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Chapter 4

The car screeched as she cut the wheel to even herself out on the right side of the road. Karen burst out of the garage, flinging her arms around in all directions, trying in vain to get Emily’s attention to stop. 

“EMILY NO! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’RE DOING!” Karen shouted, as she ran down the driveway. Emily didn’t even look at her, she slammed her foot down on the gas. Instantly her head hit the back of the seat as the acceleration was much more intense than she expected. She could still feel the adrenaline pumping through her as houses started to fly by her. She noticed her diaper swell as the excitement went straight into her underwear. She couldn’t care less right now though, she’d worry about her severely detreated potty training when she got back home.

“Your destination will be on the left in 1000 feet”, the GPS said as Emily began looking around the houses, trying to recall if she recognized this place at all. She furrowed her brow as she neared her house. “You have reached your destination”, the GPS sung out. Emily turned left, and pulled into the driveway. She quizzically looked at the other car in the small lot, as she started to feel memories come back to her. 

“God who is that? Is that my…?” She mumbled to herself, as she tried to recall why there’d be another car in the driveway. “Is it my roommate? Do I have one of those?” She said under her breath, “Is it… do I have a mommy?” The word slipped out of her mouth, as her diaper immediately warmed. Surprise grew across her face, “Why the hell did I just say that?” She slightly giggled to herself, “Of course I don’t have a mommy.” But the phrase slipped out again, but this time her mind slightly buzzed right after saying it. Instead of being surprised, she just grinned and shrugged and opened the car door. “Why am I thinking so hard about da word mommy?” She said, with some small laughter at the end as she closed the car door. She stood there, and took stock of her outfit before heading in.

Still only in a T-shirt and diaper, the only thing that had really changed was how droopy her underwear was getting. To anyone else it was obvious that she had drenched the thick padding to the point where it was likely going to burst. The front was very discolored, and the back had some wetness creeping up her bum. To Emily though, not only was the fact she was only wearing a diaper still not that big of a deal to her, but her immediate thought when seeing the state of her diaper was, “Oh that can hold so much more.” She squeezed her legs closer together to confirm, only to see a small bead of pee leak out of her soaked diaper. To the average woman in her 20’s, being in a diaper long enough for it to leak would likely bring them to tears, but Emily just thought to herself, “Eh what am I even supposed to do about it? Someone typically takes care of that for me.” She shrugged as she shot her head up, and began walking toward the door. She got halfway toward the entrance when the door swung open.

“Oh. My. God. EMILY!?!” Lauren yelled, as she stood dumb struck in the door. Emily stopped in her tracks.

“Lauren?” Emily said, the memories of her roommate instantly started to come back to her. Lauren burst into a sprint, as she flung her arms around her lost friend.

“I thought I’d never see you again! I thought you were gone!” tears started streaking down her cheeks as she tightened her hug around Emily. “I…I… I thought you fucking died Em!” Lauren said, shaking her head as buried her face into Emily’s shoulder.

“I.. Uh… You’re squishing me Lauren…” Emily squeaked out. Instantly Lauren released her grip.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just, I never thought you’d come home again” Lauren said, a shaky smile across her face. Tears streaked down her face as she grabbed Emily’s hands. Her hands brushed up against Emily’s soaked padding as she did so. She shot her gaze down to the leaking diaper, her face didn’t fill with shock or disgust, but instead her smile grew even wider. “Oh Honey, look at you! You need a change don’t you?” Emily’s face lit up instantly as she gasped.

“You can change my diaper!” She said enthusiastically.

“Oh of course Honey, it’s what I do best isn’t it? Come on in.” Lauren said, her grin looking slightly wicked. She turned toward the house, still holding Emily’s hand.

“You’re the bestest bestie ever Lauren!” She said, as Lauren led her into the house. Emily’s grip tightened as she started walking over the steps. Her mind was feeling slightly swimmy from all the baby thoughts she was suddenly having. She felt her diaper squelching as she did so. The feeling shot an idea through her mind, “Hey uh, Lauren?” Emily said, as she made her way into the house.

“Yes Honey.” Lauren said, as she closed the door behind them.

“Have I uh… Always been wearing diapers?” Emily said quizzically. The living room was very simple, just a couch facing a small flat screen. The floor was a light blue carpet, with a classic popcorn ceiling above. The living room and kitchen were connected, with the dining room table in the middle. Envelopes and papers were spread across the table. Lauren’s continued her strange grin. She spun around, and looked Emily in the eye.

“Why don’t we… head on up to your room, Honey” Lauren said, as he folded her arms.

“Oh. Uh yeah! Okay, could you help me out?” Emily said, as she pointed toward the hallway. Lauren didn’t say anything as walked passed her. Emily stood there for a moment, processing the slightly strange encounter. She quickly followed Lauren as they walked down the hallway. She stopped at the first door, as she fished out some keys from her pocket. She took out a key ring, as she analyzed which key was the right one for the door. She picked one from the ring, and shoved it into the lock. Turning the tumblers, she swung the door open and leaned up against the door way. She looked back to Emily. The moment hung as they looked at one another, Lauren motioned her arm towards the room, as if to signal Emily to go right on in. Emily just looked at Lauren, as she slowly shuffled her feet toward the doorway.

When she peered into the room, part of her expected to see a nursery. She was ready to see a play room similar to the one at that old people’s house. But that was in no way the case. It was just a regular room, an average twin size bed was in the back, with an open closet next to it. Emily scanned the room in bewilderment. Emily looked back to Lauren and said, “Lauren, I don’t understand wha-“ She cut her friend off as she pointed into the room. Emily spun her head around and saw what she was pointing at. It was a computer desk. Nothing fancy, but there were papers spread across the desk.

She slowly made her way toward the desk, as she started to focus on top of it. She stopped right next to the edge, she stared at a CD case. The letters were still hard to make out, but she did her best as she said, “A..B..D…L…. uh.. H..Y..P..N..O..S..I..S? What does that spell Lauren? I don’t understand.” Lauren scoffed at Emily’s remarks.

“You really don’t know do you? You really are just some idiot now huh?” Lauren said, as she unfolded her hands. A small plush raccoon was in her hands. Emily recoiled at the suddenly sharp words from Lauren.

“What? What the hell are you talking about? I’m not an idiot!” Emily shot back.

“Oh? Who’s the one in a leaking diaper right now? Huh? Who’s the one that can’t fucking remember how you even ended up in one? You think you’ve been wearing them your whole life? Hahah, damn Honey, that shit really did a number on you didn’t it?” Lauren said, as she slowly made her way over to Emily. Emily was completely perplexed, she tried eking some words out.

“I don’t… I…” Emily said, her mind was swirling.

“Alright let me spell this out for you baby, even though I know you’re not so great at that anymore. In fact, let me put this in a way a witte baby like you could figure it out!” Lauren said as she clapped her hands, seemingly trying to mock Emily, “You came home one day, all fussy and tired, but not because your diaper was messy! No, you were tired of being a big girl weren’t you? Adult life was just too hard, just like how potty training is for you now! Does that make sense? Following me diaper girl?” Lauren said. Emily’s shocked face just slowly nodded. Lauren continued, “So you marched your butt on up to your room, popped some CD you bought online into your computer that was filled with all this baby hypnosis, and hit play! I know those are some REALLY big words for someone like you, so let me dumb it down even more! You played some sweet lullaby music that made you love, want, and need your diapers! Now I was in the living room, when all of a sudden you rushed out of the house, a big wet spot starting to streak down your pants. When I asked why you were leaving, you just looked at me and said, ‘I gotta buy more diapies!’ and slammed the door!” Emily’s diaper warmed as she started to process all of this information, the streak of pee that ran down her leg caught Lauren’s attention.

“Aw is this a lot for you little girl? Huh? You’re so fucking dumb now aren’t you? I’m practically telling you how you threw your life away to turn yourself into a baby girl and you respond by wetting yourself? God you’re so fucking far gone. Normal adults don’t do that you know. Regular people go potty in the toilet, not their pants, Sweetie. Have you learned that little lesson yet huh? That big girls don’t go potty in their pants?” Lauren said, as she finally stopped moving toward Emily. She was now a few inches from her fear stricken face. She mouthed a few words, as she finally found her voice.

“Lauren I… I.. Why would I turn myself into this?!” She motioned toward her diaper, “I would never fucking do something like that! Why would I ever purposefully hypnotize myself!?” Emily said, Lauren snickered at her remark.

“You don’t remember how much of a slacker you are? I mean, if I only worked at a gas station for a living, I’d probably do the same thing! Just dump your mind and let someone else take care of you?” She grabbed the CD case on the desk and brought it to Emily’s face, “Seems to me like that was just too tempting for you huh?” Lauren said, as she looked Emily straight in the eye. Her face screamed, “I’m so fucking better than you”. It all was too much, Emily’s face turned into anger as she pushed Lauren to the floor.

“No, Fuck you! I’m getting the hell out of here!” Emily said, as Lauren’s bum landed with a THUD. Immediately she started to run out of the room.

“Oh no no Baby, you’re not going anywhere!” Lauren said, as she grabbed Emily’s calf. The move threw Emily off balance as she too fell to the ground. Lauren jumped to her feet as she quickly towered over the diaper girl. Her wicked smile grew again as she said, “I know how this shit affects you, I read all the side effects on your little paper over there.” She said, pointing toward the computer desk, “I know that if I fill your mind with dumb baby things, you’ll fall right back into it.” She said, as she brought the plush Raccoon into Emily’s eye shot. Instantly her mind started to fog as she felt an urge to shoot out her hands and cradle the small toy. Her diaper again warmed, causing a small puddle to form around her.

“Aw, look at you little Ms. Fountain! Too many big kid words? That’s okay, I’m not going to make you a big smart girl again like me! Oh noooo, no no no, baby brain. In fact, by the time I’m done with your mind, it’ll be complete baby mush again!” Lauren said, as she brought the toy closer to Emily’s face. “Come on little baby, grab the toy! Come on, don’t you want to be a nice dumb baby again? You don’t have to have those big girl thoughts anymore more huh?” Emily could feel her mind slipping, she fought the fear on her face from turning into a grin.

“Maybe for just a little bit…” her mind said, as she felt her hands leaving her sides to grab the toy. “NO!” Emily yelled, as she spun her head around. Fighting with her inner child and adult for control.

“Oh Baby, look at you! Trying to hold onto being a big girl? Why even try to fight it little one? Come on now, why don’t we get you back to thinking about how hard 1 + 1 is huh?” Lauren said, as Emily shook her head, while still looking away.

“Noo…” Emily weakly said.

“Come on, lets get your mind back to thinking about how warm your messy diaper is getting! How fun it’ll be to just play with your toys, and let loose in your diaper while you watch TV!” A small giggle escaped Emily’s lips, as she kept her gaze away from Lauren. “Oh, I hear the little baby coming out! Come on, almost there! Think like a little baby Honey! Think about drooling your life away as you empty everything you got into your thick diaper, just waiting for mommy to clean you up!” 

Emily spun her head around, a huge dumb grin across her face. “Hehe! Yeth Mommy!!” She said, clapping her hands, as a new line of drool dripped down her chin. She lifted herself up to her knees as she snatched the plush toy from Lauren’s hands. She didn’t even have the slightest clue that as she lifted her bum up, she slid a mushy mess into the back of her diaper.  As she squished her bum back down, the feeling of a new messy diaper was like throwing a smoke bomb into her mind. All remaining coherent thoughts left her as she mindlessly babbled to her new toy.

“There you go, Bitch. This will fucking teach you to try and get with MY boyfriend.” Lauren said, as she walked out of the room.

This story was written by Maggies Cappies
Find more of her content on Tumblr:


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