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Chapter 27 = How a Real Baby Does It: Lauren was clearly at least somewhat uncomfortable with the circumstances as Alice pulled us through the automatic doors of the grocery store. Her skinny jeans and sneakers were so soaked with her accident that her pants were almost entirely a different color and her shoes were squishing wetly with every step. I was mostly glad that I wasn’t the one who was being punished.

I knew that Alice’s intentions weren’t to actually make Lauren totally embarrassed or traumatized but she was giving the girl a little “slap on the wrist” to show her the consequences of what could happen if little girls were naughty or didn’t listen to their Mommy. In this case, Lauren had pretended to be a big enough girl to be a Mommy herself and had surely shown her true colors now.

Alice held both of our hands tightly as she led us through the aisles of the store as if we really were little kids who would disobey or wander off if she didn’t keep us under control. As we walked a few people we went by seemed to notice the strange trio who were wandering next to them. A few of them even looked down at Lauren’s pants and visibly let out gasps which made the young girl blush furiously.

“Mommy, what is that?” One actual girl asked, pointing as we passed.

“Did she... soil herself?” We heard come from a group of younger teenagers.

“How old is she?” Came a comment from a man who was one half of a much older couple. “Kids these days are so distracted by their phones, they can’t even to make it to the frickin bathroom on time?!”

Lauren let out a sigh of relief as we finally made it to our destination: the family bathroom. Alice herded us inside like sheep, and then shut and locked the door. The taller girl turned to me first with a smile. I was a little shocked as Alice picked me up, seemingly without effort and placed me down onto the toilet. She smiled down at me and patted me on the head. “Be good Little Lexi.” She said softly.

Then she turned to Lauren who was waiting patiently. “Alright little one,” Alice said to her. “We gotta get you changed. You can’t go home in those wet clothes so let’s get them off and get you cleaned up.” Lauren blushed softly as she stood there shyly with Alice and I both watching her. “What’s wrong Babygirl?” Alice spoke in a teasing tone. “Do you need help?” Lauren’s cheeks went even redder than they already were.

“N-no... I just...”

“Oh don’t worry baby!” Alice cried out and lifted Lauren up by the small girl’s waist. “Mommy is here to help.” She plopped Lauren down, soggy bootie first onto the baby changing table that was sitting already open, ready for us to make use of. Lauren was so embarrassed that she was about to be changed in public like an actual infant.

As I watched Alice work, my theory that she probably had multiple younger siblings resurfaced. She was too skilled at this, she looked like she’d been taking care of kids and changing wet clothes for years. Now her “babies” were just a little bit bigger than normal.

Alice hummed to herself as she pulled off Lauren’s soggy shoes and socks. She pulled a plastic bag out of her large purse and shoved the dirty clothes in. Then she pulled several more things out of her purse and set them to the side as she started opening different packages. She reached for Lauren’s buttons and started unzipping her jeans.

“Alice... I can do this myself. I’m not...” Lauren got cut off as Alice slipped a pacifier in between her lips.

“Oh that’s enough out of you young lady. And you lost your privileges to call me by my name. It’s Mommy to you now, just like it is for Lexi. Do I make myself clear?” Alice leaned in to Lauren’s face to intimidate her, and it was quite clear how well it worked. Lauren let out a small nervous squeak and nodded. She didn’t dare remove the paci. “I want to see you sucking on that thing babygirl. We didn’t buy it for no reason. Good babies suck on their paci’s.” Lauren had no argument or hesitation as she started to suck on her paci like a good little baby. This made Alice smile. “Good Girl.” Alice went back to pulling a few more things out of her purse; though I couldn’t get a good look at what they were. “Now baby, first things first. Are you all done with your accident?” Lauren gave Alice a confused look with a tilt of her head. In return, Alice giggled a little and rolled her eyes. “I mean, are you all done with your little accident in your pants here or do you still need to go at all? Did you get it all out, or not?” Lauren squirmed timidly on her soggy little bum and didn’t want to meet Alice’s eyes.

“Well?” Alice said after a long pause. “Babygirl, I’m waiting.” Lauren found herself simply shrugging.

“I might... still have to go a wittle...” Lauren’s voice was a muffled lisp as she talked around her pacifier. Alice just chuckled at her again.

“Okay babygirl, that’s what I thought might be the case.” Alice said.

Without another word, Alice finished unzipping Lauren’s jeans and slowly but surely pulls the girls super soaked skinny jeans down her legs and off her body.

I found myself smirking as Lauren’s cute panties that she’d put on this morning after our shower were now on full display. She was wearing a pair of bright pink boyshorts panties with a little bow on the front and lace around the openings. Their cuteness was emphasized by the fact that they were soaking wet. With some wet spots on the bottom of her shirt, Alice removed Lauren’s shirt as well, leaving the girl in nothing but her soaked pink panties and a matching pink bra.

Alice turned to me. “Lexi, my dear would you please move off of there for a moment?” I nodded and hopped off the toilet. When I was out of the way Alice picked Lauren up again by the waist and plopped the nearly naked girl down on the toilet. She sat there shyly, looking up at Alice; unsure of what she wanted her to do. Alice smiled at her and spoke up,

“Go on baby, finish up. You said you still needed to go a little. So go silly.” Lauren blushed deeply at what the taller girl wanted her to do, but she had just peed her jeans in front of us. After considering her options, Lauren shrugged and lifted her butt up for a minute with the intention of pulling her panties down to her ankles... but then Alice stopped her. “No no no Little Lauren... leave your panties on. They’re already ruined.” Alice chuckled. “You might as well finish up your accident in them. You can go in the toilet through your panties little baby.”

Alice smirked firmly at her and Lauren practically melted under her stare and looked at her own feet. “Go on little one,” Alice said, continuing to encourage her. “Do it babygirl, finish your accident. I know you still need to.”

I could see the hesitation in Lauren’s face, knowing that all three of us weren’t leaving this bathroom until she did was Alice wanted. Finally she gave up and gave in. I watched as she formed a concentrated look on her face and let out a little grunt as she pushed her body to finish up her accident. As the three of us stood there, the only sound was Lauren’s pee flowing into the water.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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