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“Just hold your hair up and stand still,” Kylie said as she tried to tie my bikini top on for me.  I had struggled with it for what seemed like forever before finally texting her and asking her to help.  I had decided to wear the polka dot bikini-- the bottom was a little triangle of fabric with blue polka dots and some string, while the top featured two soft little-- and I do mean little-- cups and some string-- mostly because it was the least sexy of the ones the girls had chosen for me, which was not saying much as they were all super sexy.

“Done,” Kylie said.

The little cups offered more coverage, but I still felt like I was hanging out all over the place, and it felt odd, again, to have the fabric of my bottoms tight against the empty space between my legs. Unable to resist my newly competitive need to be the cutest girl in the room, I went to the full length mirror on the bathroom door and looked myself over, my stomach doing flips as I drank in my long, tone legs, wide, soft hips, tiny waist and then my firm, womanly breasts.  The bikini top lifted my breasts and pressed them together, creating lovely crescents of soft flesh around an enticing shadowy canyon of cleavage.  I felt a strange sense of pride in how deep my cleavage was, how perfectly shaped were my breasts, and the man in me at the same time felt himself getting hot as I continued to admire myself.  Something deep inside me, the man I’d been, was screaming. No. Don’t. I knew I shouldn’t like being pretty, being a hot ass female, but I couldn’t help myself. My blonde hair framed my pretty face, and my big eyes sparkled. My skin was perfect. I put a hand on my hip and did the little knee lift the girls had taught me.

“Yes,” Kylie said, appearing in the mirror over my shoulder. “You are gorgeous.”

I giggled.  “I don’t want to be gorgeous,” I lied.

“Of course you do,” Kylie said.  “And you are in for another interesting change to your personality today.  Now, let’s hit the beach!”

We met Nicole and Taylor in the hall, all giggly and gushing over each other’s suits, how cute they looked, how cute I looked. “There’s just no man left in there at all,” Nicole said, shaking her head.


“You are 100% superfine female,” Kylie said.  “Just admit it.  I mean, what guy would ever go out in public wearing bikini bottoms?”

“I bet you never thought you’d ever be strutting around, boobs and but cheeks hanging out, did you?”  Taylor said.

“Come on,” I said, fighting the urge to throw my arms across my boobs. “You made me like this!”

“I don’t know,” Nicole said. “I think maybe Sofia was in there the whole time just dying to get out!”

The hot sand burned my feet as we all walked out onto the wide, powdery white sand beach, the stunning blue ocean before us melting into a perfectly clear sky.  Walking still felt all wrong.  My legs felt too long, and set too wide apart.  My wide, rounded hips swayed with every step no matter how much I tried to stop them, and I could feel the swelling of my butt as it wiggled behind me. My puny little arms kept bumping into my hips as I walked, so I adjusted, holding them a little out to the side, turning out my wrists, which made me walk in an even more feminine manner. My chest swiveled in counterpoint to my hips, the mass of my breasts moving side to side in a way I had never noticed my formerly flat, hard chest doing.  We went to the cabana and Nicole rented chairs and an umbrella for us.  I started to pick up on the chairs, surprised at how heavy it seemed, gasping prettily as I struggled with what would have once been nothing for me to carry.

“Miss,” the young guy manning the cabana said, taking the chair from me.  “We’ll take care of that.  You girls just pick out your spot, and we’ll bring them right over.”

“I can do it,” I objected. He was standing close, at least a head taller than me, and I felt small and soft, and I didn’t like that feeling, but Nicole grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

“Thank you,” she said, and then as we walked down toward the water, she whispered, “I think he likes you.”

“Gross!”  I said.

He and some other young guys brought the chairs down to the sport we’d chosen, set them up and put the umbrella up as well.  Seeing their hard, muscular bodies made me all the more aware of how soft and curvy I had become, and I felt a rush of masculine shame to be around these other men wearing a bikini barely covering my soft little body. It was thick, corded arms laced with sinew versus my slender, soft little pipe stems, hard, steely chests versus soft, rounded swelling, square, powerful chins versus my little pointed chin and broad, powerful shoulders versus my narrow, rounded little cuties.  I crossed my arms over my breasts and looked away, the breeze tossing my long blonde hair.  It was strange to feel it swishing across my bare back, tickling my smooth skin, floating around my face and— constantly— getting into my eyes.

I guess because I was thinking about my hair, I found myself checking out the other females who were out on the beach.  I kind of felt sorry for the girls who weren’t blonde, and then realized what I was doing and vowed I would find some way to control my thoughts and stop comparing myself to all these other women.  I’m not a girl, I reminded myself.  And these girls are not my competition!

Once the chairs were all set up, we sprayed each other with suntan lotion, and I self-consciously rubbed it into my shoulders and then over and between my swaying breasts, rubbing the lotion along my sternum, then onto the rise of my bountiful breasts, feeling them all squishy and tender..  It sent weird tingles through my body to feel my hands on my girls, and I tried to hide it from the other girls, who were busy making sure their skin was covered as well.  When I sat on my beach chair, it felt so strange to feel my butt kind of spread out underneath me, making my thighs and butt look and feel even bigger..  I never had so much back there, and I wiggled trying to get comfortable.  Then, when I went to rub suntan lotion onto my legs, I noticed a deep, sexy crease where my leg met my hip.  “Look at this,” I said, getting the other girls’ attention. “Sexy,” Taylor said.

“Nice thigh brow, slut,” Nicole said.

A thousand pictures flashed through my mind of hot women I had checked out on the internet, my male brain flickering with pleasure at the sight of that sexy crease on all these beautiful bombshells.  It was just another moment for me to realize I’d become my own porn goddess.

I rubbed the lotion into my long legs, working the coconut oil into my soft, hairless skin.  My thighs felt almost too fat , but as I looked at my legs glistening in the sun, my eyes told me they were perfect.

“Uh, oh,” I said as I settled back, feeling my breasts heavy against my chest.  “I forgot my sunglasses.”

“Got you covered, girl,” Taylor said, handing me a pair of oversized, Elizabeth Taylors.

I slipped them on.  “Now what?”

“We luxuriate in the sun and check out the cute guys,” Kylie said.

“I’m not into guys,” I said.

“Not yet,” Nicole said, giggling.

“Don’t make me into dudes,” I said, terrified at the thought I was going to start liking guys.  “That’s not fair.”

“Hush,” Kylie said.  “Your one of the girls now.”

“Please,” I said. “Anything else.”

Nicole handed me a copy of Vogue.  “Read.”

I looked over the tops of my glasses at her, holding the magazine with the tips of my fingers like it was radioactive.  “Seriously?”

“Yes, Sofia.  Seriously.”

I dropped the magazine onto the sand next to my chair and laid back, closing my eyes.  “I’m good.”

The girls started chatting as we lay in the sun.  The beach started to fill up.  At some point, the others rolled over, so I did as well.  Laying on my stomach, my breasts pooled under me almost like a pillow, and I rolled side to side, struggling to accept the lack of a bulge from my groin, the lack of my dick pressing against the chair, but just an unnerving sense of-- emptiness.  I looked down to see the issue of Vogue there on the hot sand.  There was something on the cover about Meghan Markle, and my heart fluttered.  What’s going on with her?  I wondered, idly flipping open the magazine and finding the article about her and Archie and Prince William settling in Canada.  As I got absorbed into the story—  the British royalty were fascinating!—  I could feel the heat of the sun on my back, and my big, soft butt.  It felt good, and I was glad my thong would leave barely any tan lines.  I could feel little droplets of sweat beading on my smooth skin, and it pleased me to know I looked sexy as hell.  Any girls walking by would be so jealous!

“The tabloids are just the worst,” I said as I read.  “I can’t believe how they treated Meghan.”

I heard a little giggle, and Taylor said, “It’s so disgusting.”

“She’s so brave,” I said.  “And what an amazing journey!  She became a princess.  Who does that?”

The girls all giggled.

“What?” I said.

“I never knew you were so into women’s magazines,” Taylor said.

“I’m not… it’s just…”. I suddenly realized what had happened, “Ugh!” I said, closing the magazine in disgust.  “I can’t believe you!”

“Don’t stop reading on our account,” Nicole said.  “There’s a great article in there on how to know when a guy is cheating on you.”

I closed my eyes.  “I’m good.”  And yet, I felt my heart flutter.  I did want to know how women thought, didn’t I?  And, wasn’t this something I could talk to the girls about?  But, no. I was not going to let them win.  I knew this was another change they had made in me, and I resolved to resist their little games.

We flipped back over.  I don’t even remember picking the magazine back up.  It was almost like being in a fugue state, and as I read I could help but burst out, “Guys are so stupid!  How can they not realize smelling like another girl’s perfume is such a giveaway?”

The girls all laughed.  “I thought you weren’t interested?”  Nicole said.

“You know I can’t help myself,” I said, not even bothering to fight it as I finished the article on cheating guys and began to read their tips for cute summer looks.  “But this doesn’t make me any less of a guy!”

“No, but your boobs do,” Kylie said.

“Stop,” I said.

Once more, I was answered with giggles.

“Let’s take a swim,” Kylie said, sometime later.  “I’m hot.”

“Me, too,” Taylor said.

I put my magazine down and got up, stopping to adjust my bikini bottoms, then my bikini straps.  For such tiny little pieces of clothing, they sure managed to shift around a lot.  As I wiggled my shoulders and lifted one of my breasts to fit it back into my bikini, I felt strange, like someone was watching me.  Looking to the right, I saw an old, fat bald guy staring at me, his eyes all hard and pervy.  It made me feel gross to have a man ogle me like that, just blatantly stare at my body, and I yelled, “Jerk!”

The guy laughed, and the girls all moved around me and ushered me towards the water.  “That guy was staring right at me!”  I said, wanting to go back and punch him.

“Get used to it,” Kylie said.

“It’s going to be happening all weekend long,” Nicole agreed.

“What?  But it’s so—  I mean…”

“It’s just part of being a hot young woman,” Kylie said.

“Uh!”  I said, tossing my hair.  Before I could more fully express my rage, I felt the cool ocean water wash over my feet, sending a tingle up my spine, and then we were all running, the girls laughing, as we into the surf, the water rising up my thighs and then all of us squealing as a big wave crashed into us, and I found myself surrounded by frothy ocean waves, swimming out away from the beach along with the others.  Once we got past the crashing surf, we found a smooth spot of water and I kicked my legs, keeping afloat even as my head began to spin from the new and insane sensations I felt as my nipples grew hard, like little erasers, poking against the thin martial of my top and sending thrilling chills through my body.  They almost felt like little erections, and I could help but reach up and cover them with my palms, filling the hard little points cupped in my soft hands.  I squeaked in surprise as the weird female surge of pleasure.

“You okay?”  Kylie asked, shaking out her wet hair.

“My… um…. My chest feels… weird?”  I said, blushing.

More giggles from the girls.  “Such a Sofia,” Nicole said.

Fascinated at what I was experiencing, I squeezed my breasts, then pinched my nipples between my thumb and index finger, making me clamp my legs together and gasp as I sank briefly under the waves, kicking myself back up.  “Oh, my God,” I said.

“Stop feeling yourself up!” Taylor said.  “People are watching.”

“What?”  I yanked my hands away from my throbbing nipples, though it took an effort of will.  “Are you always.. our your bodies always so… um… sensitive?”

“You’ll get used to it,” Kylie said.  “Now, take a couple deep breaths and try to calm yourself!”

I did as she suggested.  I was used to wearing trunks as a guy, so I became acutely aware of the feeling of the cool ocean water swirling around my bare thighs, right up to the gap between my legs.  And, as the waves gently rolled, bobbing us up and down, I could feel once more how my whole body was so much more bouncy and jiggle now, as my breasts and booty rose and fell with the movement of the waves. I was used to having an almost protective coating of hair on my skin, which I was now realizing had served to reduce my tactile awareness.  In other words, my skin seemed far more sensitive and reactive to every sensation, and with my whole body now hairless it seemed like I felt every swirl and draft in the cool water.  It was odd to find myself feeling so much more alive now that there was nothing between my soft skin and the world.

My fascination with all the new feelings I was experiencing as a female was broken, however, when Nicole suddenly splashed me.  “Hey!”  I said, splashing her back, accident spraying Kylie in the process, who then splashed me, and then we were all splashing each other, laughing and giggling as silvery water flashed all around us.

Then, as if we’d all heard some invisible whistle, we all started swimming toward the shore, still giggling.  “Last one to shore is a slutty slut!”  Kylie called out as she started breast stroking.  My competitive streak came alive.  I had been a competitive swimmer in high school!  But, as we all swam out hardest, I found myself falling behind the other girls. My legs were still pretty strong, but I was shorter, and my body felt weird, like there was a lot of drag from my chest, and as I climbed out of the water and made my way onto the beach, feeling the water sluice down the insides of my thighs, the girls were all laughing.  “Slut!  Slut!”  They called.

“Stop it!” I said.  They were all glistening, the ocean water beading on their round little shoulders, and I felt that man I had been getting totally turned on, even as I glanced at my own little shoulder and saw the beads there as well, and on the tops of my breasts.  I could feel the other women on the beach, which was much more crowded now, checking me out, so when I realized one of the bikini straps had slid off my shoulder I just left it down.  I felt so sexy, and hot, and I wanted all the girls to be jealous of me.

No.  No, no!  I’m a guy, I remembered, and I was reminded as I now became aware of all the guys who were checking us out, checking me out, letting their eyes play up and down my soft curves.  I hooked a thumb under my wayward strap and then pulled it up, feeling it snap against my shoulder as it got back in place.  My nipples were still hard, still poking at the top of my bikini, but I resisted the urge to cross my arms over my chest.  I knew the other girls would think I was weird if I did, so  I ignored the hungry eyes of the men.  I was going to have to get used to it— at least as long as I was a woman.

We made our way back to our beach chairs, and I put my sunglasses back on, glad to hide behind them as I tried to forget all the guys staring at me.  We lay back, occasional giggles erupting as we remember our little splash fight. It was the first time I had really felt like I was just one of the girls, and the realization warmed me, even as the sun warmed my wet skin.  My damp hair was sticking to my shoulders and the tops of my breasts, so I pulled it back.  “Do you have any more magazines?” I asked, as I settled into my chair.

“Such a Sofia,” Nicole murmured as she dug into her beach bag and handed me an issue of Elle.

“Ohhhh!”  I said as I looked over the pretty girl on the cover, thinking I had prettier eyes.  “More Meghan!”

My girlfriends all giggled, and I just shrugged and eagerly turned the pages.


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