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 Chapter 15

Her tummy groaned and growled and rumbled. “Zoe?” Rose asked. “Is everything okay?” Zoe had little tears in her eyes as she was worried about what would happen next.

“I…I wet the bed Rosemary.” Zoe said in a soft shy voice. Rose immediately smiled down at her laying in the crib.

 “Oh sweetie, that’s okay. That’s what babies do. We can get you changed and run you a bath if you’d like. That’s what I’m here for babygirl.” Zoe blushed and was about to respond before her tummy groaned again. Rose could notice her distress. “Is there more you need to tell me sweetie?” Rose asked. Blushing even deeper Zoe looked up at the “older girl” and said, “I need to poopie.” She said even quieter. Rose’s response only took a second,

“Then go baby.” Zoe was shocked by this answer so Rose continued. “Just let go sweetheart. Give in to it. Give in to all of it.” Zoe wasn’t sure what to make of her words so Rose chose to continue. “You like being a baby don’t you? I know you do. You love it. So stop fighting it and just enjoy it. Be a baby. Be the best baby you can be because you are soooooooo adorable and deserve to be happy. Go on sweetie, use your diaper. Be a good baby and poop yourself little girl. I know you want to.”

Zoe squirmed as Rose looked down at her and smiled. “B-But I can’t… I’m not… I don’t…” Zoe was silenced as Rose pressed a pacifier into her lips.

“Shhhhhh…” Rose said to her softly. “Quiet babygirl, no more talking. Just listen to me. You are just a baby now. Baby Zoe. Just let go babygirl.” Zoe listened to every word that she said closely and for some reason all she wanted was to make her happy. But in actuality she was just making herself happy and Rose was showing her the way.

Zoe lifted herself up in the crib and turned over so that her butt was up in the air. “That’s it sweetie.” Rose said softly. As she moved around Zoe could feel her soaking wet and cold diaper against her crotch. She got up onto her hands and knees and began to lift her butt further into the air as she arched her back. She was done with being an adult, done with her difficult life, she wanted something better…

With a grunt Zoe pushed and felt her huge mess begin to push into her diaper. As her diaper ballooned outwards she felt Rosemary place her hand onto the older girl’s padded backside and feel as she lost control in her diaper. Zoe grunted and pushed more and felt the warm flow of her stinky mess wash into her waiting diaper in waves.

“Good girl.” Rosemary said with a soft smile on her face. “That’s a good girl Zoe.” As Zoe’s mess finally came to end she sat down in her mushy mess while Rose planted little kisses all over her face. Rose lifted her onto the changing table and changed her diaper. As she felt herself being cleaned and being changed into a fresh diaper Zoe knew that she had finally given in and accepted this life. Rose was her babysitter and she listened to her babysitter. As the new diaper was wrapped around her privates Zoe smiled in comfort in knowing that she would be loved and cared for no matter what. She thought that this whole ordeal was a bad thing but it had turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to her.

Epilogue: A week later when her Stepmother and father returned home Zoe ran up to them and gave them both a big hug. From the way that her diaper was sagging underneath her skirt they could tell that she had at least soaked her diaper. She kissed them and hugged them both for several minutes. She was happier than she had been in a long time. She looked up at her Stepmother and said,

“Welcome home Mommy.” With a huge grin her Mommy picked her up in a big hug and held her tightly. Her Mommy and Daddy had returned home and they could be a real family once and for all. Mommy, Daddy, and Baby. Rose giggled and apologized for Zoe’s wet diaper and promised to get her changed immediately. Zoe’s Mommy laughed it off and told Rose that she’d done a great job and that she was invited to come back anytime.

From that day on Zoe barely even thought about her old life anymore. It all seemed so surreal, like this was somehow all a dream. Had things always been able to be this simple? Zoe had hated so many things about being an adult and had never truly realized it until she was shown a different path of life. She didn’t even really mind the diapers too much anymore either. Sure they felt a little gross and were kinda smelly but someone was always there to change her before too long and she never had to stop what she was doing to go to the bathroom.

Her Mommy and Daddy were even closer to her now that she was their precious babygirl again. She didn’t resist baby treatment at all anymore, in fact she encouraged it. She loved naps, loved being fed, and loved having her fun babysitter Rose over to visit with her.

When Zoe had been in high school she had never imagined a life as wonderful as this was even possible; she would have thought of it strange like she had when this all started. But now she realized that it was just a way for her to be herself, and relax, and enjoy life, and feel loved. Her life had changed a lot but as Zoe’s Mommy picked her up and got to work changing her diaper while she sucked on her paci the “previously” 18 year old was nothing but smiles for the magical world of diapers and love that awaited her…


This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here : https://zanderchesneyoriginals.tumblr.com/ 


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