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Surprise! Here's a video in which I go over the Metroid Prime 4 trailer frame by frame, give you my thoughts and my theory on what the game will be about...


Metroid Prime 4: Beyond - Trailer Analysis & Theory

I go over the Metroid Prime 4: Beyond trailer frame for frame like the massive nerd I am and tell you my theory and thoughts as I do it.


Arshbir Thind

Great job w/ the analysis, Liam! If this was up on Gamexplain, you'd surely make a full $1 for your work! Really raking in the big buckaroos. Also, a crack theory I like to indulge in is Sylux's true identity being Solomon Aran (Samus' long lost younger brother). For story reasons I dont want it to be true b/c that just oozes w/ cringe, but it's neat to think about Samus' early days more deeply and the universe in general.

Erik Schuessler

Really interesting insight. Thanks, Liam.


Thanks! I have heard that before and really hope it isn’t that. I just want it to be an original character that was screwed over by the galactic federation.