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An Anonymous Commission.

All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Ten Minutes Before the Game…

Amity’s focus before every game was stronger than steel. As she walked through the Hexside hallways, every student that crossed her path gave her a wide berth. They knew not to confront her when she was marching towards the Grudgby field.

Her poised stature masked the anxiety that threatened to bubble to the surface. It shouldn’t have affected her too much as this was meant to just be an exhibition match against other students from Hexside. If she was playing against another rival school, that would be something else. But, Amity wasn’t the type of player who settled for anything less than perfection…especially when her opponent was Boscha. Her brow twitched thinking about her biggest rival. This competition between them had become an unmissable event, strengthened by the fact that Amity won every game, fuelling Boscha’s determination after every match to best her.

Amity’s skin crawled when she rounded the final corner that would lead to the exit and spotted Boscha leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. A wide smirk was plastered across her face as she gazed at Amity mischievously with her third eye. Amity stopped in her tracks and locked eyes with her. The hallway fell silent, and the remaining students who happened to be caught in the crossfire of the intense stand-off quickly fled, leaving the two rivals alone.

‘’Ready to lose today, Blight?’’ Boscha said with a coy smile.

Amity scoffed. Harsh retorts tickled the back of her throat, trying to coax her to match Boscha’s taunts. But, she resisted. The Amity from a few years ago might have responded with similar venom. However, her temper had been quelled greatly in the time she had spent with her girlfriend and Grudgby teammate, Luz Noceda. The human had taught Amity that the best way to respond to a bully was to beat them at their own game. In this case, it was literal. Amity was going to let her skills on the field do the talking for her. Lifting her chin, Amity marched forward, walking past Boscha without a word.

Despite this, Boscha’s smirk didn’t fade. She glanced at her nails nonchalantly. ‘’Hey, Amity, I didn’t come here to wish you luck before the game.’’

Amity continued to ignore her.

‘’I just thought that you should know I just finished fucking your girl toy.’’

Amity halted instantly.

Boscha’s smile widened. ‘’Now, every time she’s with you, she’s going to be thinking about me fucking her silly.’’

Turning to confront the witch, Amity’s resolve remained. Boscha was shocked to see that her rival was able to keep her anger tempered so well, but she knew that she had her ensnared within her grasp. ‘’Why should I believe you?’’ Amity probed. ‘’You could be lying to throw me off my game.’’

‘’I could be,’’ Boscha snickered. ‘’I guess you’ll have to see for yourself on the field. If she’s having trouble flying, it’s because she’s still reeling from having my big cock stuffed in all of her holes.’’

Silence fell upon them once more as Amity walked purposefully towards Boscha until she was standing right in front of her, their eyes meeting in an unbreakable bond. Boscha didn’t waver under Amity’s intense stare. A small twinge of hesitation tickled the back of the three-eyed witch’s neck as she worried about Amity getting aggressive with her. But, if she did so, she would have to forfeit the game for deliberately inflicting grave injury on an opposing player outside of the field. Boscha’s goal was to rattle her rival until she couldn’t think straight. Either way, Boscha considered this a victory.

However, she couldn’t help but feel that something was off. While she had managed to catch Amity’s attention, she was expecting a stronger reaction. Everyone in Hexside knew that Luz and Amity were inseparable. It made Boscha gag thinking about how cute the two were together. It felt like nothing would tear them apart. But, Boscha thought that this news would get under Amity’s skin and turn her into a mess long enough for Boscha to take advantage and get one over her rival.

Yet, Amity seemed more annoyed than furious. What was going on?

Suddenly, Boscha flinched when she saw Amity’s arm move towards her. She expected a punch. Instead, Amity firmly grabbed Boscha’s crotch through her pants.

‘’Hey, what?’’ Boscha gasped.

Amity said nothing as she moved her hand up and down, rubbing Boscha firmly between the legs. The corner of Amity’s mouth curved upward as she felt Boscha react to her touch, hardening beneath her pants until the outline of her cock was visible. Amity stroked her as Boscha continued to freak out. She looked around to make sure that no one saw what was happening. For now, the two of them were alone. But, that didn’t make this occurrence any less shocking. Boscha never considered Amity to be the type to be so lewdly bold in a public place.

‘’Are you crazy? We’re…’’ Boscha stopped mid-sentence; her words morphed into whimpers as Amity sped up and pressed her hand down more firmly against Boscha’s bulge.

The purple-haired witch stayed silent as she listened to her rival gasp in pleasure. Her bulge was steadily growing. By the time she was at full length, her pants resembled a tentpole. Her erection was sticking out to the point where Amity could glance down and see her cock beneath the space between her stomach and the hem of her pants. But, Amity didn’t look. Her eyes remained locked onto Boscha’s face as it contorted with bliss. Boscha was panting heavily as Amity gripped her cock through the material, giving it a firm squeeze.

‘’No…wait…’’ Boscha’s protests were in vain. She was forced to meet Amity’s sultry gaze as the witch’s hand blurred, stroking Boscha’s concealed cock without hesitation or mercy.

Boscha didn’t know how to feel. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. Yet, she didn’t want to complain. This felt so good, and she’d be lying if she said that she hadn’t fantasized about becoming intimate with Amity. But, her relationship with the human gave her the impression that dream was an impossibility.

All three of Boscha’s eyes rolled back as her whole body tensed and she grunted loudly. ‘’Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!’’

The crescendo of Boscha’s sensual rambling was deafening. Amity didn’t relent even as she felt Boscha buck her hips wildly. She pushed her rival over the edge sooner than expected. The witch came hard in her pants. Thick strands of cum blasted through the material, wetting Amity’s hand. Finally, Amity’s gaze traveled downward as she stared at the mess that had been left in her wake. Boscha trembled as cum trickled down her thigh and legs. Wet stains appeared on her pants. A faint hint of sweat appeared on her groin. Watching her rival come undone pleased Amity to no end.

Ragged gasps escaped from Boscha as Amity withdrew her hand and brought it to her face, making a show by slowly licking the cum off her fingers as Boscha watched in disbelief. Boscha had been with women and had done many explicit things with them. Yet, this was the most erotic thing she had ever seen.

After cleaning her digits, Amity gave Boscha a sly grin before turning gracefully and departing. Boscha was left in a literal mess. She was so mystified by what had happened that it wasn’t until Amity walked through the door that she remembered the game was going to be soon. Boscha blushed brightly and stared down at herself. Her flaccid cock throbbed intensely, straining against her sticky wet pants. She covered herself and stared at the door.

‘’Y-you! That’s…that’s not fair!’’ She yelled. But, Amity was long gone by now. Boscha inspected her surroundings and hobbled back towards the locker room. ‘’Now I need to change!’’


Any attempt to recover after that unfathomable event was futile for Boscha.

The game was a disaster for the three-eyed witch’s team. Despite outnumbering their opponents three-against-two, they were outplayed and outmuscled. Luz and Amity were perfectly in sync as they scored point after point, and evaded the supernatural obstacles in their path effortlessly. Boscha hated how well they worked together. It was sickly cute. But, she had another problem to deal with. Her teammates, Cat and Amelia, looked completely out of their depth. They appeared exhausted before the game started. And it only got worse as the seconds passed. It was like watching a pair of corpses trying to dig their way out of their graves. Any hope of finally winning against Amity was dashed within the first few minutes. Boscha dared not look at the scoreboard when the game had reached its end.

As Cat and Amelia crashed to the floor upon hearing the final bell, Boscha stormed over to them. ‘’What happened?’’ she barked at them. They were too exhausted to balk under her fiery temper.

‘’I don’t think we thought this plan through,’’ Cat said.

Amelia nodded. ‘’The human’s stamina is unreal.’’

Boscha’s fists balled until her knuckles cracked. She glanced over her shoulder to watch Luz and Amity celebrate their victory. Unable to stand their wholesome antics for another moment longer, Boscha grabbed her teammates by the shoulder and dragged them off the field.

Amity spotted them just as Boscha kicked at the door and trudged angrily back into the locker room. ‘’There’s something I will never get tired of seeing.’’

Luz nudged Amity’s arm. ‘’Hey, let’s not delight in the torment of others.’’

‘’Admit it, you’re enjoying this too!’’

‘’Maybe a little,’’ Luz smirked. ‘’But, I want to focus on us. We were on fire today!’’

‘’We were,’’ Amity paused and pondered. ‘’Although, I can’t help but feel like something was off. I knew we had spirit, but Boscha and her team seemed a bit out of it.’’

Out of the corner of her eye, Amity noticed a sly smile on her girlfriend’s face. Luz’s cheeks brightened as she rubbed the back of her neck. ‘’Well, let’s just say that it wasn’t just pluck and luck that helped us. It might have been a fuck too. That rhyme pattern sounded better in my head.’’

Amity raised her brow. She immediately recalled the earlier taunts from Boscha before the game. ‘’Luz, what happened?’’

‘’I think the Banshees were trying to exhaust me before the game,’’ Luz wiggled her brows. ‘’But, I don’t think they were prepared for what I was offering them…’’


One Hour Before the Game…

The sound of hot moaning and skin slapping together reverberated loudly throughout the girl’s locker room as Luz settled herself onto her knees and eagerly bobbed her head back and forth, aggressively sucking Boscha’s long, thick cock. The three-eyed witch grunted emphatically as she thrust her hips, embedding her cock deep within Luz’s throat. Cat and Amelia stood on opposite sides as Luz pumped their shafts at the same time. Their mewls of ecstasy urged Luz to stroke them harder and faster, feeling them pulse with excitement in her grasp.

Luz wasn’t expecting to find herself in this situation when Boscha invited her into the locker room two hours before their game. She was anticipating mild banter and threats that usually came with these kinds of feisty events. But, when Boscha stated her intentions to rock Luz’s world better than Amity ever could, with Cat and Amelia as backup, two thoughts instantly came to the human’s mind.

The three of them together couldn’t hold a candle to the levels of Amity’s intimacy.

Luz was still intrigued to find out.

She surprised them by accepting their offer, stripping naked, descending to her knees, and opening her mouth so that the most eager of the bunch could fuck her face. Most knew that Luz was an expert at improvisation and went with the flow. However, Boscha was still startled by how easy this was.

‘’When I’m done with you, you’re going to be too exhausted to do anything other than dream about our cocks!’’ Boscha said as she speared her shaft past Luz’s lips.

Luz had a naïve streak. But, she wasn’t oblivious to their intentions. The timing of this couldn’t be a coincidence. Boscha would do anything to win at Grudgby against Amity. Luz was up for the challenge.

That was quite some time ago. They had their way with Luz over and over again. But, despite their best efforts to try and tire the human out, she appeared to have a bottomless supply of stamina. She slobbered over Boscha’s shaft like there was no tomorrow. Her neck bulged each time the witch rammed her cock forward. Spit and pre-cum dribbled out of the corners of her mouth as she gagged on the length repeatedly. Boscha’s smug grin was endearing to Luz, mostly because she knew that the witch wasn’t ready for what she had signed herself up for.

‘’Fuck yeah, you slut!’’ Boscha grunted. ‘’Earn that cum!’’

Luz bobbed her head more rapidly. She didn’t stop, not even to catch her breath. Her arms showed no sign of fatigue as she jerked Cat and Amelia off. The two of them were in complete awe at how lewd Luz was. It didn’t take the human long for her to figure out how each of them liked to be treated. Amelia preferred her shaft to be gripped tightly like a vice, almost to the point where it felt like it was going to break. She thrust furiously against Luz’s hold, desperate for her to squeeze her cock with no restraint. Cat liked the more gentle approach. Luz’s touches were swift and soft, almost as if she was tickling her package. Luz would momentarily pause her actions to fondle the witch’s balls, sending shivers down her spine. Boscha was hardcore to the extreme. She wanted Luz’s lips wrapped firmly around her shaft. She wanted her dick to be coated in Luz’s spit. Her balls cashed against Luz’s chin over and over again as she expertly deepthroated her. It didn’t matter how fiercely Boscha fucked her mouth, Luz was able to match her vigor.

Luz wasn’t about to let it slip that one of the reasons she was able to easily take Boscha into her mouth was because she had daily experience sucking on Amity’s much larger cock.

Cat moaned harshly. ‘’Holy shit! Holy shit!’’

‘’Gonna…blow…’’ Amelia gasped.

Luz smiled around Boscha’s cock. She timed her movement to ensure that the three of them came at the same time. Her body was a temple of never-ending bliss. It was to be used to fit their needs and bring them to the heights of pleasure. Boscha’s face twisted as she tried to hold out for as long as possible. But, Luz’s mouth was too good. The witch felt her balls churn with cum, breaking down the walls, ready to burst. Boscha let out an incoherent grunt as she came hard.

As Luz drank Boscha’s cum as if it was the elixir of life, she brought Cat and Amelia over the edge too. Not for the first time, rope after rope of cum splattered Luz’s face and hair. She gulped down Boscha’s heavy load and glanced at the other girl’s expressions as they rode the waves of their orgasm. Their faces transformed into delightful ahegao expressions.

Luz wasn’t expecting the trend to take over when Gus accidentally told the others at Hexside about it, believing it to be a facial greeting that humans give each other. Still, she wasn’t going to complain. Cat and Amelia looked adorable. Although, it was nothing compared to how Amity would look when she adopted the expression.

After swallowing every drop Boscha had to offer, Luz stared up at the three-eyed witch. ‘’Is that all?’’

Boscha’s face flared red. She snapped her fingers. The sound rattled Luz’s body. Without a word, Cat and Amelia seemed to know what to do as they grabbed Luz and brought her over to the bench. Before Luz could question what was happening, Amelia stuffed her cock into Luz’s mouth while Cat approached her from behind and slowly inserted herself inside the human’s pussy. Luz moaned with delight as she felt both of her lips being stretched by the girl’s commendable sizes. They eagerly spitroasted her as Boscha stood to the side and furiously stroked herself back to full length, watching the erotic display as she encouraged her teammates.

‘’Yeah, fucking ram it in! Show that human what a real piece of meat feels like!’’

Encouraged might not have been the best word to use. Perhaps, ordered? Either way, Cat and Amelia followed their captain’s instructions and gave Luz everything they had to offer. Luz welcomed their thrusts by moving her body back and forth between them, taking them both deep inside her over and over again. The Banshees’ thrusts were becoming jagged and tired as they fucked Luz with all their power. But, it was quickly becoming clear that they were not able to keep up with the bundle of energy that was Luz the human.

Letting her frustration get the better of her, Boscha approached them, moving Amelia out of the way and turning Luz over so that she was now sprawled out with her back on the bench. Shifting Luz over until her head was hanging over the edge, Boscha rammed her cock back into Luz’s mouth, face-fucking her like a feral animal. Sweat poured down the witch’s back. Behind Luz, Cat took advantage of this new position by sliding her cock into Luz’s ass. The tightness was unlike anything she had ever experienced.

‘’Uh, Boscha!’’ Cat purred. ‘’You’ve got to try her ass! It’s my fifth time!’’

Boscha huffed as she thrust her hips aggressively. ‘’Already got her mouth full! She sucks cock so well!’’

Watching on, Amelia felt a little dejected having been pushed out of the way. But, that feeling didn’t last long as she suddenly felt Luz’s fingers clutch around her shaft, pulling her closer so that she was able to stroke her. Amelia moaned with delight as she watched Luz’s breasts bounce up and down with every hard impact she was forced to endure between Boscha and Cat. Wanting to take her chance and further elation, Amelia slid her cock forward so that it would rub against Luz’s soft breasts. Luz seemed to realize what was happening and she pleasured Amelia further by dragging the witch’s throbbing shaft all over her mounds.

‘’Ah!’’ Amelia cried out. ‘’This human’s tits are amazing! My dick’s gonna blow!’’

Boscha wanted to scold her. They had to hold out. They couldn’t let this human’s endurance persist. But, it appeared that nothing could stop Luz. Despite her being their sex toy in this situation, she had the highest level of control. She could counter anything they threw at her. Boscha fucked Luz’s mouth harder. Her balls slapped the human’s face repeatedly. Cat drove every inch of herself deep inside Luz’s ass, never wanting to pull back. Amelia’s knees buckled as she almost crumbled into dust as she felt her walls crumble.

‘’I’m cumming!’’

Amelia blasted her thick load all over Luz’s tits, painting them completely with her seed. Boscha and Cat had the perfect view of Luz’s body becoming their teammate’s lewd canvas. The sight tipped them over the edge not long afterwards. Cat leaned forward, sheathing her cock as far into Luz’s ass as she could reach before she exploded. Boscha bit her bottom lip. She tried to resist. She had to hold out. But, she couldn’t. She creampied Luz’s open mouth once more. By now, the taste of her cum must have been quite a familiar one to Luz. She didn’t let a single drop spill as she sucked Boscha dry.

When Boscha pulled back, Luz sighed with relief and licked her lips. ‘’Are we going to keep going? There’s still time before the game!’’


‘’After that, Boscha got dressed and stormed off. From what I heard I think she was going to find you. I stayed behind with Cat and Amelia. I felt like they got the short end of the stick with Boscha ordering them around, so I gave them a bit more fun before the game started. I guess I got carried away.’’

The chipper innocence in Luz’s tone was a stark contrast to the subject matter of the story she just retold to Amity. She was somewhat oblivious to Amity’s response. The witch’s frozen smile was amusing to see. But, that wasn’t the only reaction that had been caused by Luz’s tale. When Luz’s eyes fell downward, she noticed the raging boner that was taking shape beneath the witch’s pants.

‘’Oh! Amity…not in front of everyone,’’ Luz teased playfully, shooting her girlfriend a seductive stare.

Hardly a moment had passed before Luz felt Amity’s hands on her waist. Just when she thought that Amity was about to take things further on the open field, the witch hoisted her girlfriend over her shoulder and carried her away from view. The half a dozen students who had stopped by the watch the game were puzzled as they watched the couple disappear from view, dashing over to the locker room where the Banshees retreated to.

Without warning, Amity kicked the door and burst into the room, surprising Boscha and her team.

‘’Amity! What the hell?’’ Boscha screamed, trying to cover herself as she and her teammates had just finished changing and were completely naked. ‘’Get out of here!’’

Ignoring her rival’s bellowing, Amity slammed the door shut and set Luz down. Her girlfriend was equally baffled. Amity fixed another steely gaze in the Banshee’s direction. The trio felt intimidated as they feared that Luz had spilled the beans over what happened and they incurred Amity’s wrath.

‘’Hey, you won the game!’’ Boscha said. ‘’Don’t try anything that…’’

Amity grabbed her own top and ripped it open, exposing her breasts.

The witch’s actions earned stunned silence from everyone in the room. Luz gulped loudly upon seeing Amity so openly display herself in front of the others. Steam was pouring out of Boscha’s ears as she tried to comprehend what was happening. She thought that Amity’s earlier actions were beyond surprising. But, this just took things to a new level. She blushed furiously as an instant erection took shape between her legs. She tried to tear her eyes away from Amity. But, that wasn’t going to happen. Boscha gawked at the creamy mounds. Her heart was racing as she stared lustfully at Amity’s nipple piercings.

No one other than Amity knew what was going to happen next.

She turned to face Luz. Silently and confidently, she grabbed her girlfriend by the shoulders and pressed her back against one of the lockers. Being this close meant that Luz could faintly hear Amity’s heavy breathing. Their eyes locked. Luz trembled as she became entranced by Amity’s intense gaze. She was so…so…

‘’A-Amity?’’ Luz gasped.

Amity’s expression softened for a split second. However, her unyielding expression returned as she tried not to melt under her girlfriend’s cuteness and focus on putting on a show for everyone involved. She kneeled and hooked her fingers inside Luz’s pants. As she pulled them down, she exposed her girlfriend’s dripping wetness. There were still remnants of cum leaking out of her from her earlier exploits. The shock on Luz’s face was infectious as she looked over and saw that the Banshees were just as surprised by Amity’s actions. Each of them was blushing harder than the last person.

None more so than Boscha. This was the last thing she expected to see. Her plan had been torn to shreds in every possible way.

It was now becoming apparent that Amity and Luz were no strangers to involving other people in their love life. Boscha had fallen into a trap that she didn’t realize had been left out for her.

Luz cried out in pleasure as her girlfriend began to eat her out, diving right in and sucking the cum from her pussy. Amity dragged her tongue up and down, from side to side, delighting in the taste that was coming from Luz’s most intimate area. A mixture of intoxicating tastes stunned her senses, encouraging her to lick her girlfriend harder and faster. Luz grasped at the sensation before lifting her top so that she could knead her own breasts as she was being ravished. She pinched her nipples roughly as Amity thrust her tongue inside, fucking her and lapping up her juices along with the cum that had been pumped inside her. Amity’s hand was between her own legs, rubbing her erection from the outside of her pants.

Looking over, Luz could see that the others were getting turned on by the incredible display in front of them. The captive audience was unconsciously masturbating at the sight, sending Luz spiraling into a further state of ecstatic delirium. Her tongue was out of her mouth as she bucked her hips against Amity’s face, urging her girlfriend to go deeper. Amity was more than happy to oblige, forcing her tongue in and out of Luz’s entrance at a steadily growing pace. She reached up to cup Luz’s ass, forcing her to grind against her mouth harder and faster. Chills raced down Luz’s spine as she rode Amity’s tongue to heaven and back again. She shuddered uncontrollably as she felt her impending release.

‘’Amity! I’m…’’

Amity knew that her girlfriend was on the verge of a powerful climax before Luz said anything. She could read Luz’s body like a book. She knew about every spot that sent Luz wild with lust. She knew all the right ways to fuck her. Every weak spot was marked, forever etched in the back of Amity’s mind. They knew each other inside and out. Luz’s body bucked erratically. Her legs were quivering, so Amity held onto her tightly. She thrust her tongue inside her girlfriend, licking her clean as Luz broke into a million pieces and came in front of everyone.

Boscha watched awestruck. They made Luz cum before the game. But, this was different. This felt more personal. There were tears of joy in Luz’s eyes. Her body quaked, whereas before it merely trembled. Luz clawed at the locker behind her, desperate to hold onto something for support so that she didn’t fall to the floor. Transfixed by the sensual sight, Boscha found herself stroking her cock faster than ever before. She didn’t even know when she, Cat and Amelia had started masturbating. But, they couldn’t stop themselves. They were eating out of the palm of the couple’s hands.

Perhaps the most appropriate phrase that could be used in this situation given the wonders Amity was putting Luz through as she lapped up her girlfriend’s climax as if it was her last ever meal.

When Amity finally withdrew her mouth, Luz slumped to her knees, panting heavily as she rubbed her tender pussy, quelling the overwhelming sensations that stunned her body. Boscha’s disbelief grew. The three of them had taken turns fucking Luz in every way imaginable. Yet, one session with Amity was enough to bring the human down. Boscha tried to feel jealous. But, all she could comprehend was pure desire. Likewise, despite the state she was in, Luz’s eyes were still glazed with longing.

She wanted more.

‘’Am…’’ Luz moaned. ‘’That was so good.’’

Amity rose to her feet. Her bulge was straining intensely against her pants, giving Luz the perfect view to ogle the outline of her cock through the attire. Amity flashed a glance in Boscha’s direction before turning her attention back onto Luz. Whatever she was planning to do next, she wanted to make sure that her rival was watching. The witch grunted and flexed, showcasing her lean physique through her Grudgby outfit. As Boscha, Cat and Amelia watched on curiously, Luz waited with bated breath and searing anticipation. The faint sound of clothes ripping buzzed around the room. Boscha’s eyes widened in shock when Amity’s cock suddenly burst into view, ripping through her pants.

‘’Whoa,’’ Cat gasped. ‘’Does she practice doing that?’’

‘’Quiet!’’ Boscha barked, unable to look away from what was happening.

Luz looked at Amity’s throbbing cock as it hovered inches above her face, dripping with pre-cum from the tip. The witch’s size and thickness were mouth-watering. Everyone, Luz included, looked at the massive length as if they were a deer caught in headlights. No one could take their eyes off it as the room fell into another short moment of stunned silence.

Standing over her girlfriend, Amity’s expression made it clear what she wanted from Luz. The couple’s gaze was unbreakable as Luz opened her mouth and slowly took Amity’s cock into her mouth. Her lips were stretched before she had engulfed half of Amity’s erection. They continued to look at each other with hearts in their eyes as Luz began to bob her head back and forth, taking more of Amity’s cock into her mouth. She reached for her pussy and fingered herself as she sucked her girlfriend off. The tip brushed against the back of Luz’s throat, causing her to choke on it a few times. But, she wasn’t deterred. She sucked Amity’s cock hard and fast, intent on making her cum and tasting her sweet nectar.

Amity savored this glorious blowjob from her girlfriend as they both sped up their actions. Luz moved her head quickly and Amity strengthened her thrusts. She knew that Luz could take it. ‘’Luz, you suck my cock so well!’’

The praise spurred Luz on. Her cheeks reddened as she brought her head forward until her lips were sealed tightly around the hilt of Amity’s cock. She remained like that for a short while, slurping on Amity’s length. When she pulled back, she dotted it with sweet kisses from all angles. Her lips brushed against every inch. No part of Amity’s cock was left untouched. She dragged her tongue up the underside before swirling it around the head, lapping up the pre-cum which leaked out of the slit. Amity moaned with delight before grabbing Luz by the head and forcing her to take her back into her mouth. Luz’s muffled moans echoed throughout the room as she gagged on her girlfriend’s cock mercilessly. Spit rained down from Luz’s chin, onto the floor and Luz’s body due to Amity’s relentless thrusting. Luz kept one hand between her legs and the other hand on her breasts, rubbing herself, eliciting more pleasure out of this scenario as Amity fucked her mouth for what felt like hours.

Boscha couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Amity was rough, but not as rough as she was with the human. However, something about this felt more hardcore. Boscha wondered if it was the contrast between hard and soft. It didn’t matter how forcefully Amity went on Luz, she would always supply her girlfriend with gentle caresses across her face and soft words of encouragement. They were practically glowing. At this stage though, Boscha could no longer be sickened by their cuteness. She just wanted to see how far they would go with each other whilst being watched.

Amity grunted, ramming her cock harder into Luz’s mouth as she towered over her. ‘’Take my cock, Luz! I want you to feel my cum spill down your throat.’’

Luz’s lips vibrated as she moaned with approval, sending more jolts of pleasure coursing through Amity’s body. Pushing forward, Amity speared her entire length down Luz’s throat before cumming. Her heavy load overflowed out of Luz’s mouth, startling the Banshees as they watched on. They couldn’t believe that Amity’s load could be too much for Luz to handle. The human was able to swallow their loads over and over again without trouble.

Amity truly was something else, much to Boscha’s chagrin.

When her girlfriend was done using her mouth like a fuck toy, Luz leaned back against the locker. She was allowed a small moment to swallow whatever was left in her mouth and catch her breath. Amity stroked her cock to make sure that it didn’t soften in this moment of respite. She flashed another look of acknowledgement in Boscha’s direction.

Luz squealed as she felt herself being lifted to her feet by Amity. Her girlfriend hooked one arm under her leg to lift it, giving the witch a clear path to guide her cock towards Luz’s soaked pussy. Despite her immense girth, she was able to shove her entire length into Luz in one go, her girlfriend’s wetness providing great assistance with the swift motion.

‘’Fuck! Amity!’’ Luz cried out, wrapping her arms around Amity’s body to hold onto her. They stare deeply into each other’s eyes as they enjoy this loving moment where for a brief moment all that mattered to them was each other.

However, they knew that they were not alone. A faint gasp could be heard from the side. They didn’t know if it came from Cat or Amelia. Either way, Boscha shot them a deadly look, even though she was just as susceptible to the erotic display as they were, stroking her cock just as furiously as her teammates. Luz smirked before turning back to Amity. She knew that her girlfriend wanted to make it a point to show them what Luz really craved. ‘’Do it, my Amity! You’re the best!’’

With Luz’s words of encouragement igniting a raging fire deep within, Amity proceeded to fuck her girlfriend hard and deep.

By now, the Banshees had abandoned any restraint and were now eagerly and openly masturbating to the pair. Boscha hated to admit it, but they looked so good together. Luz and Amity hugged, keeping each other close as they passionately embraced. Amity’s thrusts didn’t stop as Luz was practically bouncing on her girlfriend’s cock. Sweat and cum rained down onto the floor beneath them as the sound of Luz’s backside crashing against the locker filled the room like a metallic chorus that showed no sign of stopping. Luz’s moans turned into full-blown screams as she took her girlfriend’s cock inside her pussy repeatedly. It was the perfect fit for her in more ways than one.

Amity completed her. Mind, body, and soul.

Boscha hated herself for succumbing to finding joy in something so mushy. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that Cat and Amelia were enjoying themselves. They no longer buckled under their captain’s intimidating glare. They just wanted to stroke themselves as they watched Amity fuck Luz.

The pair knew that they had their rival team in a bind. They could do anything they wanted. The trio were utterly bewitched by every action they took. Luz thrust her tongue into Amity’s mouth. Her girlfriend welcomed it by sliding her tongue along Luz’s. The Banshees watched as the couple’s tongues wrestled for dominance.

A cliché. But, a delightful one.

During their messy make-out session, Amity felt her cock twitch. She knew that she was on the verge of pumping her load inside her girlfriend. So, she doubled her efforts. She fucked Luz as hard as possible, sending waves of pleasure crashing over her girlfriend’s body. Luz raked her fingers down Amity’s back, leaving red marks in her wake. She was lifted off her feet by Amity’s intense thrusts. She wrapped her legs around her girlfriend’s waist as their lips crashed together. Their synchronized moans of pleasure were the final chorus before they shared a delightful climax.

Amity’s load was bigger than the last. She filled her girlfriend to the brim, cumming deep inside her with excess cum flowing out of Luz’s pussy and onto the floor beneath her. The thick, white substance was like honey to the bees that were the trio watching them. The trio almost forgot to blink as they gawked at every messy detail.

‘’Damn…’’ Amelia whispered, still pumping her length. ‘’And I was so close. I think I’m still worn out from earlier.’’

‘’Me too,’’ Cat said.

They missed the swift knowing look from Luz and Amity. The couple were far from finished.

Luz was brought to her hands and knees. Amity mounted her from behind and forced her cock back inside. This time, Amity became well-acquainted with her girlfriend’s rear. Luz cried out in euphoria as Amity fucked her ass like an animal in heat. Her size stretched out Luz’s ass more than any cock or toy had done so before. She would never get tired of this experience. It didn’t matter if the squeeze was tighter than her pussy, Amity banged her aggressively, turning her girlfriend on. The purple-haired witch dominated her in every way imaginable. Luz lifted her hips so that Amity could fuck her ass deeper, and give the others a better view of the pleasurable torment she was being put through.

Time was nothing more than an illusion as over the next period, Boscha and her teammates watched Amity repeatedly fuck Luz in various ways. Oral, vaginal and anal. No part of Luz was forgotten as she became her girlfriend’s plaything to use however she saw fit. All the while, the Banshees were giving full access to view each lewd detail, bringing them over the edge. The look of relief on Cat and Amelia’s faces as they came was apparent. Amelia came undone when Amity sprayed her seed all over Luz’s chest. Cat’s cock throbbed when Luz rode Amity reverse-cowgirl style and took her back into her ass.

Boscha didn’t know how many times she came or at which points. She had lost track of the number of times that her rival had cum inside her pussy. Her mouth and ass were overflowing with cum, but not as much as her pussy. Amity had pumped enough seed inside her girlfriend to breed a dozen people if possible. But, it was all for Luz. Boscha was starting to feel like it wasn’t enough to just watch them. She wanted to become involved.

Was that Amity’s plan? Had she twisted the sense of jealousy back around onto the three-eyed witch? Boscha didn’t want to say it out loud, but she had to commend Amity for how she played this game.

She had won before they even got onto the field.

Luz was laying with her front on the floor as Amity fucked her from behind, driving her cock in and out of her pussy and ass. She took her time spearing one hole before switching to the other, spreading Luz out until her girlfriend was on the verge of losing consciousness. She held out long enough to feel Amity cum inside her ass one final time. It was a miracle that there was still space for Amity’s seed as it oozed out of Luz. The witch groaned harshly as she blasted another heavy load inside before pulling out and inserting her cock into Luz’s pussy, sharing the load between both of her holes. Her movements slowed to a crawl. Wet squelching sounds tickled their ears as Amity felt cum seep out of Luz’s opening and smother her cock before it slipped out of her.

A thick layer of sweat and cum enveloped their bodies as they held each other. Amity collapsed on top of Luz, panting heavily. She tenderly kissed the back of Luz’s neck, moving over to her girlfriend’s ear. ‘’Are you satisfied now, batata?’’

Luz hummed blissfully and turned her head just enough so that their lips could reach. They shared a tender kiss before a shadow loomed over them. Looking up, they spotted the other team approaching them. Boscha pursed her lips as she appeared to be having difficulty knowing what to say. Cat and Amelia stood a short distance away with flustered expressions. Their cocks twitched, with strands of cum flowing from the tips.

‘’So…uh…’’ Boscha grumbled. Her blushes were evident. ‘’We were wondering…if…you two are still raring to go…’’

Boscha didn’t even need to finish the sentence. Luz and Amity held hands and exchanged a warm smile.


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