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Chapter 6
No Going Back:
The ride home was interesting. Wanda had decided for me that I was accompanying her back to her house. To my shock, she had an adult sized child seat in the back seat of her car. The car seat has a Disney design on it but to my surprise it was different. Instead of princesses, the Disney princes were on the car seat dressed in their own versions of ball gowns; and instead of Walt Disney, it said Lillian Disney on the logo...

Everything was different in this world.

After Wanda got me all strapped in she smiled at me and tapped on my pacifier once again. Reluctantly, I started sucking on it. “Good baby.” She said, her smile growing bigger.

Wanda got into the driver’s seat and zoomed off towards her home. What did she want from me? Was she going to let me go home or was this a new permanent thing? Was kidnapping Men legal in this world? Who knew?! Anything is possible I suppose.

Before too long I feel my eyelids growing heavy, I can barely realize what’s happening before I’m asleep; exhausted from the day so far...


            When I opened my eyes I was no longer in the car. I was indoors. I looked around... where was I? I was still wearing the same clothes, unfortunately. I could hear the crinkle of my diaper loud and clear. I looked around again and saw... bars! Bars?! Was I in jail? I panicked as I stood up and realized the truth.

            The truth was less threatening then jail, but didn’t make me feel much better. I was in a large adult sized crib.

            “Hey sweetie,” Wanda looked at me from where she had been sitting, drinking out of a mug and reading a book. “You looked so peaceful in the car that I didn’t want to wake you. I figured my little baby deserved a nap.” Wanda stood up from her chair and walked up to the crib.

            I took my pacifier out of my mouth. “Look Wanda I...”

            “There there there baby boy... I would choose your next words very carefully.” Wanda had pulled a large wooden paddle, similar to the one in the nursery, out from underneath the crib. “I would hate to have to do anything that you would regret.” I gulp nervously. “Oh and by the way... from this moment on, you are to refer to me only as Mommy.” Wanda giggles to herself as I feel my heart drop. This can’t be real.

“Mommy?” I ask in shock. Wanda just giggles and nods. “There see? Doesn’t that feel so right? You are so adorable my little baby. Now don’t let Mommy hear you call me anything else from now on or you will be severely punished.” Wanda leaned in close to me. “Do I make myself clear?”

I hesitated, but I knew exactly what she wanted. “Y-y-yes Mommy.”

            Wanda’s eyes lit up at my words. “Oh!!! Good baby! You are such a good baby.” She leaned down and gave me several wet kissed on my forehead and cheeks.

            Suddenly Wanda stopped and pulled away from me with a deep smirk on her face. “Uh oh’s baby... I think someone might have had a little accident.” My heart pounded as I looked down at my diaper. She couldn’t really mean that... could she?! But she was right. Under my skirts, the padding on my diaper was discolored yellow and sagging towards the floor. It felt heavier than it had before I fell asleep. I had done it! I had actually wet myself in my sleep. I really was losing control of my bladder.

            Finally, I couldn’t hold myself back anymore. Tears sprang from my eyes as I started bawling. I just lost it and fell onto my soggy butt in the crib as I let loose and just cried to myself. This whole world was way too much! I could feel my mind growing accustomed to it and wanting to give into its strange ways. Wanda cooed and picked me up. She gave me lots of kisses and promised me that she would feed me and change my diaper. She tried to comfort me by telling me that I shouldn’t be upset. “This is just what Men do sweetie, they need Women to care for them. They are too little to do it for themselves.”

            Wanda reached into the crib and picked me up, still bawling. She carried me over the large changing table that was there and set me down softly. With an experts hand she tore my old soggy diaper off of me and cleaned up my “baby parts” as she called them, before spreading a huge cloud of baby powder over me. “There we go little baby boy.” She took out another diaper and slid it under my bum before pulling it up and wrapping it around my crotch. She smiled as she patted the front of the diaper before pulling my dress back down and giving me a kiss on the lips. “Good, good baby.” After changing me, Wanda placed me on her hip and carried me to the armchair she had been sitting in. “Okay baby boy... time for your dinner.” Wanda placed me down onto her lap. I was unsure of what she meant until, to my horror, she loosened her shirt and pulled it down to reveal her huge breasts.

“N-no... wait I-...” She cut me off by sticking her huge beautiful breast into my face and stuck her nipple right into my mouth. I was shocked as Wanda’s breast milk immediately filled up my mouth, forcing me to swallow it down. In the old world I had always wanted to see Wanda’s boobs, but never like this!

“Good boy... good boy... drink you milkies for Mommy.”

            I have no choice now but to except the changes that I have encountered in this world... Women were the strong ones; the breadwinners, the caregivers, the powerful ones. In this world, Men were nothing but babies. They needed to be cared for, and protected and disciplined when necessary. This was the world where I had now found myself for better or for worse. And I don’t think there’s any going back.

This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here :


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