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Grimmlord Issue #2

Welcome, dear readers! The saga continues, as the Grimmlord finds himself reshaped into a young woman and rebranded as Danger Kitty! Determined to regain his identity and his name, the winsome lass now finds himself seeking clues as to who changed him and why!

Grimmlord crouched in the brush on a hill about a mile from his mansion. Scanning the perimeter, he saw armed security guards now patrolling the perimeter.  These were not his security people. Whoever had locked him out of the mansions’s security systems had also replaced his people. He’d checked his accounts at LeeCorps, and he’d been likewise locked out of all of them as well, plus his bank accounts, credit cards.

He’d been erased, and not just as an entity, he thought, looking down at the swell of his breasts. They taken his face and body, his costume, turned him into a woman, and a hero no longer named Grimmlord, but Danger Kitty.

He could have been crushed by it all. Hung his head in shame, but that was what they wanted. So, he’d embraced it, gone on television and declared that he was a woman, and he was proud of that and would hunt down the people who’d done this and bring them to justice. He needed information. But where to get it? Grab one of the guards? They would know nothing. Low level grunts.

He turned his eyes back to the mansion, scanning the windows, looking for any signs of occupants. There were lights on in various rooms, pouring golden light into the darkness, but he saw no evidence of people. Crouching, he prepared to descend, meaning to try and sneak into the mansion— then, a sudden breeze, and he felt arms wrap around his waist-

Spinning, he tried to drive his elbow into the face of his attacker, and it felt like he’d slammed it into a brick wall, only to hear laughter as he was lifted off his feet and fingers began to run along his ribs— tickling?

“Hey, Kitty!” Apex laughed, turning Grimmlord around so they were face to face, lifting Grimmlord in the air.

“Get your hands off me,” Grimmlord said, hating how much he sounded like a flustered woman.

Apex set Grimmlord down, but let his hands linger on Grimmlord’s wide, soft hips. “Relax,” he said. “I’m just messing around.”

Grimmlord stepped away. He knew he now gave off powerful pheromones that drove men crazy. “Just keep your distance,” he said, not liking the way Apex was looking at him— his eyes were hungry, and it unnerve Grimmlord to be the object of male desire. He turned his attention back to the mansion. There wasn’t any new activity, so at least the little incident hadn’t alerted the guards.

Apex let his eyes drift down from Grimmlord’s back to his tiny waist and plump, firm behind. Grimmlord could feel the other man’s eyes taking in his curves, but tried to just ignore it. “What’re you up to?” Apex asked, his voice going deeper.

“Breaking into my mansion. Looking for clues,” Grimmlord said. “If you would excuse me.” The wind tossed the long braid that came out of the top of his mask.

“Breaking in?”

Grimmlord, accepting he wasn’t going to be able to get rid of Apex very easily, explained how he’d been locked out of his own mansion, his security system.

“Let me help,” Apex said, his mind swimming with confusion. He knew this gorgeous female was his old friend and ally, Grimmlord, and yet she was so beautiful, alluring, he had never desired a woman as intensely as he wanted and needed her.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Grimmlord said. “You’re not exactly known for your stealth.”

“No. I’m known more for bold, decisive action,” Apex said, putting his hand on Grimmlord’s back.

“Come on,” Grimmlord said, exasperated, shaking the hand off. He turned to face Apex. “Please. I’m a man in here. I’m still Grimmlord.”

Grimmloard’s eyes burned with anger, and seeing those big, pretty eyes turn hot fueled the flames of Apex’ desire. “I don’t care,” Apex said. In a flash he had once more wrapped his arms around Grimmlord, pressing his hard chest against Grimmlord’s soft breasts and planting a kiss on Grimmlord’s full, soft lips. Grimmlord put his hands on Apex chest, shocked, appalled, trying to push the other man away, making small, angry noises. Finally, he pulled his head back and slapped Apex across the face.

The blow did no damage, but it shocked Apex enough to make him push Grimmlord away, sending him tumbling to the ground even as Apex rose into the air and back struggling to regain control of himself.

Grimmlord, laying on his side, pushing himself up with one arm, his long legs stretched out, rubbed his forearm over his mouth. “What the hell?”

“I lost control,” Apex said. “I— I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He flew back down, reaching his hand out to help Grimmlord back to his feet.

Grimmlord batted the hand away and popped back to his feet. “I’m not helpless!”

Apex pulled back again. “Sorry. Sorry,” he said. “It’s just…”

“Just go away,” Grimmlord said. “You can’t control yourself!”

“I think you’re right,” Apex said, rocketing straight up in the air and vanishing into the clouds, a sonic boom shaking the trees and echoing throughout the mountains.

Grimmlord looked at the mansion and saw the security now scrambling. So much for his sneaking in now. “Apex!” He cursed. It was probably just as well. His mind was racing, shocked by what had just happened, and he was in no state to focus and work. Apex had kissed him!  He felt suddenly hyperaware of the wrongness of his body— the femaleness of it, which he’d been able to ignore, but now he felt not just the weight of his chest and the sway of his wide hips, but a keen sense of being treated—no— mistreated in a way only a woman could be.

Nothing like this had ever happened to him in his life. He retreated from the mansion, trying to calm his mind, to process what had happened. Things were much more complicated than he’d imagined.


Joe Blow78

I am looking forward to how grimmlord ends up

Taylor Galen Kadee

New installments every week— same Cat time! Same Cat channel!