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“That’s the lab,” Jack said, pointing to a low-rise 1970s office building of concrete and glass. The run over had left him breathing hard, his breasts heaving, cheeks and the tip of his nose flush. Brett felt so turned on, and he struggled to calm himself.

“How are you so sure?”

Jack rotated his pointing finger 180 degrees to a street sign. “It was visible through one of the basement windows.”


“Hey, I got skills.  Now, how do we get in?”

“Maybe we can just walk in? It looks like a public building?”

“I doubt it will be that easy, but let’s see.”

They walked up the steps. Brett pulled the glass door open and gestured for Jack to go ahead. “Mademoiselle.”

Jack rolled his eyes.  There was a security guard sitting in the corner reading a newspaper. He glanced over, let his eyes roam up and down Jack’s body, then went back to his paper. Jack felt his skin crawl. He would never get used to getting ogled by men. Brett gave him a little punch on the shoulder. “Little hottie” he said.

“Shut it.”

They had both stopped walking, as beyond the door was a metal detector. They both had more than a few things that would set that off.  “What should we do?” Brett whispered.

“Find another way in?”

They backed away and went out the door. “Maybe we should just Matrix the building,” Brett said once they were back outside. “It didn’t seem that well defended.”

“There could be more guards, the police would get called. I mean, it might be that easy, but let’s at least look for another way in. There’s always another way in.”

“Yeah, but it gets so boring looking sometimes.”

They circled the building, tried all the side doors. Climbed to the roof and tried the roof door.  All indicated they would need a security pass to enter. They even checked nearby sewers to see if they could find an underground entrance. An hour of fruitless searching later, they found themselves sitting on a bench across the street from the building, frustrated and annoyed. “I’ll never understand why these game designers think wandering around looking for a door is such a thrill,” Brett said.

“I know. Just put some guys in the way for me to shoot and save all the searching.”

“I could log out and do a quick internet search.  There’s no doubt a blog or 100 with the answer.”

Jack thought about it. Bret couldn’t be sure if it was just something his avatar did on its own of if Jack chose to do it, but he bit his lower lip as he thought, narrowing his eyes.  Once more, it seemed any facial expressions Jack made were impossibly cute, and Brett felt all the bells and whistles going off in this body, a common enough occurrence so far that his brain was starting to register– this is all wrong, you don’t have the body parts to feel these feelings– with less and less urgency.

Brett’s eyes dropped to Jack’s full, firm breasts. They jutted out from his body, thrusting forward impressively. Jack wondered what it was like to be so– busty? He wasn’t sure the word.  His own perky little b cups didn’t seem all that dramatic in terms of how it felt to have boobs– yes, they jiggled and bounced a little, but he’d quickly tuned that all out, the same way he largely had tuned out the presence of his junk in the real world.  Jack, though?  How could he tune out mellons like that, big and heavy as they were?

How glorious it would be, Brett thought, getting down to business, to bury his face in those soft pillows, to kiss them all over…

“God! Stop!” Jack said, instinctively crossing his arms over his breasts, hunching over. “I’m a guy.”

“Shit. Shit,” Brett said, looking away. “Yeah, sorry about that.”  He looked over at a lampost, some pigeons, a bicycle rider passing, a cab sitting at a red light with a sign on the top for a cam girl site called “Flirtations.” “So, what about a quick Google search? I kinda want to know what’s in there, but I just stand more searching.”

“I know, but give me a second. I like to solve these myself. It’s more gratifying, and I think we are just missing something so obvious. You know how you spend an hour looking for a way to open a barred door in Assassin’s Creed , and then you realize the answer was right in front of you the whole time?”

“Yeah,” Brett said chuckling. “Which window should I shoot through? Then, you realize there was a well with a secret door sitting right there next to the house.”

“How many times did the game tell us we needed a security clearance?” Jack said. “I just can’t figure out how to get one. I am betting the door at the bottom of the loading dock would put us right at the lab without any trouble.”

“Hmmmmn.” Brett’s eyes once more started to drift toward Jack’s face and body. Embarrassed, he pulled them away and once more looked at the lamppost, the pigeons, the cab at the light.  That light sure is taking forever, Brett thought, and then once more he noted the Cam Girl site– Flirtations, and the obvious answer that had been right in front of them the whole time occurred to him.  “Flirtations,” he burst out, jumping to his feet, feeling that rush of excitement at all the clues coming together. “You need to flirt with him!”

“What? Who?” Jack said, leaning back, not liking at all where this was going. “No?”

“The security guard? Remember the way he was looking at you? I bet if you went and talked to him, you could either pickpocket his clearance or sweet talk him into giving it to you.”

The pieces all clicked for Jack, and he shook his head. “Okay, that all makes sense.” He glanced toward the doors, feeling nervous, insecure.  He didn’t like the idea of flirting with a guy, and once more the disapproving face of his father glowered at him. “Why don’t you do it?” He said to Brett, idly twisting a strand of his long hair around his fingers without realizing he was doing it.

“Because my charisma is 2.”

“Hell. Okay, fine. It’s just a game, anway. There is no spoon.”

“Right, but one thing, and I am not trying to be funny, but maybe you want to slip into your mini-skirt for this?”

“What difference would that make?” Jack said, but even still he pulled up the mini-skirt in his inventory.  It indicated +5 armor, but when he clicked on details he was surprised and a little annoyed to see +1 charisma, +1 seduction as secondary buffs. “Oh,” he said. “It actually might matter.”


Jack looked at the skirt– pink, short, and with the word “Bitch” across the front. Fine, he decided. But he was done with all the stop that and don’ts… he didn’t like the way he sounded. In fact, he felt he sounded like a little bitch. So, he decided to change the game and start flaunting. He put on the skirt.

“Hoochie mama,” Brett said.

“If you got it flaunt it,” Jack said with a big, bright smile. Slotting the skirt had, inexplicably, caused Jack’s leggings to unslot, and he now felt cool air swirling between his shapely thighs where they were exposed between his knee high stiletto boots and his hot pink mini- skirt. He spun on his heels and marched toward the door.  Knowing that Brett was checking out his ass, he put a little extra sass in his steps as he headed toward the door. Just as he was about to pull the door open, he put a hand on his hip and looked back over his shoulder, his long hair falling across his forehead. “Wish me luck?” He said, trying and surprising himself by succeeding in putting a sing-song, feminine lilt to his voice.

The feminine gestures and sweet voice once more shook Brett up. It was all perfect to turn on a guy anyway, but knowing that was Jack in that sexy little package, Jack in those heels and that skirt, Jack with that fine ass, looking over his shoulder and sound like such a perfect girl– it all heightened and inflamed the feelings, turning Brett on in a way he’d never been turned on before. Shaken, he whispered “Luck” in a hoarse, hungry voice.

Jack smiled and flipped his hair, pulling open the door and heading into the office. Once more the guard looked up, and once more he let his eyes drift down the length of Jack’s curvaceous body. This time, Jack met his eyes and smiled.

“Hi, um, miss. Can I help you?” The man said.  He was salt and pepper gray, looked to be in his mid-fifties, but fit.  A meter above his head appeared showing one red bar.  The bar showed how attracted he was.

Jack ignored a lifetime of societal pressure and ingrained homo-phobia. “I need your help,” Jack said, his voice full of feminine desperation. Walking up to the man’s desk, Jack put his hands on the edge and thrust his breasts forward. “Please help me? Please? Please?”

The man had no choice but to let his eyes enjoy the sight of Jack’s rack, presented to him as they were.  A second red bar appeared. “Calm down there little missy,” the man said, talking to Jack’s breasts. “Calm down.”

Little missy. Jack resisted the urge to punch the man in the throat.

“I’ll be glad to help,” the man said. “Take a deep breath and tell Officer Geats what’s wrong.”

Glad to help? Yeah, I can tell by the rising of your “attraction bar.”  Jack wasn’t sure how to proceed, though.  Should he make up some story about needing to borrow the security pass?  Or just get close and steal it? The thought of “getting close” made him uneasy.  His dad again.  So, he kept his distance, but glanced up and said, “I left my– purse– in my office, and my security pass is in it. Can I borrow yours?”

“It’s up in your office,” the man said, standing, smirking. “And everyone has gone for the day. Well, little lady, I’ll walk you up to your office to get your purse. How about that?”

Everyone is gone. The two of us alone. Alarm bells went off like crazy. Jack had no doubt he could take this rent a cop in a fight, but what he wasn’t sure of is whether the game would give him a choice. Maybe he would be walking right into a scenario where the only way to get the card was to sleep with the guy.  Sure, it would probably be a fade to black, but still.

He decided to just bite the bullet.  Taking hold of the man’s tie, Jack looked up at him. “You’re my hero,” he said. Caressing the tie, staring up into his eyes, Jack saw another bar added to the meter. How can I get one more bar, he wondered.  He thought about things girls did.  He put a hand on the man’s chest and licked his lips. “I just wish there were some way I could repay you.” He tossed his hair.

The final bar appeared, and list of options:  1) Pickpocket the Guard 2) Lure to a private place for liaison 3)kill him now

Kill him now, Jack thought. The answer is always kill him now. But, then he saw a red light over the man’s shoulder. Damn. Another security camera. Well, pick pocket the guard seemed simple enough and would leave no dead body to raise an alarm. He chose pickpocket.

Let it be said that had Jack any idea what was about to happen, he would never have chosen What he thought was about to happen was that he would grad the security pass from the man’s belt without him noticing. What really happened is this:

The game switched to a cut scene.  It was cinematic, with the point of view changing from first person to third.  Jack watched as he now slipped one hand behind the guard’s head.  What? No! Jack yelled, but he heard himself say, “You’re so handsome.”

The guard slipped an arm around Jack’s waist and yanked him forward, their bodies pressing together. Jack now felt his soft chest crushed against the man’s hard body.  He watched as he lifted one leg and rubbed his soft, base thigh against the man’s leg, and felt as one of the man’s hands reached back, cupped his ass and squeezed. Hot, female passion burst into raging fires of need, and Jack watched it and felt it all.  The man brought his free hand to Jack’s smooth, soft cheek. Jack tilted his head back.  The man leaned down and planted a kiss on Jack’s soft lips. Jack heard himself moan softly, even as he watched his slender hand slip the security clearance from the man’s belt. The kiss ended.  The scene froze for a moment, Jack gazing up longingly, wrapped in a man’s arms.  Then, it shifted back to real time, first person, and Jack was once more in control– well, as much in control as a hot young woman who just had her first kiss could be, because in that moment, in the afterglow, Jack did feel like a girl, or at least how he thought a girl must feel. “Never mind,”he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his arm. “I just remembered I don’t even have a purse!”

You have completed your first successful seduction, the game reported. Level UP!

“You gonna leave me with blue balls?” The guard protested.

“Bye!” Jack said, once more executing a nice little turn on his heels, and freezing.

There was Brett.  Poking his head in the door.  His mouth hanging open.

“Let’s go,” Jack said, pushing out the door, barrelling past him, heading toward the loading dock.

Brett hurried after him. “Dude, that scene was so hot.”

“I didn’t do any of that,” Jack said. “It was a cutscene.”

“Yeah, but what was it like?  Did you feel it?”

“Tell you what?”  Jack said as he swiped the security card over the loading dock door, the light flipping from red to green as it unlocked. “Go kiss him and find out for yourself.” Jack pushed the door open and went into the building.

Brett followed.  In fact, watching the scene had lit him up again and all this sexual tension was building. It had been a hot kiss, for sure, but as before knowing that was Jack pressing his breasts against the man, tilting his head back just like any girl, accepting the kiss– and then that soft moan? God, it was too much. Too much. He felt like he needed to get off so bad, and not in any way he knew how to get off, either. At this point, he felt jealous of Jack, though he was not ready to face that truth.

As for Jack, he was struggling not to think about the kiss and all the feelings that had gone along with it. He just wanted to get through this mission and get out. There was no way he would quit before the mission was done, though. No way. He was too curious to know what was going on, and he’d kissed a guy to get this far. Kissed a guy. He dragged his forearm across his lips at the memory. He’d paid the price, and he wanted the finish.

And so, as they snuck down into the basement lab, our two confused boys pretending to be girls, found their heads swimming with new feelings, emotions and attractions they had never imagined.  Neither wanted to deal with any of it, but it might be said that when we refuse to deal with our feelings, then our feelings will deal with us.


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