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Mary was always a bit of a fashionista, she could admit that. Even at a younger age herself she could recall always having a strong desire for the best of the best when it came to fashion or her own looks. While some of the girls at her boarding school didn’t seem to care, and would run around in the mud and get dirty, Mary knew that a true proper young lady, a connoisseur (Her favorite word when she’d been younger.) of fashion and good looks wouldn’t be caught dead doing something like that, preferring to sit and read or sip at her tea in one of her designer gowns.

As Mary grew into a real “young lady” her desire for the best of the best and her longing of the greatest material looks never waned. She had grown up with a large excess of money and therefore had never needed to look like... those she thought of as lesser than herself. By the age of 7 Mary had mastered the art of makeup, and by age 11 she had started experimenting with dying her hair and creating her own fashion. By the time she graduated from school she could probably design her own clothing line if she really tried, but her laziness... would be her downfall.

The truth was, Mary could only continue her lavish lifestyle because of the immense wealth that her parents had amassed. It was partially her parents fault as she had never been raised to care about working nor had any desire to ever give it a try. Her parents always knew their younger daughter was a bit on the eccentric side, but they never realized how bad it was until she continued to refuse to get a job for a full two years after getting out of school. They tried all they could do show their daughter that the only reason their family was wealthy was because of how hard her parents had worked, but Mary wasn’t hearing any of it.

Finally, though maybe a little harsh, her parents decided to do the only thing they could think of that might help... they cut her off. No allowance, no paying for her own bills, and no living at their family mansion unless she started paying rent.

Suffice it to say, Mary was furious. She screamed at them and demanded to know how she was supposed to pay for all the things she owned herself, not to mention rent. Then her parents said the words that Mary had always dreaded hearing,

“How about you get a job?”

The words sent horrid chills running down Mary’s spine. How dare they do this to her. Mary looked at her options and after days of begging her parents to reconsider, she quickly realized that was never going to happen. She resorted to Facebook to complain about her problems and was surprised when most of the feedback she got was harsh criticisms of her being a ‘selfish brat’. That just pissed her off even more. Then, finally, she got one positive message in return. One she didn’t realize would change her life...

“You could always come live with me for a while. Until you get back on your feet. J”

It was a message from Mary’s older sister Charlotte. Charlotte was 3 years older than her and had moved out of their parents’ house several years ago. Charlotte had always been a lot more independent. Her parents often offered her money but Charlotte often declined reiterating that “she wanted to find her own way in the world”. Last Mary had heard, her sister had opened up a Daycare/Learning Center because she loved to work with kids. Her sickeningly noble philosophy usually made Mary sick, but right now her sister might be her only option.

So Mary, accepted the offer and messaged her sister, swiftly announcing to her parents that she was planning on leaving. She explained to them that she was going to live with her sister, missing the surprised and nervous glance that the two of them exchanged.

Mary brought as much stuff with her as she could manage. She planned to continue her life style as much as she possibly could. She sarcastically said goodbye to her parents, reassuring herself that she didn’t need them as she headed off to her sister’s house.


As Mary’s driver pulled into her driveway, Charlotte felt a little nervous as she watched her younger sibling with her bright pink hair step out of the fancy car. As a generally very giving person, she had jumped at the chance to help her younger sister, whom she loved. Back when the two of them had been kids Mary had been a bit of a big brat, but she’d somewhat mellowed out as she’d grown older. It had been a while since the two of them had seen each other last, and Charlotte was hoping that getting ‘cut-off’ completely from their Mom and Dad would have cooled her off a little. Unfortunately, she was wrong...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




Awwww great story more