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“Old film projectors,” Brett said. “ So cliche. I’m surprised there isn’t a phonograph.”

“I know, right?” Jack said, leaning over, looking for the switch to turn on the projector. His hair fell in his face, and he pulled it back and threw it over his shoulder.

Brett couldn’t help but enjoy the view of Jack bending over like that in his heels– it was like an invitation, and then the hair toss…  Brett didn’t even think about looking away this time. In fact, he took a screenshot, wanting to keep that one for the memory book.

“The switch has to be here somewhere,” Jack said, lifting one leg as he leaned around the projector, his foot coming up right to his ass, a hint of feminine frustration in his pretty little voice.

Oh, my God, Brett thought, feeling a surge of desire and then shock as he felt his nipples harden and more disturbingly a heat and wetness growing between his legs as well as a kind of emptiness growing inside, a ned to be filled… Shit! Not only did he force himself to look away from the sexy little female, but he turned away, pretending to be looking around the room, utterly shaken that the game was making him feel like a woman getting turned on and not a man.

“Got it!” Jack squeaked excitedly as the camera rattled to life, a distressed, black and white movie flickering to life on the screen, a spiraling clock and the numbers 10… 9…. 8…. He glanced over his shoulder to see Brett looking at the wall. “You wanna get in the game?” He asked, puzzled.

“Yeah, yeah,” Brett said, turning around. His nipples and breasts ached with need, and he crossed his arms over his chest, embarrassed.

Jack stared at Brett for a moment, seeing his cheeks flushed, the confused look on his face as well as the fact he stood with his knees pressed together. Something in the pose, the glassy look in Brett’s eyes lit Jack up, and he found himself warming, blushing. Their eyes met, and Jack took a deep breath, his mouth falling open.  Neither could look away, and each of them felt himself drawn to the other female, longing to…

“Subject 1” a deep, male voice said as the movie started.

The voice broke the spell, and the two girls… boys… finally broke their gazes off and turned their attention to the film. On the screen, they could see a man sitting in what almost looked like an electric chair, a steel helmet bristling with wires on his head.  They could see part of a man in a lab coat in the foreground.  “We now begin the second session.” The film had been made in what looked like a retro lab with banks of computers around the walls, reels of tape rolling back and forth. Sunlight arched in from the narrow windows that ran along the wall just below the ceiling.

Brett walked closer, mostly so he wouldn’t be tempted to check out Jack’s ass anymore.  Jack, for his part, felt like his breasts were almost swelling, getting more firm even as his own nipples stiffened and began to tingle. Like Brett, he crossed his arms over his chest, squeezing, trying to make it stop.

The camera pulled back, and they now saw a second chair. A woman dressed like a 1950s Hollywood starlet, with big wavy blonde hair spilling out from under the metal helmet, spilling over her slender shoulders. Her sparkly dress had a plunging neckline, revealing an eyeful of her full, creamy cleavage.

“We will begin in 10 seconds.”

“You’ll never get away with this!” The man shouted, struggling against his bonds.

“All systems go,” a voice called from offscreen.

“Transfer protocols loaded,” another said.

“It looks like the mind swapping machine from Gilligan’s Island,” Brett said.

“I think that’s what’s about to happen.”

“No!” The man shouted. “No!”

“Initiate!” The man in the lab coat shouted, throwing a large switch, sending sparks flying and sputtering from the head gear. Silvery, double-negative images of the man and woman appeared, then rose away from their bodies and exchanged places.  The sparking stopped, while a haze of theatrical smoke pooled on the floor. The woman’s eyes fluttered, her thick, false lashes like butterflies. She looked down at herself, looked up and barred her teeth, her big, pretty eyes flashing with defiance.

“I’ll destroy you for this!” She shouted, struggling against her bonds. “I’ll destroy you!”

The man in the lab coat laughed, and the ran out, flapping against the reel as it continued to spin. Jack turned the projector off. “That was…”

“... weird” Brett finished for him.  “I wonder what…”

A glowing green box popped open with a “ding.”

You have discovered a secret mission. Accept or Decline.

“Decline,” Jack said, ready to get out of the game, which was beginning to make him feel very confused and uncomfortable.

“Accept,” Brett said. He loved secret missions, and though he also felt confused and even disturbed by what had just happened, he also felt… curious?

“Both participants must agree,” a robotic voice said.

“I agreed to one mission,” Jack said. “And we did that.”

“We didn’t finish it yet.”

“What?? Return the briefcase? Who cares?”

“Let’s just do this one quick secret mission. Then we’ll log out.”

“Maybe I’ll just log out and leave you here,”

The boys now faced each other, Jack tilting his head back to stare up at Brett. “You AGREED to one mission, and one mission isn’t done,” Brett said, leaning down, towering over Jack.

“So let’s go return the briefcase, then!” Jack said. Truly, he was not used to being so small and Brett was physically intimidating, but there was no way he would show it. “That’s all I ever agreed to!” He did not like, however, how shrill his soprano sounded when he was angry.

Looking down into Jack’s pretty face, his green eyes hot with rage, Brett thought– she is so hot when she’s angry.  He knew better than to say it. He suspected part of Jack’s reluctance to keep going was the fact that he didn’t love being a hot little girl with huge tits and a perfect ass. So, he decided to change tactics. Turning away, throwing his hands up, he said,”Okay. Okay.”

Jack pursued, feeling triumphant. “You are such an asshole sometimes,” he spat. “Always trying to change the deal after the fact.”

“I said okay,” Brett said. “You win.”

“Well, just remember this next time you try and pull this shit!” Jack said. “And then don’t.” He was actually a little high on anger and part of him didn’t want the argument to stop.”

“Fine,” Brett said.

“That’s it?” Jack said. “You’re just going to give up?”

“Yeah. That’s it.”

“Bitch,” Jack said.

You’re the one being a bitch, Brett thought, but he just kept his hands thrown up in his act of fake surrender.  “Just log out, already. This isn’t fun anymore.”

Jack froze, shook his head. “Just log out?”

“Yeah. It’s fine. See you later.”

“Okay, then.” Jack pulled up the Main screen, looked at the Log Out Option.

Brett, meanwhile, went over to the projector and began to respool the film.

“Aren’t you coming?”

“Nah. Once you go bye bye I’m going to Accept the mission.”

“It’s probably going to be lame.”


Jack lingered, watching Jack work the projector. It bothered him Brett would go on without him. “You’ll probably get killed going solo.”


Brett got the film going again, watching.

“Why are you watching it again?”

“Clues. There must be clues in there about where to find that lab. Go ahead. I’ll see you later.”

“I’m just going to watch for a minute,” Jack said, crossing his arms under his breasts. A strand of hair fell across his eyes and he blew it away with a huff.

They both watched the movie until it once again ended. “Damn. Nothing. I was sure…”

“Ha!” Jack shouted, a crooked, pirate smile on his face. “You missed it!”

“Missed what?”

“It was in the frame from the moment they pulled back.”


“Admit I’m a better gamer, and I’ll tell you.”

Brett hid his feelings, keeping his face blank. Everything was going exactly the way he’d hoped, and besides, Jack looked super cute with that triumphant little smile.  “Never.”

“Okay, then,” Jack said. Then, he waved and headed toward the door. “Bye, bye!”

“Where are you going?” Brett said, chasing after Jack.

“To the lab, and if you try to follow me, I will lose you. I am the stealth character, remember?”

“I thought you were logging out?”

“Not if I have a chance to level up and make you look like a fool.”

“Come on.”

“You know what you need to say.”

Brett pretended to struggle, hemming, hawing. Finally, he blurted out, “You’re better at gaming than me!”

“Ha! Yes!” Jack threw a fist in the air and tossed his hair triumphantly. “Never forget it.”  And then he bolted for the stairs, grabbing the briefcase, stowing it in his Inventory and laughing as he ran up the stairs.

Damn, Brett thought, watching the sexy little avatar move. I’m totally crushing on her.



I really start to bound with the characters

Taylor Galen Kadee

Me, too! I am hoping to do some serious character development with this one, including how this all impacts them back in the "real" world.