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“Unh!” Green Arrow squeaked as he strained to pull his bow. He threw it down, sending it clattering across the floor. Stomped his little, high-heeled foot in disgust. “I can’t even pull my bow now! What use am I?”

“Do you still think men and women are equal?” Martian Manhunter said,

“There are plenty of women strong enough to pull a bow,” Oliver spat back, blowing his bangs out of his eyes. “This stupid change made me weaker than a child.” He looked down at his tiny arms, small, soft hands.

“Whatever you have to tell yourself,” Martian Manhunter said, tossing his long, blonde hair. The spell had made his default shape a gorgeous blonde, somewhat like a young Kate Upton, and even though he also had feminine arms, he picked up the bow and easily pulled the string back. “Seems pretty easy to me, girly.”

“Why don’t you just shapeshift into a guy?” Green Arrow rub his little forearms. Even the attempt to pull his bow had left him in pain.

“I can’t,” MM said, rapidly morphing through a series of gorgeous women. “The change has locked me in as female. But at least I am not a helpless little kewpie doll.”

“Isn’t there a MAGA March you should be attending?”

“I’m good,” MM said, returning to his new default shape and body. An impulse struck, and he went to a mirror to check his face, mussed his hair, checked his nails.

Green Arrow found himself compelled to the the same. “I’m so worried I’m going to break a nail,” be confessed.

“Me, too,” MM said. “I’ll have to ask Huntress or one of the others for some tips.”

“Who would do this to us?” Green Arrow asked as he slipped a thumb under his top and adjusted his bra strap, which had slipped.

“Some liberal,” MM said as he used his little finger to wipe away a little lipstick that had smeared off the corner of his mouth.

“Liberal? Some right-wing nut is more like it.”

“Hardly.” MM said, then, once more consumed with new impulses, he touched Green Arrow’s pretty hair. “Your outfit is so cute.”

“Thanks,” Green Arrow said, unable to stop himself. “It’s kinda cute, but yours is… sexy.

Martian Manhunter had stiletto boots that came up to his knees and hugged his shapely calves, short shorts and red bands that wrapped around his breasts in an X pattern similar to his old uniform, strategically covering his nipples. Green Arrow looked like a Disney Princess version of Robin Hood, with a short little green dress, ankle boots. He had a chapeau with a feather in the manner of Robin Hood, but it was tiny and pinned slightly to the side of his head for cuteness.

“Did those earrings come with the change?” MM asked, gently touching the lobe of Green Arrow’s ear. “They are so pretty.”

Green Arrow blushed and his knees went together. “They did. I— I wouldn’t wear them, but I don’t seem able to stop myself.” He glanced in the mirror and turned his head slightly so the light flashed off his earrings— he had three piercings in each ear. As part of the change, Green Arrow, like the others, had becomes obsessed with jewelry. He loved to wear sparkling, shiny things!

Manhunter’s gentle touch slipped down from Green Arrow’s ear and then along his smooth jawline. “You have a very pretty face,” Manhunter said.

Green Arrow felt— strange- new feelings. His fingertips tingled, and he curled his toes as he looked up into Manhunter’s big, green eyes, admired his thick, curly lashes. Manhunter leaned down, and Green Arrow’s heart leapt. “Is he going to kiss me?” Arrow wondered, terrified and excited at the same time. It was J’onzz, but she was gorgeous… and those lips! He found himself tilting his head back, his lips parting…

“Yes! Girl on girl action!”

Manhunter and Arrow shrieked and jumped away from each other, eyes askance, playing with their hair.

“Don’t stop, ladies,” Huntress said, sauntering into the room. “I may even join you.”

“We weren’t… I don’t know what you think…?” Manhunter said.

“Manhunter and Arrow sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G!”

“You’re so— full of it…” Arrow said.

Huntress thought is was pretty cute, the guys making out with each other. They were both really hot chicks now, and they both liked women, so it made sense. She loved the idea they might get more in touch with their feminine sides as a result of this whole experience. She touched Arrow on the arm. “It’s okay if you wanna kiss Manhunter. You don’t need to be ashamed.”

“We weren’t going to kiss!” Arrow squealed. “She’s a guy!”

“You’re so cute— and such a bad liar!”

“Arrow was having a hard time dealing with the fact she can’t pull her bow anymore,” Manhunter said, leaning against a wall, arms and legs crossed. He wanted to change the subject very badly.

“Why not just drop the poundage?” Huntress said, idly playing with Arrow’s hair, as if he were a child. It had become common for the real women to treat the men as if they were little girls since the change. The men had gotten used to it.

“I don’t get sufficient velocity,” Arrow said. “I might as well just throw the arrows.”

“Well, then you need to switch to a crossbow.”

“Crossbow? I don’t know.” Arrow had always looked down at the crossbow. He considered it an inferior weapon for many reasons.

Huntress went and got one of her crossbows from the rack. “Come on. Give it a try.”

Arrow shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Or, are you afraid?” Manhunter said.

Arrow slit his eyes. “I’ll give a try,” he said.

Manhunter smiled. He figured implying Arrow was afraid would get him going.

Arrow took the crossbow, checked the sights. Fired a dart that popped right into the middle of the target.”

“You go girl!” Huntress said, high-fiving Arrow.

“You look like Katniss,” Manhunter said.

“Shut up!” Arrow said as he accepted a hug from Huntress. She was bigger and taller now, and he felt like a child in her arms as she squeezed and then lifted him off his feet for a sec.

“I have rapid load, rapid fire… we can retrofit your special arrow heads…” Huntress said.

“You are so cool!” Arrow said, gazing up at her in wonder. The thought that his hero days were over had him feeling down, and this was such exciting news.

“Too bad you can’t help us with our names,’ Manhunter said.

“Yeah, well, I would if I could, ‘Maiden of Mars’.” Huntress said, rolling her eyes. No one could say the hero’s former names. They were all compelled to call them by their new titles, as was everyone else.

“It’s better than Arrow Girl,” Arrow said.

“It is so not better. I mean, Maiden?” Manhunter said. “Am I a character in a Jane Austen novel?”

“But Arrow Girl just sounds dumb,” Arrow said. “It’s so stupid!”

“My name is worse! No, mine!” The two heroes shrieked at each other, sounding just like a pair of tween girls.

“Ladies,” Huntress said, trying to break it up. The sound of the men shrieking in their tea kettle voices was unbearable. “Ladies!”

Arp! Arp! Arp!

“The alarm!” Manunter and Arrow sang out, bright smiles spreading across their pretty faces. “A mission!” They took each other’s arms. “How’s my hair?”

“On point, girl. Mine?”

“So good.”

“My makeup?”

“Girls!” Huntress shouted, exasperated. “Mission!”

“Omigod!” Manhunter said. ‘Yes!” He and Arrow took off after Huntress, heels clicking. Both men, as they ran, checked their nails.


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