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What have I heard about The Wonderful 101 Kickstarter? I go over the history of the port rumours and answer your questions about it. Plus, my next video is revealed!




Based on their twitter, Dangan Entertainment's name is Japanese (They write it in katakana as ダンガン) so it's Dahngahn (Like the o in "hot"). It means "bullet" in Japanese. Same as in Danganronpa.

Carson Morris

Thank you for answering my question Liam. I too am skeptical that a Wonderful 101 port Kickstarter could work but I will still support PlatinumGames on it. I haven't played the Wonderful 101 but I know that it's a game too damn good to be eternally stuck on the Wii U. It deserves a second chance and to be re-released for the historical record if nothing else. It sold so poorly and was shackled to such a unsuccessful system that I could see it being very hard to play in the future, and it doesn't deserve that fate.

Arshbir Thind

I do like a lot of folks at IGN, but I dislike when they get someone to review a game who is not familiar with the genre or series' history just to put something out there.

Carson Morris

We did it!! The Wonderful 101 has been lifted out of the Wii U graveyard!!


Scratch what I said, it's Dangen Entertainment not Dangan. The Dangan Entertainment I found on Twitter was somebody else. So I dunno how to pronounce it.


I've been wondering, Liam. As a fan of 101, would you say that W101 made some of the best uses of the WiiU game pad that, even with this new release, would still make it worth playing? I'm getting the switch version but was curious on playing the original version since you mentioned that it did make use of 2 screens at certain moments, which i feel like was something on the WiiU that devs stopped doing after awhile. Thanks!!