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As the time moved towards evening our impromptu little party dispersed, everyone except Vivianne, Heather, and myself moving off to do our own things. I had originally intended to head off to go help Celestine keep an eye on the apprentices, I'd somewhat neglected to look after Trix and she had probably woken up by now, but with all the fun I'd been having I ended up following Heather towards the revelry starting up around the fire.

Just to see what was happening. It wasn't... what I was expecting, not an outright orgy, anyway. Just lots of people getting close, dancing, and making music.

Not that there weren't people getting frisky; I could see Adrian being pressed against a tree by someone and kissed, with hands going... elsewhere, and clothes looser than was entirely appropriate. Even Heather had clear thoughts that were plain to see with how her eyes were locked onto Daniel's arse in his, admittedly flattering, leather tights. He'd strutted up right next to the main cauldron, the one Joseline was tending to, and had started chatting with her.

I stopped dead as we got closer, not wanting to walk into the blue-tinted vapour that was wafting up into the warm summer air. Something about the fumes seemed a little... off. Wrong in some way. The colour, maybe? They should be pink, shouldn't they?

But Alchemy didn't conform to stereotypes, let alone stereotypes from another world.

In any case, I wasn't getting closer. My mind was my own and I liked the way it worked. Besides, I was having a hard enough time not staring withoutany encouragement thanks to the wonders of being sixteen a second time around. Knowingwhat was going on didn't change a sodding thing about how interesting the way Daniel's trousers bulged, or the unbuttoned blouse Rachel was sporting as she dragged Adrian off, was.

Oh, thatwas who had been kissing him.

Good for her?

No, good for him. She almost rivalled Lorna when it came to her chest and she was notshy about using them... Something I was still too self-conscious to do, even if I was getting to the point it was possible.

"Oh, Keepers," Heather said, covering her face with her hands.

"What?" Vivi said, sounding distracted. "Oh, what's wrong?"

Heather raised her hand and pointed. "Mum," She mumbled as she rushed to cover her eyes again.

Looking over to see what was happening I was just in time for Joseline to finish snogging the sense out of Daniel and let go of him. The teenager looked dazed as if he'd bit off more than he could chew and Joseline laughed. I couldn't hear what she said but she was clearly teasing him as she fluttered her skirt and strode off, looping her arm with an older man and leading him off towards one of the tents that had been set up nearby.

The man lazily saluted his friends, only for one of them to call out after them... and start following as Joseline yelled back an affirmative.

"Oh," I mumbled, my cheeks burning as I realised what she was doing. Obviously, I knewabout threesomes, but... unexpected. "That's..."

Joseline did not seem like the kind of person who would do that, or at least, she hadn't seemed like the kind of person who would...

"Mum," Heather said, trying to not whine piteously and not quite succeeding.

"Ew," Vivi gagged, "Is she really...?"

"She did it last time too! Just, just... told me to have fun and grabbed a man, then dragged him off and had sex. In our tent!" She whined loudly as she threw her head back in despair. "The smell didn't go away! At all! And– I nearly walked in on her, if I hadn't heard..." She shuddered and shook her head. "Then she tired him out and got a newpartner."

"Looks like she's skipping the tire him out part," I said, finding it hard not to be amused. Embarrassed too, but it was still kind of funny. I threw an arm around Heather's shoulder and gave her half a hug, mildly regretting it as I pressed against the thin shift from the ritual she was still wearing. I'd changed, she hadn't, and it was hard to ignore how warm she felt or how soft my friend was. "I– I mean, it could be worse? You could get a sibling out of it, that'd be nice right?"

Being a teenager was such a horrific pain. I hated it, hated the way I was tempted to abuse my hug to cop a feel, hated the way I had to struggle to not accost one of my friends.

She laughed awkwardly. "That's why mum's doing it. She wants a baby now that I'm old enough, and... and thisis how I was born."

Joseline finally slipped into the tent and out of sight.  As embarrassing as it must be for Heather, that was part of what these meetings, these Minglings, were for. Not the whole of it, not everyone took part, but still. Joseline wasn't doing anything unusual and had decided to go at it with gusto.

To make a serious effort at having another child.

Something inside me twinged, a quivering behind my navel at the thought. There was a part of me that liked the idea of joining her, of finding a partner of my own to try and bring about new life. But Azeroth was in too much danger for me to take nine months, really a year or more, off to play at being a mother. No matter how the thought of my belly swelling–

I swallowed heavily, pushing the thought aside. No, not dealing with that. No matter how hot it made me feel.

"It's still not that bad," I said, my voice strained – something Vivi caught as she looked at me oddly. "My mother ran off with my... fatherafter one of these. She thought he loved her and he left her behind. Your mum at least knowswhat she's doing."

"She suggested I give my new sibling a niece or nephew this morning."Heather mumbled, just barely loud enough for me to hear. She glanced at Daniel, who had been watching after Joseline left, and he winked. Her cheeks immediately burst into flame.

My breath hitched and Vivi looked at me worriedly. Joseline had suggested to her daughter–

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Well, maybe... it's up to you." She could make her own choices. "But, there's going to be a lot happening soon, so it isn't really a great time." I laughed awkwardly. "Though, when is?"

So many crises were coming it was hard to think of when a good time was. A couple of years from now would be the first, and almost only, real lull...

But I was going far, far too busy to take advantage of them. I squeezed Heather tighter, enjoying the scent of her hair. Even if I kind of wanted to, it still wouldn't be a good time.

Maybe I could adopt... but it wouldn't be the same.

"No one's stopping you," Vivi said awkwardly, shuffling on her feet. "But, uh, maybe not your firsttime?"

Heather giggled and shook her head. "It wouldn't be. But... I-I'll take some Morrow's Bane first, and, and... yeah." She turned and pulled me into a full hug, happily pressing me into her chest. "See you later, Gwen, Vivi!"

A moment later she hiked the skirt of her shift and jogged after Daniel, and I started after her with flushed cheeks and a hand over my heart as I tried not to pant.

Sometimes I absolutely despisedbeing attracted to my straight friends. And Heather only made it worse by being such an unthinking cuddle bug as she was. That wasn't the first time; it wasn't even the tenth. Once she'd kept me there all night while staying in my home, in my bed, because it was warmer. Lorna might be worse with her teasing but Heather was firmly in second place.

Taking a deep breath I tried to slow my heart down, to push away some of the heat I was feeling. Keepers, I was going to have to change againwhen we got back to the tents... I didn't keep that many spares.

"We should head off," I said to Vivi. If they were awake then at least one of them was going to try and sneak off to cause trouble; spy on things they shouldn't at their age. Emma was absolutelythe sort to do it even if I thought Trix had more sense.

Vivi bit her lip, her cheeks threatening to go as red as her hair, and glanced down. "I... Well, since we're here, we could join them for a bit!" She gestured at the dance around the fire; it was mostlychaste, with only a few overly intimate touches. People seemed to have the sense to keep it private for the most part. "If you don't mind, I mean."

"Of course I don't!" I giggled happily, we should get back but my stomach did a little flip at the thought and there was no wayI was declining. "I likedancing. Your dancing especially." I said teasingly as I took her hand and ran my thumb over the back of it. Her blush multiplied and started to run down her neck and shirt. "You're so very good at it."

"W-Well it's the one girlthing I like!" She said, getting ever more flustered. I could see why Lorna enjoyed doing it to me, this was fun. "Let's go!"

Vivi wasted no time before she started tugging me along, a stupendously wide smile on her face as we slotted into the dancing circle. The rhythm of the drums and flute wasn't anything I was used to, with almost all of my experience being more formal dance from my etiquette lessons alongside Lorna, but Vivi put a firm and guiding hand on my hip and started to lead.

I was happy to follow; Being the shortest, I usually did. And I trusted her skills completely.

The soft swaying, simple steps, and circling, quickly escalated as she decided to show off. Throwing me out into a spin, a full twirl that set my skirts fluttering. I leaned into it, spinning like a top, as I let out a joyous laugh. It was fun, fun to just let go and dance.

She pulled me back, holding me close as she stepped onward, looking down at me with an adoring and gleeful smile. It set my stomach aflutter, to be looked at like that.

With a smile on my lips, I rested my head on her shoulder for a time, her height advantage over just barely enough for it. Her hand on my hips tightened its grip and I could hear her heart pounding. Being so close I had a chance to examine her more than ever; I'd known for years she had a mole on her cheek, but not that it was two smaller ones conjoined.

"Gwyneth? Gwyneth!"

Two little dots blended together into seeming like a larger one. Something I hadn't known about my friend.

My fingers trailed on her back for a moment, my breaths coming heavily, and she threw me out into another spin. Only, this time, when I came back she stood still and pressed our bodies together. Just looking at me, something sparkling in her eyes.

"Miss Arevin!"

The sound of the music seemed to fade away behind the beating of my heart, the light of the fire dimming compared to the shine of her eyes. The way she looked at me made me deeply question lumping her in with Lorna as being straight.Made me revisit our interactions over the years, the way she spoke about the betrothals – the men– her mother tried to set her up with, and ask myself how stupid I had been to never consider it seriously before.

She licked her lips, her enticingly pink lips, and opened her mouth but no sound save a strangled breath came out.

"Vivi," I said, treasuring the sound of her name and drawing it out gently as I reached up to cup her cheek. "Do you–"

"Gwyneth Arevin!" A hand landed on my shoulder, shattering my focus. "A moment, if you would."

The moment was ruined and Vivi jumped away from me, a profound sense of loss filling me. I turned on the interloper, my hands clenched at my sides and glared at him. "What?" I snapped, not truly caringwhat they wanted or why after they had split us up. "What the bloody hell do you want?"

I was sure Vivi was going to kiss me. Or I was going to kiss her. And it would have been perfect.

If this middle-aged twitwho needed to grow a beard to hide his god-awful double chins hadn't ruined it entirely! Keepers, who the hell was he and why was he bothering me?!

"My apologies," He said with a short bow, "but my brother and I are leaving tonight. We never planned to stay for the festivities but I wished to know how we could contribute to the Lady Speaker's plans going forward?"

I let out what could charitably be called a growl if I had a deeper voice. Why was he asking me?!I was busy! "You could've asked Celestine herself!"

"Hi!" A young boy said, tugging at Vivi's shirt. "You're the sword lady! Can I see it? Please?" He couldn't be any older than Trix and was probably younger.

Vivi stopped glaring at the interloper to glance down at the boy, then up at me. We bothknew he shouldn't be out here; under the sound of the music I could hearwhat Joseline was getting up to.

"I couldn't possibly," The interloper said, shaking his head rapidly. "The Speaker? No! No. I wouldn't dare bother her. Couldn't possibly. I know you're in her confidence, it should only take a short while..."

Groaning, I nodded to Vivi, and she nodded back. Looking just as disheartened as I felt as she led the blathering boy away and back to where he shouldbe. In the meantime, I had to entertain this idiot.

I would much rather be dancing with Vivi. Asking her if she liked me, if she would be my girlfriend, dragging her off to a more secluded spot to learn exactly what her lips tasted like. And I was sure, so very sure now, that she would have let me; would have accepted me.

Not like when Lorna had gotten my hopes up, only to put her fingers to my lips and call me cute, but that she couldn't, when I'd thought the moment was right. Get my hopes and dreams up and then turn them down. I loved my friend, I really did, but it had hurt. Gone far past her usual teasing. My fault, I'd read something that wasn't there, and... despite it all, I enjoyed the teasing and attention. Never asked her to stop.

It's not like her reason hadn't made sense either. I was her subordinate, and worse, she hadto marry and continue her line. Even if she did like me that way all that would have come of it was heartbreak.

A sigh ripped itself from me as I watched Vivi walk away, something more tantalising than ever about the sway of her hips and the way sweat caked her shirt to her back and showed off the definition that lay underneath.

"Fine." I bit out as I looked back at the man. "I can explain for you, it's not terribly complicated. Honestly, the Speakers already covered most of it."

He asked a few questions, what kind of guards we were considering, how soon they would turn up and where, and how exactly we were going to spread out to do the most good. They were decentquestions, even if one of them – whose guards would be escorting us in our work – had already been answered by Vivi thoroughly earlier.

Vivi hadn't come back by the time the twitwas satisfied and left me be, and I felt awkward just standing around waiting for her. Heather was off... somewhere, presumably with Daniel to enjoy themselves. I really did hope she was happy with the results of tonight and didn't have regrets; she deserved to have a good night.

But it did mean I was alone. No one else I knew well, and scarcely even those whose names I knew, was about. Rachel had taken Adrian away, Celestine and Old Grims were back with the kids, Trix and Emma and Richard shouldn't be about.

As much as I might've taught Jane, Don, and Theresa and even remembered their names I didn't know them. Not enough to walk up and start a conversation out of nowhere.

Not in thiskind of environment and caught myself staring at Jane's clean-shaven legs.

I moved away from the fire, feeling far too hot and like my head was heavy. It took effort to breathe normally and keep down the boiling heat in my belly. I'd never felt this needy before and staying around the fire, where the dancers were slowly disrobing and showing themselves off more and more, wasn't helping.

But everywhere I looked there was somethingto stare at. Men's bare chests coated with a fine sheen of sweat, those with abs worth respecting and those without. Women hanging off of their arms or sauntering enticingly. Men and women both whispering huskily, low enough that I couldn't understand the words but their tones carried all the meaning needed to know what was going on.

And here I was entirely alone.

Distracted as I was, it didn't take long before I bumped into someone, a deep musky scent filling my nose and churning something up inside me. A pair of deep chocolate eyes attached to the chiselled chest I'd stumbled into looked down at me amusedly, his face framed with strong cheekbones that sported a finely trimmed beard that ran into a long braid below his chin.

It wasn't perfect, not when I had witnessed the masterpiece that was a true Dwarven beard on Caedan, but up close it was truly impressive for a human.

And made me want to run my fingers through it and see what it felt like.

"Ah, uh, sorry," I mumbled as I pushed off from his firm torso.

He chuckled, a deep rumbling sound that made me shiver strangely. "Not a problem." He said, his voice thick with the liltingly pleasing Headlands accent. "Not every day a pretty girl walks into me, but I won't complain. Distracted by the view, perhaps?"

I blushed, yanking my hand away from him as if it was burned.

"Sorry," I said again. I hadn't even realised I was still touching him...

"Not a problem." He repeated, smiling broadly. "Though, I saw you dancing with your friend. You're quite good."

"Mhmm," I nodded, breathing deeply. Keepers, he smelled amazing. My head swam with the scent of a forest on a hot summer's day and deep earth tones, like freshly tilled soil.

"It was hard to say which was better, you or your friend. Streaks of red and brown, sparkling in the light of the fire..." He took a lock of my hair and ran his fingers through it gently. The sight was strangely mesmerising and his voice sent a shiver straight down my spine. "If you're sorry, perhaps you can give me the next dance?"

Blinking up at him, my head full of the enticing scent, it took a moment to process what he said. "Ah?" My chest warmed at the compliment to my hair, at the way he was admiring it, but...

He was asking me to dance. My eyes followed his hand as it reached the end of my hair, twirling and winding it around his large fingers, and wondered what it would feel like on me.

I... I'd been...

I shook my head, trying to clear it.

"Oh, no?" He said, sounding disappointed.

"Ah! No, no. I mean," I fumbled, waving my hands in denial as he suddenly smirked confidently. Somehow it sent a tingle straight down my spine to turn the fire inside me into a raging inferno that demanded I agree. "Yes, sure." I said, trying and failingto sound nonchalant. "That, would be nic– acceptable."

It wasn't like a dance could hurt, could it?

The deep rumbling chuckle came again as he took my hand, suddenly pulling me so close I had to rest my head against his chest. His musk filled up my lungs and head as he put a hand on my hip, his meaty fingers digging in controllingly, as he started to drag me through a dance.

He tumbled us past the fire, forcibly bringing me along for the ride. There was something intoxicating about the way he moved to his own rhythm, the way he stomped his feet and the deep rumble of his voice as he asked me questions I scarcely understood enough to answer.

I had little choice but to follow along in his grip, held close to him where I could feel the warmth of his body and the heat that burned under his skin. All of his attention was focused on me and solely on me.

Only when he threw me out to violently spin did his gaze shift, roving over me, admiring my chest and legs, my bare arms that shone with sweat.

It didn't feel entirely right, but it felt warm. It made me want more.

More of his attention, more of his attention, for him to see and admire and compliment more of me. For me to see more of him. To give him more places for his rough hands to touch and feel, more places for him to send a thrum through my body that made it jump with joy.

My head felt so very full as it all ran through me.

He made no illusion that he desired anything other than the totality of me, his roving hands brushing and teasing at places that made me gasp; that made me want more.

And all too suddenly the dance came to an end, my back pressed up against a tree as his fingers dug into the pliant flesh of my hips between my corset and skirt, one of his legs driven between mine and pushing the concealing fabric aside and pressing against my core.

His free hand cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing my lips and eliciting tiny gasps as the sensations shot through me and made me writhe in place.

Was he going to kiss me? Was he going to take my first kiss, was he going to plunder my lips and mouth with all the force he had shown in the dance? My head swam with the thought, the musky scent of overturned earth and vibrant Life flooding my head and making me shiver with anticipation.

Keepers, was he going to give something to the fire inside me that burned so furiously?

"You are astounding, Gwyneth." He whispered huskily, the depth and proximity of his voice making my ribcage vibrate and my heart pound. "So young, so influential, so powerful, and so very beautiful."

Why wasn't he kissing me? Why was he just complimenting me? It seemed wrong.

"You truly are the greatest of the new generation, aren't you?" He grinned a triumphant and possessive grin that promised many things to come. "And now you're here with me."

I opened my mouth, to return the compliment, to shout at him to kiss me and stop tormenting me with the way he made me feel. But, the words died in my throat.

As he started to lean down a thought forced its way through the lusty haze in my head.

What was his name?

Who was he?

My eyes were wide; the world seemed to slow to a crawl as my heart pounded and I watched him come closer. He was going to kiss me.

I was going to kiss him.

Who was he?

Bracing myself against the tree I pushed against his chest, holding him back and stopping him so close I could feel his breath brush against my lips. "No," I said weakly, my voice wavering. "Stop!" I shuddered, my eyes still locked with his. I wanted this.

I wanted it so much.

My arm shook, my heart thundering as my body rebelled against my snap decision to stop him. Why? Why had I? It would be– it would be so niceto let go and let him. Let him douse the need I felt with his body.

"I don't– I don't know–" I didn't know his name!

Where was– where was Vivi? I had– I was waiting for her–

I gasped as his breath tickled my lips, my chest heaving. He pushed against me, coming fractionally closer, his fingers digging deeper into my flesh and his leg pressing harder into my core. I wanted this.

But it wasn't right. This wasn't right at all.

"Don't what?" He rumbled, shifting his hand to grope my arse. I shivered at the touch, the rush I felt from it, the heady sensation his voice sent running through me. "You want this. I can tell. Let me take care of you, Gwyneth."

I did. I really, really, wanted it. I wanted his hands all over me and doing things I would never be able to forget. I wanted the heat he was pressing against me. I wanted all that and so much more.

"No-no," I forced out, pushing harder as I closed my eyes. I didn't know him. I didn't even know his name! I wasn't- I hadn't wanted to take the tea because I didn't want to do something like this!

Even if it would be amazing.

Even if I wanted it now.

Even if my body screamed at me that I neededit. That I needed to be filled.

I didn't want it before and that had been my choice for a reason.

"No, I don't!" I screamed out the lie at the top of my lungs, shoving him off of me and ripping the hand away. He was forced back, falling flat on his arse. His gaze changed from that confident assessment and lust to confusion and no little anger in an instant. "I don't– It was just a dance. Just meant to be a dance." And nothing more.

It shouldn't have even been that.

Where was Vivi? Why had I stopped waiting for Vivi?

My head swam with the smell of soil and trees, of nature and Life. I felt sick with guilt. What if Vivi came back and I wasn't there.

"The wet spot on my trousers says otherwise." He rumbled, a frown on his lips. The lips he was going to kiss me with. "Or were you just a ruinous tease, offering what you never planned to give?"

"I-" My fingers clenched into the bark of the tree behind me, steading myself as my legs threatened to give out. "I don't know. I don't know why I did it. I didn't want this, I didn't mean this. I don't know you."

Slowly, while I stood there shaking, he reared back and loomed over me. My arm fell away as he cupped my cheek again and sent my resolve to refuse him wavering. "Well, I do. And I think all you need is a simple little kiss to know too."

He leaned in once more, my breath hitching.

And I slammed my eyes shut, my fingers digging deeper into the bark. I forced power through it, magic with an oh-so-familiar scent through the tree and into the ground. Roots and grasses reached up, snaking around his legs and locking his body in place. His arms were pulled back and away from me as he struggled.

"No." I said, shaking my head.

"You–" He growled angrily, "Let me go!"

Something was wrong with me. Very, very wrong.

I hadn't planned to join in at all. I hadn't meant to follow Heather, but I did anyway. The dance with Vivi... the dance with Vivi where I hadn't just wanted to kiss her, to embrace her, I'd wanted to take her away and go further. To kiss every part of her.

Heather had been so warm to the touch and I'd wanted to hold on tight, to abuse our friendship to do more than was right.

The boys and girls had all looked so enticing, things I would normally look away from drawing my eye and keeping them. Helooked so enticing and smelled so good. The scent filled my nose once more and I felt a new rush of lust wash over me. He stillsmelled so good.

"Gwyneth! I said let me go!"

I still wanted to do more, the feelings were still there and raging inside of me. The desire to rip off his trousers and take him; he was trapped and unable to resist. It's not like he would want to stopme... or I could let him go and let him take me.

My body trembled with anticipation at the thought, at both thoughts, at the idea of filling myself with him and bearing his child.

And where my mind should rebel... should rationally be repulsed... I could barely muster a protest.

I wanted it so very, very much.

Fuck. "I– I'm going." I said, struggling not to waver. I couldn't stay here, I couldn't stay near anyone. I needed to get away. To calm down. "The dance was... was nice. The groping... the..." I'd enjoyed it, encouraged it, and even knowing something was wrong I still wanted it to happen all over again. I couldn't lie. "Fuck." I swore, rubbing at my frazzled head. "No, I'm leaving."

My legs were unsteady as I walked away and I couldn't help but think it would be better if they were unsteady for a differentreason.

This was so wrong.

"I'm going to let you go... but don't follow me." I said, swallowing thickly. "Or I won't let you go again."

Wasn't his fault there was something wrong with me. That I practically threw myself at him. I messed up and let something happen to me.

Cursing myself I stumbled away from the sounds of the camp, the festivities, and the light of the fire, off into the forest. I could find somewhere to sit down and deal with things. Away from everyone else. Where they couldn't see my shame. What had I been thinking saying yes to the dance?!

That I was horny, thirsty, randy, or whatever, and that he was hot and interested when Vivi hadn't come back. Didn't feel like she was coming back. Had forgotten she was coming back when an alternative presented itself.

It was too easy to understand what I'd been thinking.

And that made it worse.


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