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“You want me to wear this?”  I said.

Kylie was holding a hanger off which hung what looked like a black tuxedo.

“Yeah.  We thought we’d give you a break,” Nicole said.  “You know, from all the girly stuff.”

The suit looked— boring.  Square.  Dull.  I should be glad, I thought as I touched the fabric.  The Champagne Party was a dress up affair— meaning the women would all be wearing skimpy cocktail dresses, so a suit would save me from that.  Of course, I wouldn’t be able to get as much attention, but there seemed to be something more to why this suit just seemed wrong.  I couldn’t quite understand it, but I almost felt like if I wore the suit it would be-- wrong, somehow.  What’s this all about?

“You don’t like it?” Kylie said.

‘I do..” I said.

“Well,” Taylor said from the closet. “It’s either the suit or this.”  She stepped out of the closet with a little black dress. My heart raced and my mouth went dry. “I LOVE it,” I burst out, unable to stop myself.  It was— adorable, sexy, feminine …

“But you’d have to wear it with these,” Kylie said, holding up a pair of black pumps with golden stiletto heels.

I gasped, putting a hand on the dresser, trying to steady myself.  “I have never seen such gorgeous shoes!” I squealed.  ‘They are so pretty!  I want to wear them!  I need to wear them!”

“But, doll, are you really willing to wear these underneath?” Nicole said, holding up a black lace bra and panty set with red straps.  Once more, I felt a wave of pure joy wash over me at the sight of the sexy clothes, and my heart raced. “Oh, my God!  These —- everything is—  why wouldn’t I want to wear this outfit? It’s so…. Feminine and sexy!”

The girls all burst out laughing, full on belly laughs.  “What?”  I said.

“Um, listen to yourself.  You just about had an orgasm looking at sexy clothes!”

“Oh!”  I said, suddenly realizing that I’d been going all crazy over clothes— just like some airhead chick.  “I don’t… Oh.  Another change?”  I said. “You made me like women’s clothes?  You turned me into a crossdresser!”

“Yeah. You’re pretty much obsessed with fashion now,” Kylie said.

“Women’s fashion,” Taylor added.

“I hadn’t noticed,” I said.  “You guys,” I said, shaking my head.  “Well, guess what?  The jokes on you.  I’m going to wear the suit.” I looked between the suit and the dress.  I would force myself to wear the suit.  It was what I had to do to save whatever was left of my identity.

“No, you’re not,” Kylie said.

“I am,” I said. “And I don’t care if no one checks me out all night.”  I pointed to my brain.  “I am still a guy, and I am in control.”

“That’s a shame,” Kylie said.  “Because that means you won’t get to carry this.”  There was a bag on the bed.   She reached in and lifted out the most adorable clutch purse I had ever seen.  “I’ll just take this back, I guess.”

“Don’t you dare!”  I shrieked, grabbing the purse from her and hugging it to my chest. “I love it!  I want it!  I need it!”

The girls all fell onto the bed, laughing, holding their stomachs.

I slipped the purse strap over my shoulder and hugged the purse to my side.  “Don’t listen to them,” I said to my new purse.  “You complete me.” Oh, well.  Battle lost.  I mean, I would match a purse with a tuxedo.  Plus, looking at that little dress, I knew the sight of me would make all the guys drool.

“Why is this taking so long?” I said as I sat, with my eyes closed.  Kylie was blending eyeshadow on my lids while Nicole was finally fulfilling her wish and braiding my hair.

“Hush!”  Kylie said.  “Just sit still.”

“Couldn’t you at least have made me love makeup as much as I love dresses now?”

“We thought it would be more fun for now if you kind of hated it,” Kylie admitted.  I could feel her using her finger now at the corner of my eyes. “But don’t worry.  You’ll be obsessed with makeup soon! For now, hate on!”

I did hate it.  It violated every masculine code I’d ever embraced, and I felt like I was being completely and totally emasculated with every dusting of blush, with every flick of the mascara wand.  I’d offered some token resistance, but the girls had insisted, and besides, my newfound need to be a hottie had won out over my male need to be— male.

“Okay, you can open your eyes!” Kylie said.

I did, and I gasped.  I had a gorgeous face— they’d made me pretty.  But now it was like everything that made this face beautiful had been multiplied by ten— my lips were not fuller and more kissable, and with my mascara and smokey eyeshadow my eyes seemed bigger and more sparkly than ever.  The diamond dust foundation gave my skin a sparkly glow, and my high cheekbones popped thanks to a light dusting of blush on my cheeks.  My eyebrows were on point, too, plucked and darkened.  I wasn’t looking at my makeup the way a woman might, but I was looking at my face as a man and thinking I would really like to kiss this face.  As I admired how pretty my makeup looked, the world seemed to tilt for a second, and my whole attitude toward makeup shifted. Concealer! What was a girl to do without it?  And whoever invented diamond dust foundation?  Nobel prize.  It made a girl sparkle!  Enough said! Oh!  The colors!  The pretty smells!  Adore!  I thought, realizing the girls had made the change. I couldn’t even imagine leaving the house without at least some primer and eyeliner now!

Nicole had given me what she called halo braids, with tight braids that ran along the sides of my head.  They were perfect and pretty, and the tight pulled away hairstyle just made my face seem all the more feminine, while also leaving my long, graceful neck and sext shoulders visible.  “Wow,” I said, smiling at them in the mirror.  “You guys did an amazing job.”

It was strange to feel all that makeup on my face. I was aware of the foundation, and with my lashes so wet and thick I could actually see them on the edge of my vision.  My lipstick was also sticky, and my lips kind of stuck together a little when I tried to open them.  Well, it was only for one night.  I was turning my head side to side, admiring the way the lights glinted on my lips and hair.  “Okay.  Enough admiring yourself,” Kylie said. “Time to get into that sexy little black dress!”

“My black dress!”  I squealed, jumping to my feet, clapping.  I was like a kid on Christmas, so excited to put on all my pretty clothes.  The girls were all laughing at me.  I knew I should be fighting this, be more of a man, but for now I just didn’t care!

I stepped carefully into the dress, and pulled it up, slipping the spaghetti straps over my slender shoulders. Dresses were so clearly female, and this one was all woman.  What little fabric there was hugged my slender waist and squeezed my round hips and ass. The hem came down only to mid-thigh, and I felt the air swirling around my bare legs.  There was something dangerous in that high hemline, the feeling that it was so close to my panties, that there was so little standing between me and a man. The slender little straps left my shoulders bare, and I felt the cool air across them, across the cleavage swelling from my plunging neckline. This dress was made to enhance every soft curve of this new body, and standing there in front of the girls I felt so pretty and yet so humiliated.  I was a man!  And yet-- here I was in a tiny little dress, admiring the way my ass looked in it.  Looking in the mirror, I also saw the smooth, flat front of my dress.  No bulge. Once more, I was reminded of the ultimate change I’d experienced.

All dressed up, I stood in front of the mirror admiring the way the light shone on my round little shoulders.  The girls were taking pictures of me with their phones, gushing over how hot I looked.  I put a hand on my hip and did the knee lift without even being prompted.  Kylie had loaned me a tennis bracelet, and I loved the way it sparkled against my dainty wrist.  Pleased with how pretty I looked, I then turned smoothly in my heels and looked over my shoulder at my bare back.  “Does my back look sexy?”  I asked

“Everything looks sexy!”  They cried out in unison.  Taylor, Kylie and Nicole had all gotten dolled up as well, and we were, I was sure, the hottest foursome in the whole state of Florida, all of us glossy and curvy and draped in shimmering dresses, perched on the cutest heels you ever saw.

“Now, time to stop admiring yourself girly, and go!” Kylie said.

I reluctantly dragged myself away from the mirror, slipping the strap of my purse over my shoulder.  It really did complete me.  As we rode the elevator down, I started to think about the fact that Josh would be at the party, and he was probably going to be hitting on me.  “Advice?”  I said.

“What ya need?”  Nicole said.

“How do I let a guy know I’m not interested without being…. Rude?”

“Oh, Sofia,” Kylie said.  “Why would you want to turn down a stud like Josh?”

“Because I am NOT into guys,” I said. “Even if I were, I wouldn’t let a guy do me.”

“You sure about that?” Taylor said.

“Uh, yeah, because once this is over and I go back to being a straight dude, it would be a little weird?”

The elevator doors wooshed open, and the girls all walked out.  “What am I supposed to do?”  Asked, following behind, my heels clicking on the marble floor.

“Figure it out,” Kylie said.  “Now, come on!”

I hurried as much as I could in my tight little dress, perched on my stilettos.   When we got to the double doors, two tall, young men pulled them open for us.  “Oh, my phone just buzzed,” I said. “You girls go on in.  I’ll be just a sec”

“Do you want us to wait?” Taylor said.

“Oh, I’m fine!”  I said.

The girls went in.  I waited, counting to ten in my head.  I saw the doormen looking at me curiously, even as they subtly checked me out.  I smiled.  “I just want to make a big entrance,” I said. “Solo.”

“Cute,” one of the guys said.

“I know,” I said, then, eager for a compliment, I said, “how do I look?”

“Like a goddess.”

I giggled and nodded.  They pulled open the doors.  The girls had gifted me with the ability to walk in heels, so I walked in as smooth and effortlessly as if I were floating in on a cloud.  I decided to go for haughty super model, so I raised my nose a little and glanced around the room as if I were unimpressed.  I could feel all eyes on me as I walked through the doors and into a clear space right in a beam of light, pausing to put a hand on my hip and raise my other arm to brush back one of the loose strands of hair that fluttered on either side of my face.  Men, women… everyone was checking me out, appreciating how hot I looked, and I paused, basking in the warm glow that filled me as I commanded the attention of everyone in the room.

Having paused just long enough, but wanting it to seem like I was not doing all of this on purpose, I pretended to look around the room, then spotted my crew gathered around a table near the bar and, tossing my hair, sashayed over to them.

“Wow, what an entrance,” Kylie said.

“Whatever do you mean?”  I asked, pretending to examine my glossy red nails.

“Please, princess.  Don’t even try it,” Taylor said.

“Um, I just got a call,” Nicole said in a buzzy, airhead voice. “So, like, you guys go in and let me diva it up, kay?”

“I don’t sound like that,” I said.

“Yet,”  Kylie said.

“Whatevs,” I said, sipping my champagne and glancing around the room.  “”Everyone is so well dressed!”  The room was pretty full of people, and everyone was well dressed— this room was full of money.  The sight of all the perfectly tailored suits and luxury brand dresses made my mouth dry.  “It’s, like, fashion umami,” I said.

The girls giggled.

“What?”  I said.

“You’re talking like a girl,” Taylor said.  “And not just a girl, but a girl."

“Omigod!” I said. “Not even!”  But having had them draw my attention to it, I heard it.  Not only was I using girl lingo, but I had started to speak in a feminine, sing-song manner.

Taylor caressed my arm.  “You are such a Sofia!”  She said.

I hated talking like a girl— especially among these women. I focused my energy, determined to talk like a man, trying to place my voice in my chest, to get rid of the feminine singsong.  “You can’t make me talk like a girl,” I said, concentrating on every word, sounding like a woman imitating a man.  My throat actually hurt from the strain, and I rolled my eyes and just gave in, singing, “Ow!  That hurt!”

As this was an elegant affair, they had an orchestra, which started playing big band music.  And, as we were hot, our table was soon surrounded by guys hitting on us.  I struggled in the crazy headspace they’d created for me, flirting with every guy, acting as sexy as I could, while also horrified when they started getting all gross and coming onto me.  I was used to being the pursuer, and it was strange now to just stand in one spot and have waves of dudes coming to me, trying to impress me, win me over.  I mean, guys could be gross and I definitely didn’t want to kiss any of them, you know?  The girls claimed I liked men now.  Not this girl! Not ever!  I didn’t care how tall and studly they were.

But, like, I did see how being a woman had its advantages.  I had to do all my work before the party, getting pretty, but once the party started it was all on the guys.  They all loved to show me with compliments, telling me how pretty I looked, which I loved, of course. One guy asked me if I was a model, and if I had been into guys I think I would have jumped him right there because it made me sooooo hot! When they started talking about their jobs or cars, I tuned them out, thinking about clothes and shoes, just nodding and smiling, laughing, making sure to keep my eyes bright and sparkly as if I was so impressed!  It totally worked to get me so many compliments!

Some of them were super handsy and aggressive, so I was learning as the night went on to shut them down right away.  A guy would stand close, put his hand on my hip, and I would giggle while moving his hand away and say, “You can look but you can’t touch!”  I even got my flirt down.  One guy asked me back to his room.  “It’s early,” I said. “And this girl likes to shop!”

“Those guys aren’t here,” I said at one point.  “Thank God.”

“They probably won’t come,” Taylor said.  “It’s just a mind game.  We’ll probably see them tomorrow.”

“What?  Really?  Jerks!”  I said.

“Guys being guys,” Nicole said, then turned to talk to another one.

The other girls had gone off periodically to dance with different guys, and they had begged me to join them, but one thing I did not do was dance.  For one thing, I always felt like a total spaz, and for another I kinda thought dancing was a girl thing.  Also, I mean, we all know its pretty close to sex, so there was no way I was going to dance with a guy.  For realz.

Until I did.

It all happened sort of all at once.  I was standing there looking up into this guy’s eyes as he talked about rock climbing or something.  Mostly, I was checking out his hella good hair, as well as the diamond stud in his ear.  It had to cost at least 5000 dollars, and I was just, like drooling over it.  Then, the orchestra suddenly started to play an orchestra version of Beyonce’s “Put a Ring on It.”  “Oh!”  I said, as my heart fluttered, and my whole body ached with the sudden need to get out there on the dance floor and bust a move.

The dude’s face lit up.  “You wanna dance?”  He said.

It was like asking me if I wanted a Juicy Couture handbag.  “Um, try and stop me!”  I said, shaking my hips to the beat.

The guy grabbed my hand and led me out onto the dance floor.

My so much beaten dudiness kicked in.  I was about to dance with a guy?  Stop!  Stop! I thought, but I was powerless.  This was Beyonce, and a girl just doesn’t not dance to Beyonce! Yet, when we reached the center of the dance floor, my old awkward insecurity overwhelmed me.  I left all arms and legs, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do.  I glanced at the other girls, thinking to copy them, but then the guy—  I so totally didn’t even know his name— slipped an arm around my waist and took my hand, ballroom dance style. He took total control, taking the lead, moving me around the dance floor.  I felt so small and powerless, and the bro I’d been was scared and wanted to run, but something new and stronger just— surrendered, letting this guy take control of me, and I just— well, I mean, I loved it?  Okay?

Plus, it was like he’d saved me, and this time when I looked up at him, I fluttered my lashes in a sign of feminine submission.  Why did I do that?  Why did I do that? My manliness self asked, but I knew and I glanced over to see Kylie watching me.  She gave me a little shrug and a wink.  They made me submissive?  I realized. Bitches!

Just then, all my conflicted thoughts were interrupted when the guy dipped me.  Feeling myself falling backwards, his strong arm holding me so effortlessly, I felt light as a feather, so small and so safe, and my whole body fluttered as he then lifted me and spun me before gathering me back into his arms and cradling me—- it was everything!

“You’re a great little dancer!”  He said, leaving close to talk into my ear, which also meant I felt his hot breath against my ear, which made me feel all— like— buttery.

I giggled and said, “You’re doing everything!”  Once again, I felt a need to show him he was in control, that I loved having him in control.

“Don’t be modest,” he said.  “You did ballet when you were a girl, didn’t you?”

I couldn’t tell him he was wrong.  That would be so rude!  So, I just giggled some more and said, “Guilty!”  Then, I was just lost in the music and the dancing, getting dipped, spun, then, in a move that came as a total shock to me he put his hands on my hips and lifted me in the air, setting me on his shoulder and spinning us both as the song ended.  I suddenly realized that the other dancers had cleared a space around us and were all watching, and as we finished they started to clap.  Even the leader of the orchestra called out “Yeah!”

Of course, I loved being the center of attention, and I so totally milked it.  As the guy effortlessly lifted me off his shoulder and set me on my feet, I leaned against him, putting a hand on his chest, smiling and while I kicked one leg up.  He put an arm possessively around my waist and pulled me closer, which made me feel a little weird.  I mean, I was just playing this up because— cute.  What if he were getting ideas?

“I want to show you something,” he said, taking me hand and leading me off the dance floor.  “Come on.”

I glanced back at my friends, who were all giggling and waving.  The room was actually surrounded with big, open windows that allowed the sultry night air to blow through, and he led me right to one of them. I couldn’t say no to this guy.  I just had to go along, but now I was getting really scared.  He was so big and strong, if he tried something I would be helpless!  I gave my friends a “help me!”  glance as he dragged me toward the beach.

I slipped out of my heels, letting them dangle from the fingertips of my free hand, while he squeezed the other and led me away from the lights of the resort, onto a sand dune.  “What do you want to show me?”  I said.  “I shouldn’t leave my friends?”

He sat on top of the dune and tugged at my hand.  I lowered myself as gracefully as I could in my little dress.  With the sun down, the night had turned cool, and a chill breeze off the ocean sent shivers through my little body.  “I’m cold,” I said, hoping it would lead him to take me back inside.

He slipped off his dinner jacket and slipped it over my shoulders.  Omigod, it was heaven.  I just— I wanted to kiss him, needed to kiss him--but no.  No. I wouldn’t give in.  Never!

“Look!”  He said, gesturing toward the sky.

I looked up to see a full moon, and not just a regular full moon.  It looked extra huge, like, maybe 5 times its normal size, hovering in the sky above us so perfect and pretty.  “Omigod,” I said.  It’s so —- beautiful!”  My heart fluttered.

“It’s a super moon,” he said.  “Very rare.”  He looked me in the eyes.  I knew he wanted to kiss me, and my dude self felt terrified.  I couldn’t let that happen!  I am not into boys!  But, he’d been so nice, and it just seemed like it would be rude and unladylike to just push him away.  I would tell him I wasn’t interested.  Just be honest and polite.

Instead, when I opened my mouth, I heard myself say in a breathy, feminine voice, “You’re so smart.”  He put a hand to my check— omigod why did he have to be so good at this?— and then he leaned closer, looking me right in the eyes. Omigod, omigod he is so totally going to kiss me!  Stop him!  Push him away! But I was so submissive now I couldn’t seem to do anything, I felt like I had to do what he wanted me to do, and I leaned forward, our lips coming closer and closer….

“Hey, guys!” Kylie yelled.  We both pulled away, scooched to put some distance between us.

“Look at the moon!” Taylor shouted.

“So romantic!”

I looked at my friends, letting them know with my eyes how relieved I was.  They had a bottle of champagne and glasses.  “You don’t mind if we join you, right?” Kylie said, plopping down on the sand next to me.  “We brought booze.”

The guy stayed just long enough to be polite, then excused himself. As soon as he was gone, I gasped.  “Omigod, you guys.  You totally saved me!  He was going to kiss me!”

“That’s not all he was about to do,” Taylor said, refilling my champagne glass.

“Someone was about to lose her V-card!” Nicole said.

“Oh! Gross!  I would never ever!  I…”

“Oh, gross!” Kylie said, mimicking me.

Nicole waved her hands, loose wristed. ‘Omigod! Boys are so terrible!”

“Look at you,” Taylor said. “Hot little thing in your sexy little dress. Just a few days ago you were a man, and you thought you were so manly.”

“Now you drool over a pair of fuck me heels.”

“Stop it!”  I said. “Don’t be so, like, um, mean?”

“Like, um….” Nicole said.

“Omigod!” Taylor chimed in.

“I am pretty girly,” I admitted, chuckling.

“And you are totally into guys,” Kylie said.

I rolled my eyes.  “I am,” I finally admitted. “But, I probably wasn’t ready to-- you know. Go all the way. Thanks for saving me,” I said.

“That’s what besties do,” Kylie said.  “You know we got your sexy back.”

I felt myself getting teary eyed.  “Oh, you guys!”  I said, and then their faces went all blurry as I lost the battle against my tears and my eyes flooded, the salty tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Oh,” Taylor said, and then they all wrapped their arms around me in a group hug.  I had never felt such warm, sisterly energy.  I really was one of the girls.  When the hug ended, I wiped the tears and forced a smile.

“Sorry,” I said.  “You guys made me so girly!”

“Yeah we did,” Taylor said, getting up and then offering me a hand. “Now, bed time.  We have a long day tomorrow and you need your beauty sleep.” I took her hand and let her pull me to my feet, surprised and confused that I even felt kind of excited by having a woman treat me like a helpless little thing.   We started walking back to the hotel, and I was a little worried about something.

“Guys?  I have to ask?”  I said.  It seemed I was ending a lot of sentences as questions now, even when they weren’t.

“Yeah?”  Nicole answered.

“When I started crying back there, was it like, an ugly cry, or did I look cute?”

“Oh. My. God,” Taylor said and then they all answered in unison, “You are such a Sofia!”


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