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Haven't given you guys new art in a minute, so here is another sneak peek at Wraithmarked's second most secret project ;) it's a model that's existed for a while, but we've acquired the rights to it for our... thing...

Anyone fan of printed miniatures?



Amanda Jones

Not the post I was waiting for....but still. Very nice. It's obvious someone took a lot of time and care to make it so detailed! Very good job!



Hayden Leech

That’s Incredibly “Diablo” of you. Not sure what series that’s from. I’m kinda just here for stotmweaver.


Hayden, while we very much appreciate your support and presence on this Patreon, we believe this is the second or third time you've made this comment or a similar one. Please consider two things: 1) There are authors of other series on this Patreon. 2) Wraithmarked has teams working on entirely different projects beyond Stormweaver. Comments like this can be discouraging and insensitive to those other parties who are working hard to move forward with their respective projects. Please try to be more considerate of those individuals and staff when you comment on future posts. Thank you, -the Wraithmarked team


Interested in the model. But curious on what the secret project is? And who is writing it. Any hints on which author or authors has this beast/creature/monster/person in the book they are writing? I am assuming the model will eventually be colored. Any color(s) this will detailed with?


Hmm. Considering the last secret project involved Mother of Learning, I'm gonna guess this is related somehow.