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The night of the Charity Ball felt like one of the most satisfying nights of Chloe’s life. Dragging Brook, her longtime rival and annoying goody two-shoes, out of their apartment still wearing a damp baby diaper under her “adult” clothing was amazing. The girl was helpless to do anything against her or she knew Chloe herself would retaliate in a way she’d never be able to recover from.

A month had gone by since the Charity Ball and Brook had grown even more complacent and obedient to her that even Chloe herself admitted that it wasn’t as much fun tormenting her as it had been when she’d first found out Brook’s secret now that she didn’t seem as bothered by the treatment. She wasn’t sure if that was true, or if she was just purposely not letting herself get embarrassed in front of Chloe anymore.

After a while, Chloe had let Brook return to work, knowing that she’d cost the girl enough opportunities and took pity on her. Brook was very happy to get to go back to work, but she knew she still needed to wear her diapers when they were around the house. She had to wear them at least every night when she went to bed, but she had been forced to keep wearing them more and more often day and night when they were at home.

It was difficult for Brook to recover completely though when it came to her job. Chloe had stolen so many jobs from her that a lot of the camera crew that used to default straight to working with Brook had gotten used to Chloe. Brook would have to struggle a little to prove herself as reliable again. Meanwhile, Chloe would be speeding ahead in her own career.

Chloe chuckled as she realized how perfectly she’d proven herself over her rival... if she could even call her that anymore now that she’d fallen so far behind.

Today in fact, was one of those days that Chloe was on a job that normally would have been taken by Brook, but now belonged to her. It was a long photo shoot, almost 7 straight hours of new outfits, new sets, and new poses. Chloe knew Brook had been a workaholic (Just like all the models here were.) but 7 hours straight seemed a little ridiculous to Chloe.

Unfortunately, when she complained a little to the director and asked if they could at least break for a while, the man just shrugged and said literally the last thing Chloe wanted to hear, “I mean... we could if you really want to, but you said you could handle it. That Summers girl... Brook was it? She always did the full set without any complaints or breaks whatsoever.”

That’s all the man needed to say to get Chloe back on track. The angry girl refused to let Brook show her up when it came to anything. She flat out refused. She called off the break and kept going with the photo shoot, which had another 3 hours to go.

For the most part the shoot wasn’t that bad. She was pretty tired and a little hungry after working for that long, but the one thing she couldn’t deal with as easily... how much she started needing to pee.

It started when she had two hours left in the photo shoot. It started out as only a little bit, but shockingly quick it had started growing more urgent. She’d been doing basically nothing but posing in sexy clothing and drinking water for the past 5 hours, and now that she realized how badly she needed to go, she could barely control it.

She did her best to ignore it, changing her outfit once again from a cute “pajamas set” into a comfy shirt, adorable pink panties, and fuzzy socks. She was laying on a bed reading a magazine and doing other simple tasks while she subtly posed in very attractive ways. At one point she glanced at the clock and saw that the shoot had twenty minutes left. Only twenty. She could do twenty.

Or at least she hoped she could.

The last several minutes of the shoot seemed to drag on... forever... She couldn’t believe how long twenty minutes felt when she was this desperate.

Finally, the shoot was finished and they told Chloe she could go get dressed. She hopped off the bed and rushed for the door, barely even considering that she wasn’t wearing any pants, and that that might look strange to someone walking through the building for any reason not related to modeling.

In her rush though, she hadn’t considered something. It was at that moment that she remembered that she wasn’t quite as familiar with this part of the building, having only seen it a few times during her new jobs she got from Brook’s old crew. She walked back and forth, more times than she could really afford searching for the bathroom, before she asked the woman at the front desk on the far side of the floor where it was. The woman impressively only giving a raised eyebrow at Chloe’s lack of pants before directing her towards the only one on the entire floor.

Chloe would have been more embarrassed about walking around with her underwear on display if she didn’t already do that exact thing for the whole world for a living. To Chloe’s surprise though... a nasty trick was waiting for her...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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