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Chapter 27

The sun rose in the morning and I woke up to another wet diaper. This one was quite a bit more wet then the other times I've wet the bed, probably from all the drinking last night. Surprisingly, I wasn’t that hung over; just a mild headache and no motivation to get out of bed. 

Mom: Rise and shine Jo! We have to leave soon if we want to beat the traffic.

I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head. I used to work late all the time, so I was not used to waking up so early. However my mother persisted, so I rolled out of bed and had a quick shower. After drying off, I put on a top and walked out with just a towel around my waist, expecting my Mom to have a change ready for me. But she didn’t, she was all packed up. 

Joanna: Aren’t you going to give me a change?

Mom: I was doing some thinking, and maybe it’s best we just put this whole thing behind us.

Joanna: What? What does that mean?

Mom: I mean, c'mon Joanna, you don’t seriously think I believe your whole “needing diapers” act. I’m not indulging it anymore, we’re done.

I started panicking, she couldn’t do this. I needed the diapers, whether I liked it or not. After all those accidents, how does she still think I’m faking it?

Joanna: Mom I’m not being funny, I need them. I’ve had accident after accident. I don’t even feel when I need to use the bathroom anymore. Please, just think about it. Why would I want this?

She just looked at me, not convinced and annoyed. After a short thought though, she rolled her eyes and sighed.

Mom: Fine. One more day. That's all you get, don’t want you peeing all over my car again. 

I breathed a sigh of relief, and my mom grabbed the pack of diapers. This time, she only grabbed one. I laid down, she powdered me and taped me up. It felt weird only wearing one, especially after last nights diaper count. Almost freeing. 

Once I was padded I put on some sweatpants and a loose fitting top, wanting to be comfortable for the trip...and conceal my diaper as much as possible. After that, I packed everything up, and we were out the door. Our first stop was Starbucks, for coffee and for a quick breakfast, then back on the highway. I didn’t bother restraining myself from getting a large coffee, at this point...I was comfortable with the way things were. It was inevitable. I was going to be wet, I was going to be messy, I was going to need changing. 

As much as I didn’t want to be in this situation, for now, I was stuck like this. Best to not get stressed over it, especially since I’m not having to hide it from my mom and from Amber. Last night changed my whole perspective. 

While thinking about last night, I decided to text amber.

Joanna: Hey, Thanks for last night...it really meant a lot. I’m heading back to the city now and will likely be meeting him tonight. Will keep you posted.

She replied quicker than I thought.

Amber: Hey! Thank you too, in a way it was nice to know I had someone. Although, I don’t wish it on anyone else. We'll figure this out, tonight. 

I smiled when I read that, and locked my phone. It was nice to have a good friend like Amber, I haven’t felt this close to a friend for a while. This sick, twisted event brought us closer together, and if anything, that’ll be the one thing I’m thankful for from Daddy. 

The drive always felt quicker on the way back. Usually I would watch a movie, but this time I wanted to think through a plan for tonight. I would need to get all the details to Amber ahead of time so she could be there in time to surprise him, but I also needed to think about what I was going to say, and how to get him to reverse the effects...if even possible. So the first thing I needed to do, was text Daddy.

Amber: Hey Daddy!

I needed to play it cool, and make everything seem normal. Any inclination I was onto him could ruin any chance we had. 

Daddy: Hi Jojo, how's my little one today?

Instead of feeling childish and giggly from that as I had before, I felt disgusted. My nose curled in cringe and I continued to be fake. 

Joanna: It was good, my friend and I went out and I drank a little too much aha! Had a few wet diapers...and one messy one too…

Daddy: Sounds like you had a good night! And that’s a good girl using her diapers!

I felt gross for the first time ever talking to Daddy. Even though it was just texts, I could hear his voice say those words and it made me even more uncomfortable. But I had to do it. 

Joanna: Well I always want to be a good girl for you Daddy! Do we have any plans for tonight? Can’t wait to see you again!

Daddy: Yes as a matter of fact I do! Meet at the apartment at 7, and then...it’s a surprise!

Joanna: fuck.

Mom: What? Watch your language Joanna.

Joanna: Sorry, just...got annoyed with something…

I didn’t mean to say that under my breath, and now my Mom was giving me a suspicions look. With an awkward smile, I looked back down at my phone.

Joanna: Noooo I don’t like surprises, tell me tell me tell me!!!

Daddy: No way little one, I want you to have no idea going in. It’s more fun that way!

I threw my head back in my seat, frustrated. This wasn’t good, if I didn’t know where I was going, how was I supposed to tell Amber where we were going? I looked back down at my phone, but right as I was about to reply, I felt a warm pool start to form in the butt of my diaper. My hand went down to feel, and sure enough, I was wetting myself. The coffee must’ve gone right through me, and it was a lot of pee. So much so I was worried that only wearing one diaper was a mistake, and I doubted its ability to hold all of it. 

My mom looked over to me and saw me looking down and feeling around my crotch, and she knew right away. 

Mom: Already?

While still ashamed, I was better at handling the embarrassment now. It was going to take me a long time to completely not care when I fill up a diaper with pee, but it was getting better. 

Joanna: Sorry… it’s a lot, are we stopping soon?

She sighed, obviously over it already. It’s only been a day and she just couldn’t be asked to deal with it anymore. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to for much longer.

Mom: There’s a stop in about 25 minutes, so you’re just gonna have to sit in it for now. And you can change yourself.

I nodded and shifted in my seat. The squish of the soaked padding could be heard by the both of us, and I got as comfortable as I could for the next 25 minutes. Daddy texted again.

Daddy: See you soon little one.

I didn’t reply, I just locked it and threw my phone to the side, leaving the message on the screen.

This story was written by Yesyouneeddiapers
Find more of his content here :


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