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Dear Annie,

Hey, it’s Rachel again. I really hope you got my last message and you’re on your way back over here soon. The people at this spa are crazy and don’t believe me when I tell them that this has all been some huge misunderstanding. I’m not exactly sure how long it’s been since I’ve been here. They make me take naps in my... I mean, in the crib, so it’s made it difficult to keep track of the days.

When I was at work, I was always so stressed out and dreaming about getting away and relaxing for a while, but this place is not at all what I had in mind. Luckily they’ve been letting me keep at least some of my clothes on, but I’ve heard that most of the... guests, here are usually kept naked or in just a diaper. I don’t know how many of the others they keep in diapers, but after I had my first accident they haven’t let me out of them for anything other than a change.

Yes... a change. I’ve had to... use them a couple times. But it wasn’t my fault! Honest! I asked them many times if I could go to the bathroom, but they always say I have to wait for designated bathroom breaks, but by then it’s either too late, or I don’t have to go yet. It’s not my fault they pick stupid times.

I held it for as long as I could, but I just couldn’t anymore. Ughhhhh, it was so warm and honestly relieving when it was coming out, but it didn’t take long before the diaper became gross and cold and wet and sticky. It was disgusting. As an almost 24 year old woman I never thought I would know what it would feel like to sit in a soggy wet diaper for hours without getting a change, but... well... now I know I guess. It’s gross.

I haven’t done the... other thing yet. But I feel like they keep making me wait longer and longer before bathroom breaks. I’m scared of what I might be forced to do soon enough.

I guess you could call this “Spa” relaxing in a twisted way, but I would call it much more boring than anything else. It sure doesn’t have any of the luxury features that your sister told you about. All it has is stupid... oh... I shouldn’t say that. I got spanked again last time I said that.

But all it has is things that little kids would do at a daycare. Storytime, watching cartoons, playtime. I’ve been going out of my mind trying to keep myself occupied, but the workers haven’t seemed to notice how bored I am. They just smile and me and pat me on the head and tell me that I’m a good girl.

I swear this place is messed up girl.

They won’t even let me keep my hair the way I want. Ya know how much I hate pigtails? Well that’s all they will let me wear lately. When I ask why they won’t let me put it up any way else, all they’ll tell me is how cute pigtails make me look.

Ya know, there is one very weird thing though. Whenever I go to sleep I can hear something a little strange. At first I thought it was like music of some kind, but when I tried to listen closer it kinda sounded more like voices. Every night I try to make out what they’re saying, but before I can even try for more than a few minutes, I’ve totally fallen asleep.

I used to be able to stay up so late all the time, but ever since getting here I just pass out the moment I lay down in my crib. I mean... ‘The’ crib.

If anything, I wish they would at least let me change myself at the times when I can’t make it to the bathroom, but the staff insists on changing me themselves, as if I really do deserve to be in diapers.

Which... maybe I do, cause I did wet them. But only a couple times! And like I said it wasn’t my fault!

The lady who works here is telling me to tell you that the picture she enclosed with this message is me right after she changed me into a fresh diapie. Please don’t show that picture to anyone else! I’m embarrassed enough as it is that you have to see it in order for me to send you this message.

Please Annie, I know you don’t check your messages very often, but I really need you here. I don’t think I can stand much more of this.

I have had plenty enough “vacation” at this point. I just want to go home and go back to work. Maybe even go on a date and get laid. I just need to do something that doesn’t make me feel like a toddler.

Uh oh... I think that last comment might have just earned me another spanking. Please... no... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be naughty. Annie! Please, come get me out of here! Ow ow ow ow...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :





She looks simple soooo cute;-)


Great story