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“It’s just so— blah!” Superman said, as he and the rest of the girls finished running through the dance routine they hoped would outclass stupid Darkseid and the villains.

“I know,” Batman said, stomping a little foot in frustration. “I just don’ t know—how do we fix it?”

The rest of the formerly male heroes waited off to the side, playing with their hair, checking their phones— Aqua Man, Hawk Man, Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow.

“I know!” Superman said, hoping up and down and clapping his hands. “We use our powers! Dumbseid and his girls just did a regular dance, but we can do so much more!”

“Okay, girls,” Superman said, unable to refer to his formerly male team mates as men or even by their old names. “Form a half circle, and let’s run through the routine.” He turned on the metronome, clicking out a danceable 4/4 beat. The others formed the half circle, and Superman took a position in front of them, hands on his hips. “Five, six, seven, eight…” He counted off.

They all immediately smiled their brightest, prettiest smiles, and while Batman and the rest started to dance routine, Superman rose into the air and soloed, improvising his own dance while flying, letting his golden lasso swirl around him.

“Wait, wait, wait….” Batman shouted.

“No! Keep dancing!”

The other men paused, looking back and forth between Batman and Superman.  Batman was dressed in a cute little version of Huntress’ costume, while Superman was dressed like Wonder Woman.

“How come you get to solo?” Batman said. “You’re not the star!”

“Um, I can fly?” Superman said, tossing his hair.


“So, I’m what makes our dance team so sparkly and fun,” Superman said, not even believing the words that were coming out of his mouth. “I bring the pretty.”

“Uh!” Batman said, slitting his eyes. “You’re not prettier than me.” Like Superman, he could barely believe what he was feeling, saying. But he was so vexed by Superman and his stuck up attitude.

“Girl, please,” Superman said, arching his back, thrusting his breasts forward.

“Slut,” Batman said.

“Slut?” The word send a surge of rage through Superman, and on impulse and he reached out and pulled Batman’s hair.

“Ow! Bitch!” Batman squealed, slapping Superman across the face.

Aquaman and Hawkman struggled, trying to decide if they should break it up, while Martian Manhunter grabbed Green Arrow’s hand and dragged him from the room.

Superman’s eyes had started to glow red, and he clawed his long nails, thinking to scratch Batman’s face, settling the who was prettier question once and for all. Batman knew he had no chance against Superman— he never had— and he seeing the blazing rage in Superman’s eyes, he took a step back.

“I’m going to give you a gross, ugly scar right across that little nose of yours,” Superman growled.

The thought of being scarred, losing his looks, terrified Batman, and he couldn’t help himself. “No! Please,” he said, putting his hands over his nose. “Not that!”

“You shouldn’t have crossed me,” Superman said.

“Young lady!” Huntress snapped from the doorway.

“Yes, miss?” Superman answered, immediately assuming his attentive young miss pose— hands clasped behind his back.

“I am very disappointed in you. Go to your room— and — and— “ Huntress found herself struggling to think of a suitable punishment, then just decided to have fun. “I want you to watch Snow White and write a report on what you can learn from her on being a proper young lady.”

“Yes, Miss,” Superman said.

“Oh! Um, can I do that, too?” Batman asked.

“I’d kinda like that, too?” Aquaman said.

Huntress grinned. It was too much. “Okay. No fighting! If you have some sort of disagreement, I want you to work it out.”

“Yes, miss,” they all chanted.

The men hurried off, chattering excitedly about Snow White. None of them had ever watched it, but now they felt like it was probably the best and most amazing movie ever made.

Huntress went back to the lab, where they’d been working to locate the origins of the super-villain broadcast.

Wonder Woman and Canary, meanwhile, had gone to Gotham City, thinking they might try and find Selena Kyle. She spent a great deal of time in her public persona, unlike Poison Ivy, for example, so they hoped they might find her at home and start working toward figuring out what was going on.

They dropped down through the skylight and did a quick sweep of the penthouse. There wasn’t any sign of Selena, and they were thinking it had been a waste, when Canary spotted the corner of a card sticking out from under the wine rack in the kitchen. She grabbed it.

“What’s that?” Wonder Woman asked, looking over Canary’s shoulder.

“An invitation to a fundraiser,” Canary said. “Tonight.”

“Hmmmmn. Too bad we’re not invited.”

“But you know who might be?”

Wonder Woman smiled. “Lil Huntress?”

“Breanna Wayne,” Canary said.

“Let’s find out.”

Meanwhile, Martian Manhunter had dragged Green Arrow back to a utility room, shelves full of supplies. “What is it?” Arrow asked.

“You know exactly what this is about,” Manhunter said, stepping close, cupping Arrow’s chin.


Manhunter covered Arrow’s mouth with his own. They both had soft, full lips, and the kiss was divine, sending tremors though Arrow’s slender little body. As they kissed they moved closer, soft bodies pressing together. Each man began to feel things he’d never felt, never expected to feel, as his female shape grew enflamed with passion. Arrow, scared by what he was feeling, started to pull away, but Manhunter wrapped his arms around Arrow, pulling him closer, lifting him off his feet and then pinning him against the shelving.

“I’m scared,” Arrow sighed between kisses.

“Just give in. You know you want it.”

Arrow wrapped his legs around Manhunter, and the two kissed some more, eagerly exploring each other’s body with their hands, lost in the other man’s hot, female scent. Arrow had always hated Manhunter, hated his politics, but somehow he found that hate now only enflamed his need, and made him hot for this gorgeous woman Manhunter had become all the more.


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