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Hello, friends!

This is a small update to let you all know about a wonderful book project I have contributed to recently which has finally been announced. GAMEBOOK ADVANCE is a compendium on the Game Boy Advance's history and most significant games. I have written a chapter about Metroid Fusion in the book, which is one of my favourite GBA titles as some of you may know.

This is the third in a series of books on the Game Boy that i've worked on for Ninty Media and they're all genuinely great works. The quality of them is extremely high. A lot of very talented writers and artists work on these books and I'm happy to be a part of them.

If you're interested in buying one, please use my affiliate link below. I receive a small kickback from anyone who contributes to the Kickstarter via this link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nintymedia/gamebook-advance-the-unofficial-agb-companion?ref=17441h

I don't often plug stuff like this but I really do like these books and enjoy working on them. Please check it out.

I am currently working on a very long video. If you want to learn more about it, check out my Liam Unfiltered podcasts. I will be doing another of those soon.

Thanks again for all your support,





As a kid I played Metroid Fusion like 10 times start to finish. Will 100% check it out


This looks like those books that chronicle the NES/Atari 2600/Genesis/etc so seeing one for a console I have a lot of passion for is sick. Ordered one and can't wait to dig into it