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Chapter 21 = Three is better than Two: After I got cleaned up Alice picked out an outfit for me. It was just something simple, a tank top and jeans. Then the two of us rushed out of there. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough, and not a moment too soon because as we were getting out the back door I could hear Carter’s moans as he begin to wake up. Alice called the cops while we made some distance from the apartment. Hopefully, with luck, the cops would take her advice and find Carter’s secret stash. My fingers were crossed.

I smiled at Alice as she led the way back to campus. She seemed so calm and in control. She was wearing jeans and a black leather jacket. The fact that she was also a decent amount taller than I was added to the feeling of her being protective over me. I felt a little bad for being part of the reason that she no longer had a boyfriend, but I didn’t feel bad for that long because if she was dating someone who was that much of a creep and had also possibly cheated on her multiple times, then she was much better off. I looked at her again in a new light, I looked at her again like I did the first time I saw her. She was truly beautiful.

Before long at all, the two of us made it back to Lauren’s office. She was smiling when she looked up at us but it was clear that she immediately knew something was wrong. It could have been the fact that Alice was clearly escorting me, or the fact that I was wearing an entirely new outfit, or maybe even just the expressions on our faces.

“H-hey...” Lauren said hesitantly. “Alice? Lexi... are you wearing... what’s going on?” Alice and I sat down and we filled Lauren in on what had happened. My search for the campus building, running into Carter, going back to his place, his creepy advances and forcing me to wet myself, and finally Alice’s daring rescue.

Lauren came over and hugged me tight when the story was finished. It felt nice. She smelled good and her hug was warm and comforting. Suddenly, I felt another hug from behind and realized that Alice had stood up and was hugging me from the other side. I was in the middle of a hug sandwich. I couldn’t stop myself from blushing and smiling simultaneously.

“Thanks girls.” I said softly.

The three of us chatted for a little bit until Lauren realized how baggy the clothes I was wearing were. “I gave him some of mine.” Alice explained. “It was that or nothing.” The girls smiled at each other for a moment until Lauren’s eyes lit up.

“Hey, well this could give us a chance to use the transformation station. We didn’t get to last time, remember?”

After locking the office door and putting up the, ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, Lauren opened up the huge closet full of clothes.

“Ya know...” Lauren said with a chuckle. “You could have just borrowed some of the boy’s clothes from here to go back to your dorm.” Her statement left us both a little dumbfounded. We both started chuckling.

“We’re stupid,” I said through my laughing. “How did we not think of that?”

Lauren shrugged with a goofy grin on her face. “Well, you don’t have to hang out anymore.” Lauren said, looking a little bit dejected. “Just borrow some of these and you can go home.” Her eyes met mine.

I thought about it for a moment, but I smiled and shook my head. I already knew what my answer was. “Nah,” I uttered out, Lauren looked surprised. “I can go back to my dorm at any time. Lexi was excited to hang out for the weekend.” I could see the little sparkle in Lauren’s eyes as I had answered her. I think she approved of my choice.

I let out a little squeak as Alice suddenly placed her hand right on my butt. “So you’re telling us that our little babygirl is sticking around for a few more days?” I could feel myself blushing but I nodded as I looked up at her.

“Well then come on girl, pick something then.” Lauren yelled out impatiently.

I walked over to the huge closet and looked through it. It truly was impressive. The closet was filled extensively with clothes of all sizes, colors, and genders. I could barely direct my eyes away from the dresses but the amount they had was supremely impressive including bras, button down shirts, shoes, and more! It was a little bit of a dream come true.

Once I had picked out an outfit I was ready to get undressed. “Uh...” I said awkwardly as both girls stared at me. “I... um... I’m ready to get changed now.” I said shyly.

Lauren giggled as she admitted to last night in front of Alice. “Oh I’ve already seen it all.” She turned to Alice and winked. “Come on Lexi, you can’t leave Alice out. Besides... she’s single now too.” A little shudder of excitement coursed through the room as all 3 of us realized what Lauren had just implied.

After hesitating for a few more moments, I took a deep breath and began to undress. Both girls giggled a little at the surprise I gave them when I dropped my pants. Underneath my jeans I was wearing a butterfly pull-up!

“Aww.” Lauren said softly. “The little girl is all protected.”

Alice winked back at Lauren. “It’s just in case.”

I blushed at both of them. “After I wet myself I had nothing else to put on besides the pull-up you stuck in my purse. What else was I supposed to do?”

The taller girl walked over and patted me on the head to calm me down. “I know our little princess can keep herself dry if she wants to.” Alice gave me a little smack on the pull-up covered butt. “They do make her look dang cute though.” This made all three of us giggle a little.

Lauren smiled at both of us. “You’re right about that, she sure is adorable.”

I could feel my heart pounding with excitement as I realized that both of these girls were looking at me in a way I had always dreamed someone would. My knees shook in anticipation as they both moved closer to look at their little girl...


This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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