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In 2010, Masahiro Sakurai was working on Kid Icarus: Uprising, which later became the first 3DS game ever revealed to the world. Something I have discovered recently is that  while Mr Sakurai was developing Uprising, each day he was able to, he would upload a brand new screenshot from the game to an internal company 'wiki'.

His studio used this wiki to keep on top of the Kid Icarus lore; to create what was essentially a bible to keep track of all of their ideas. Sakurai treated the wiki essentially like a blog. Whenever he was able to, he would take a new screengrab of something interesting and fun he found in the game as they were developing it, and upload it there for staff to check out. It was essentially a privately-held, company-wide version of the Smash Dojo for Kid Icarus: Uprising! Cool, huh?

Here is a selection of images from the private company wiki, which show Uprising in an early form from 2010!



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