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Batman: "I may not, like, know how to fight or anything anymore, but I'll still figure this out. I know what you do and I'll bring you down."

Falcone: "Bring me down? You want a slap? You are apart of this family. You're gonna pay for your university by yourself? What'll happen to your brother? Eh? Leave your mom devastated? You don't mind where the money comes from when it means a new car or to fund your little field trips with your friends."

Batman: "So you just want me to be a good little girl because you're my dad? It's my fault I want to go to university? And, like, I'm helping you out by getting a car! You don't have to drive me to school everyday! Wait, like, what am I saying?..."

Falcone: "We're here and I gotta get to some business so out. You're gonna be late again. Here, take this for lunch" (hands Batman a fifty dollar bill)

(Batman grabs the money trying to hide the excitement).

Falcone: "Ummmm...where are you going baby?"

Batman (rushes back to the car): "Thank you daddy"  (he gives Falcone a kiss on the cheek).




"Thank you daddy" was my favorite part. Oh batsy. You are losing yourself.


Sure but how can batman truly resist the urge to have a family? To have parents again?