give you a spanking just like the workers at the Spa had to. Just be a good girl and fill those diapers like a babies supposed to. Do it, or I may have to forward your Mommy the hypnosis files that the Spa used on you your whole time there when you slept. Then you’ll really have no control left at all.

Okay, well I really have to get to my meeting now Little Girl so have fun with your new life! I’ll be by to visit before you know it. Ta ta diapie butt! Enjoy!

With Love,

Auntie Annie

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




Great story and sorry baby