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An Anonymous Commission.

All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Sora resisted the temptation to take her lighter out of her pocket. The last thing she wanted was for the smell of her cigarette to linger as she ventured to find Charlotte Pudding with a basket of food and a bouquet of flowers in hand.

The day of their wedding was edging closer. It almost felt like Sora was being dangled over a vast, dark chasm with no chance of escaping. Her heart pained as she thought about her crew. The state she had left Luffy in after the captain pleaded with all of his heart for Sora to return to the Straw Hats. The only thing that was keeping her sane throughout this endeavor was the thought of marrying Pudding. This might not have been how Sora envisioned getting married. But, she couldn’t fault the daughter of Big Mom in any way for this predicament.

Was Pudding a victim in all of this as well? Did she even want to get married? She seemed so pleasant around Sora. However, the cook worried that there was more hidden behind Pudding’s warm smile. There was a mask that Sora recognized all too well. It was the look of a person who was trying to bury their hurt deep in the ground and hope that it would never be found. Even if their meetings were scattered and swift, Sora felt that she had a good read on Pudding’s characters. They could make this marriage work.

They had to. Neither of them seemed to have another choice.

Thunder faintly roared in the distance. Sora glanced upward and saw dark clouds looming over Whole Cake Island.

‘’Not the ideal weather for smoking,’’ Sora commented. ‘’I imagine that Nami-swan saying something like that.’’

Her heart leapt at the thought of the navigator. Sora might now be committed to Pudding, but that wasn’t going to stop her from thinking of the good times she shared with those on the Thousand Sunny. She hoped that Nami had managed to drag Luffy away from this place. There was no telling how Big Mom would react if she was confronted by the brash pirate captain. Even the biggest wedding in all of the seas might not be enough to quell her rage. Sora shook her head and tried not to think about any of that. For now, she just wanted her head to be filled with happy thoughts of Pudding. Instantly, her cheeks reddened and love hearts circled her head as she skipped to the castle where Pudding was staying before her big day.

Before she could enter the building, two eyes and a mouth appeared on the door as it sprouted to life. ‘’No visitors at this time!’’ the door homie barked.

‘’Come on now,’’ Sora huffed. ‘’I want to check on my future wife before our big day.’’

‘’Sorry, no can do! Orders from Mama herself! And Pudding agreed!’’

Sora arched her brow. ‘’She did?’’

The last thing she wanted was to cause any problems, especially if it went against Pudding’s wishes. Sora retreated out of the homie’s sight and inspected the stone walls of the castle. She knew that there was a balcony around the corner with a glass door that would lead directly into Pudding’s room. But, would that be appropriate? Sora felt conflicted about invading Pudding’s privacy. The easy option would have been to leave and wish Pudding well from a distance. However, when Sora craned her head down to check on the food she had prepared in her basket, her resolve was cemented.

‘’I don’t know if she had anything to eat earlier. I can’t let her go hungry before her wedding. Besides, if we are getting married, I suppose we’ll have to get used to seeing each other more often.’’

A chill crept up the cook’s spine as she wondered if Pudding was getting changed at this very moment. What if Sora intruded on Pudding and indecently saw her? Not that there was anything indecent about Pudding. Sora imagined that her body would be quite heavenly. A stark contrast to the overwhelming toxicity that comes from her mother.

‘’Better to ask for forgiveness later,’’ Sora mumbled to herself as she leapt high into the air and landed gracefully on the balcony. She scanned the area to make sure that she hadn’t been spotted. There were no guards in sight. Sora sighed with relief and walked over to the glass door. Just as she raised her hand to gently knock, she heard someone inside.

‘’Why did this have to happen? It’s not fair!’’

Sora immediately recognized Pudding’s voice. Had she been crying? Sora had never heard Pudding sob like this before. It sounded unhinged. She was about to burst into the room until something compelled her to wait. There was no response. Was Pudding talking to herself? Sora carefully pressed herself against the glass to not make a sound. With the curtain behind the glass door shielding her from view, Sora peered inside to see what was happening.

‘’Of everyone in the Charlotte family, why did it have to be me to win the genetic freak lottery!?’’ Pudding screeched as she marched around her extravagant room. Her long pink dress swayed in the air whenever she sharply turned to pace to the other corner of her bedroom. Her loud stomping nearly cracked the ground beneath her. ‘’Why did it have to be me to marry Sora? Why me?’’

Sora flinched when she heard her name. As far as she was aware, Pudding hadn’t noticed her. The cook tried to get a closer look. She saw tears streaming down Pudding’s face. She was puzzled to see faint water droplets trickling down the center of her face from above her brow as well. Although, that detail was the least of her concerns. Her chest felt crushed seeing Pudding in such a dire state. But, her concern quickly transformed into confusion when she saw Pudding’s lip quiver before her frown was flipped upside down…becoming a deranged smile.

‘’It has to be me! Mama has trusted me with this task! She trusts me!’’

‘’Task?’’ Sora whispered to herself. ‘’Is she talking about the wedding? What else is going on behind the veil?’’

Pudding’s face shifted again. Fear and disgust were etched across her expression. ‘’Why does it have to be me? What if Sora finds out before the wedding? What if she sees who I really am before I can put Mama’s plan into action?’’

The corner of Pudding’s lip shot upward and she let out a crazed cackle.

‘’What does it matter? She’ll be dead before that happens! And it’s not like we really love her! This wedding isn’t real!’’

Sora’s heart froze. ‘’Dead?’’

‘’As if I could ever love a pirate like her anyway!’’ Pudding continued, becoming more frantic by the second as she spun around in a delusion dance of descending sanity. ‘’And she could never love me! So, why not pretend that this wedding is real and enjoy the fun while it lasts?’’

Her dance gradually slowed until Pudding was left rooted. She was facing the glass door but still hadn’t seen Sora as the cook watched her every inflexion.

‘’But…what if it’s not pretend?’’ Pudding quietly sobbed. ‘’What if she does like me? I…I think I like her. She makes me feel things that I’ve never felt before. She makes me feel seen.’’

Pudding released another crazed laugh.

‘’That’s because she hasn’t seen the real you!’’

She marched over to her mirror desk and lifted her fringe.

Sora gasped, nearly blowing her cover. Pudding had a third eye on her forehead, glazed with tears just like the other two. Pudding’s smile faltered as she tried to make the mirror shatter with her intense gaze. ‘’Look at you! Three eyes! Everyone says you're cursed! What will make Sora different? And don’t even get me started on your cock! You’ve been trying to hide it ever since Sora got here! Just seeing her is enough to get you going. So dashing and confident. She makes you weak in the knees. It’s real, isn’t it? You do have feelings for Sora! That wasn’t the plan! That wasn’t supposed to happen!’’

Pudding’s voice was becoming hoarse after her delirious outburst. Her eyes shimmered with tears as she sunk into the chair and brought her head down into her arms to cry. ‘’But…she doesn’t love me as I love her. If she knew the real Pudding, she would run.’’

As the room fell into an uncomfortable silence, Pudding felt a gentle breeze glide over her from behind. She bolted upright, knowing that the glass door was to remain closed. She turned sharply and flinched when she saw Sora standing there.

‘’What are you doing here?’’ Pudding screamed worriedly.

Sora’s face was calm. She lifted her arms to showcase the basket and bouquet. ‘’I wanted to bring these to you. I wasn’t allowed through the door, so I came through the window. I apologize for disturbing you.’’

‘’How…how much did you hear?’’

‘’All of it.’’

Pudding’s face paled. She backed away slightly until she bumped into her desk. The thought of running away crossed her mind. However, Sora’s reaction intrigued her. The cook didn’t look angry with her despite discovering that Pudding was plotting her murder. Pudding wanted to hold onto hope that things could still work. But, her anxiety bubbled to the surface as she laughed at Sora. ‘’T-t-then you know what I plan to do!’’

‘’I do,’’ Sora replied calmly. ‘’And I think I finally know who you really are.’’

‘’Oh yeah? You think you know me? Then tell me! Who am I?’’

Sora advanced with no worry about Pudding lashing out at her. The distance between them closed, leaving Pudding breathless as the two of them locked eyes. Sora’s expression was stern but soft. ‘’You are a beautiful woman who has been hurt too many times.’’

It was as if time had stopped around Pudding. Did she really hear that right? Did Sora call her beautiful despite clearly seeing her third eye and knowing about her cock? She shook her head violently. ‘’You’re lying! Get out of here! Run away!’’

‘’I’m not! And I can’t do that, my love,’’ Sora said. ‘’And I will never run from a real lady like you.’’

Pudding hesitated as she clung onto the part of herself that her mother would want around. ‘’Real? Are you kidding me? This is all an act! You heard it yourself! This whole wedding has been a ploy by Big Mom to kill your whole family! I was never real with you!’’

‘’But, you are now!’’ Sora responded. She smiled at Pudding. ‘’I finally see the genuine you.’’

Tears were still flowing from Pudding’s three eyes. But, they were not tears of sadness. No…they were filled with joy and relief. She felt an immense weight being lifted from her shoulders. The veil was being pulled back and she was unsure what to do next. Her fists balled as she laughed at the cook once more. ‘’I don’t believe you! You’re going to have to prove that your feelings for me are also genuine.’’

She pondered for a moment, trying to think of a way for Sora to prove her devotion. Pudding’s emotions were all over the place, and having Sora stand this close to her was driving her hormones wild. That’s when the idea came to her; an unquestionable act that would force Sora to leave and never return. Pudding’s hands were like a blur as she quickly fumbled with her dress, loosening the bow tied around her so that the bottom half would fall to the ground. Another gasp came from Sora when she saw the massive length that sprung outward from between Pudding’s legs. Pudding smirked. She had Sora’s neck tied in a noose.

‘’Well, go on then! Get sucking!’’

Pudding’s shaft was unbelievably long and thick. 16 inches in length. Pulsating with energy and already leaking from the tip. It was an intimidating sight for anyone whose eyes gazed upon it.

‘’You really are beautiful.’’

Pudding stood shell-shocked after hearing those words from Sora. Even though she had now seen Pudding’s body in full, a body which had been cursed and heckled throughout Pudding’s life, Sora was still bewitched as ever.

It felt too good to be true. Pudding’s tears returned just as Sora kneeled down until she was level with Pudding’s dick. Pudding mewled as she felt Sora’s tongue circle the tip, lapping up the pre-cum like a tasty treat. When the cook engulfed her bride’s cock and began to bob her head, Pudding’s voice raised an octave. She couldn’t believe that this was really happening. Sora was eagerly sucking her cock, moving her head back and forth at a steadily growing pace. They were both equally surprised to discover how much they were enjoying this sensation. Sora’s mouth was stretched wide open as she tried to take more of Pudding’s shaft down her throat. She felt her neck bulge as she choked on the length over and over again. The sound of her gagging on it reverberated throughout Pudding’s bedroom. Pudding blushed fiercely. Lewd sounds such as these had never beat her eardrums like this before. All she could think about was how good Sora’s lips felt sealed around her massive cock.

‘’Is…is that the best you can do?’’ Pudding teased coldly. Her façade was fading as she felt her body quaking violently. ‘’I-I-I know you can do better.’’

Sora was more than up for the challenge. The sweet moans of approval coming from Pudding spurred her into action. She doubled her efforts, deepthroating the entirety of her bride’s dick until it was buried at the hilt. Pudding cried out. She could feel Sora’s throat wrapped around her shaft. This experience was indescribable. Sora was tipping her over the edge sooner than expected. She wondered if being a cook had something to do with Sora’s expert oral skills. Although, she was having trouble comprehending a single coherent thought as Sora sucked her cock harder than ever before. She bobbed her head repeatedly as Pudding thrust her hips.

‘’Th-that’s it!’’ Pudding cried out. She threaded her fingers through Sora’s blonde locks. She gripped her hair tightly and rammed her cock further down Sora’s throat. ‘’Make me cum! Make your wife-to-be cum down your throat!’’

Pudding felt free. She could express her desires openly without worrying about shame from Sora. Her lover was more than happy to please her until she was on the verge of blowing her load. Pudding tried to retain her act. She tried to glare down at Sora with venom and authority in her eyes. But, when Sora looked up at her, Pudding crumbled. Her true self was on full display as she screamed at the top of her lungs and pumped her cum into Sora’s mouth. Somehow, despite the excess amount, Sora was able to swallow it all. She gulped it down without issue, enjoying the taste more than she anticipated.

When Pudding pulled herself out of Sora’s mouth, she nearly buckled and fell to the floor. But, Sora was there with open arms to catch her. Pudding huffed erratically as she gazed down at Sora. The cook licked her lips, refusing to let a single drop of Pudding’s seed fall to the floor. Pudding stared at her in awe and wonder. Her gaze shifted downward slightly so that she could admire Sora’s attire. A cross between a suit and a dress, making it easier to move around, Pudding’s cock twitched upon fixing her gaze onto Sora’s cleavage.

She wouldn’t…would she?

Pudding pressed her fingers to her mouth and looked to the side, nearly making Sora choke upon seeing her cute expression. ‘’Sora, will you…oh, it’s too embarrassing to say…’’

‘’What is it?’’ Sora said. ‘’I will do anything for you, Pudding.’’

Pudding gulped. ‘’Will you…give me a boobjob?’’

The daughter of Big Mom thought that Sora would protest. It was such an uncompromising demand. She was ready for Sora to reject her. Then, Pudding could unleash her full wrath onto the woman. However, she was rendered speechless as Sora smiled and began to undo her top. As the laces fell from the woman’s shoulders, Pudding watched on in stunned amazement. She could see the faint hint of Sora’s muscular figure from her years of battle across the dangerous seas. Yet, she was able to retain elegance and grace in her appearance. She was a woman through and through.

She had a body that Pudding wished to have.

Pudding’s angst-ridden thoughts didn’t stick around for long when Sora’s breasts popped into view. They were quite large. They would be more than up to the task of taking care of Pudding’s cock. The three-eyed woman’s length had returned to its full length. Without a word, Sora reached out and grasped Pudding’s cock.

Pudding gasped. ‘’Your hands?’’

‘’What’s wrong with them?’’ Sora asked.

‘’They’re…so gentle. How?’’

Sora smiled warmly. ‘’I never use my hands to fight. Their purpose is to cook until my dying day so that no one I meet will ever be hungry. And to be as gentle as possible with the woman I hope to be with for the rest of my life.’’

Pudding was lost for words. Her eyes became watery. Nothing else mattered to her outside of this room. She could see it in Sora’s bold expression that she meant every word. ‘’S-Sora…’’

With a loving smile, Sora placed Pudding’s cock between her breasts and began to bounce her body up and down. Pudding cried out and arched her back to better thrust herself into her lover’s cleavage. The feeling of her shaft enveloped between the soft mounds was heavenly. Her mind was broken by the joyful sensation. She was caught between crazed laughter and delighted crying. Sora didn’t hesitate. Despite Pudding’s inconsistent behavior, she was willing to do whatever it took to please her.

‘’T-this…it’s so good!’’ Pudding purred. ‘’This is the best feeling ever! You’re the best, Sora! I love it so much!’’

Her confession was tinged with the truth that had finally crawled out of the rubble it had been buried beneath. Sora’s smile was infectious as she continued to smother her tits around the throbbing shaft. The head was jutting out between the soft valley, reaching Sora’s lips. The cook licked the tip each time it emerged and greeted her mouth, earning more pleasurable moans from Pudding. She bucked wildly against Sora’s chest. Sora’s breasts were a treasure she couldn’t comprehend. She needed more. She wanted more. Pudding leaned forward and put more force behind her thrusts, fucking Sora’s tits without restraint.

She was no longer holding back.

They wanted this moment to last for a lifetime. But, there was only so much bliss that Pudding could take. Her face contorted with ecstasy as she felt another approaching orgasm. Sora could tell by the way Pudding’s body was shaking that she was on the verge of cumming again. She bounced her boobs faster and squeezed them around Pudding’s shaft more firmly. She could almost feel the length pulsing with desire against her creamy skin.

Pudding’s tongue hung out of her open mouth as she screamed once again. ‘’Fuck! I’m cumming again! Ah! Ah! Ah!’’

Just like before, Pudding’s release was explosive. Ropes of cum painted Sora’s face and even managed to cover her breasts like a painter brushing thick strokes onto their canvas.

‘’So warm, and so much…’’ Sora commented as she felt the threads shoot across her calm expression.

A rush of excitement billowed in the pit of her stomach. She spread her body for Pudding’s viewing pleasure. Between her legs, her wetness was evident through her panties. Pudding gawked in disbelief. Did she make Sora wet? Despite everything about her, Sora was completely soaked. But, she was frustrated that she couldn’t get the full view of the effect she had on Sora.

‘’Please, I want to see your pussy,’’ Pudding cutely demanded.

Without missing a beat, Sora grabbed Pudding’s hand and guided her over to the bed. Pudding’s heart was racing uncontrollably. Despite what had just happened, the act of walking over to the bed was what made her truly tremble. She knew what this meant. She knew what this was leading towards. Doubt threatened to cloud her judgement. There was a small voice in the back of her mind telling her that it wasn’t too late to cut out Sora’s memories of this night. With her Devil Fruit, she could end this before either of them dived too deep. After all, this wedding was still a sham.

Wasn’t it?

They didn’t really have feelings for each other, did they?

‘’Yeah, that’s right!’’ Pudding proclaimed with a dark smile. ‘’This is all still a lie, isn’t it? It’s always a lie! I…’’

Pudding was caught mid-sentence as Sora sprawled herself onto the bed and pulled her panties down her long, toned legs. Pudding’s eyes widened in amazement as she saw Sora’s pussy for the first time. The cook ran two fingers over her lower lips. The digits were drenched in an instant.

‘’Does this look like a lie to you, Pudding?’’

Pudding’s eyes sparkled. She had never seen a sight so beautiful. And when she stared at Sora, she could see that the cook was looking at her with the same level of affection.

This was real.

Pudding climbed on top of Sora and grabbed her cock so that she could position it against Sora’s pussy. The tip probed the cook’s entrance. With Pudding’s incredible size, Sora should have been nervous about taking her. Yet, Pudding was clearly the more nervous between the two of them. She was panting heavily as she finally found the courage to plunge inside. They both moaned loudly as Pudding’s excitement got the better of her, and she started to fuck Sora roughly. Their screams of pleasure filled the room. Pudding bucked her hips, driving the full length of her cock inside Sora’s pussy. She could feel her lover grip tightly around her shaft, refusing to let go. Sora’s wetness leaked down every inch. The added lubrication was greatly needed as Pudding stretched Sora out completely.

‘’Ah! This is…fuck! I love it!’’ Pudding screamed. ‘’I love this pussy! It’s taking my cock so wonderfully!’’

Sora’s passionate cries encouraged Pudding to thrust as hard and as fast as possible. Sora hooked her legs around Pudding’s waist, pulling her closer. The three-eyed woman was caught off guard by the strong force behind the pull. She gripped the bedsheets tightly and rammed her cock in and out of Sora’s pussy at a feverous pace.

Rapid, forceful fucking was what both of them desired above all else. And Pudding was more than happy to provide such relief as she let loose. ‘’Do you love my cock, Sora?’’

In a fit of overwhelming ecstasy, Sora nodded and wrapped her arms around Pudding to hold her close. ‘’Yes! You’re going to make me your cock addicted lesbian! This is the best feeling I’ve ever had. I hope that we can have more moments like this when we’re married!’’

If it wasn’t for Sora’s legs locked around her waist holding her down, Pudding would have stopped moving as she was caught by Sora’s words. ‘’Do you mean that? Even after everything…you still want us to get married?’’

‘’I do! I love you, Pudding!’’

Pudding smiled brighter than ever before. ‘’I love you too, Sora!’’

That’s when Pudding came once again. This was her biggest load yet as she filled Sora to the brim with her seed. As she pumped her cum deep inside, she could see by Sora’s expression that she was completely lost in the pleasure that she was receiving. Cum was overflowing from Sora’s pussy as Pudding blasted a few more threads of hot cum. Reaching downward, Sora brought her hand between her legs and scooped up the residue of cum expelling from her pussy and brought it to her lips. She relished the taste as Pudding watched on, entranced by the sight.

Pudding’s cock was pulsing back to life once more. She reckoned that she had one more round in her. And she knew what she had to do next.

‘’If we are to be wed, we can’t leave the job undone,’’ Pudding smirked.

She grabbed Sora by the waist and spun her around so that the cook was nestled on her hands and knees with her ass sticking up in the air. Pudding licked her lips as she admired Sora’s gloriously plump rear. She kneaded her ass cheeks. They were soft like the rest of Sora’s body. She could spend hours massaging them to her heart’s content. However, her cock was desperate for one last bit of action and could not wait any longer. Pudding giggled with glee as she positioned herself behind Sora and eased her cock into her lover’s tight ass. Sora bit her bottom lip and groaned through gritted teeth as she tried to open herself up so that Pudding could squeeze every inch of her cock inside.

A difficult task, but not impossible.

Pudding cried out for joy as she began to fuck Sora’s ass like a wild animal. ‘’Yes! This is how you prove your love to me, Sora! Let me fuck your ass! It feels too good! I have to fuck your ass!’’

She held firm onto Sora’s hips and pounded her ass like there was no tomorrow. Her strokes were long and hard. The feral fucking was enough to make Sora’s body quake with love and lust. No one had ever inserted anything inside of her ass that was so big and so thick. There was a brief moment of doubt where she wondered if she could take it. But, Sora managed. Soon, the initial discomfort was washed away by immeasurable pleasure. She glanced over her shoulder to watch Pudding fuck her.

They locked eyes. It was an action that made Pudding’s heart flutter.

Sora did not baulk about Pudding. She knew her and understood her. Somehow, Sora was able to reach Pudding and pull her out of a pit of despair. All of her tormentors no longer mattered. Those in her family who chastised her unique appearance were a forgotten memory. An ironic statement given Pudding’s capabilities. Their cries of ecstasy were like listening to a sweet symphonic.

It was a declaration of love and commitment from both of them.

‘’Sora! I’m cumming again! Take it! Take my cum deep inside your ass!’’

Pudding’s pleasurable howls echoed throughout the night as she unloaded her fourth and final load inside Sora’s ass. The cook took it enthusiastically. She felt Pudding’s seed coat her insides. It was an experience that they hoped to replicate for many nights.

Unable to feel the muscles in her body, Pudding collapsed on the bed in a heap next to Sora. The blonde reached down and repeated her actions from before; she took some of the cum that was leaking from her ass and sucked on her fingers to enjoy the taste. ‘’So sweet,’’ she said with a smile.

‘’Did you really mean all those things you said?’’ Pudding asked innocently.

Sora cupped her hand over Pudding’s cheek. ‘’Of course, I did.’’

‘’Good!’’ Pudding shouted. Her crazed look had returned. ‘’I expect nothing less from the woman who is supposed to be my bride! If it were any less, I would have killed you on the spot! And I mean it!’’

Sora merely smirked and leaned closer to gently press her lips against Puddings.

Pudding gasped. Her first kiss. Hopefully, it would be the first of many.

But, there was an unpredictable wedding on the horizon.


It was an event that would live long in the memory of those who attended.

Due to circumstances out of their control, Pudding and Sora were never officially married. Pudding also couldn’t go through with her plan to execute Sora despite the harsh words directed at her by Big Mom. For a moment, it seemed like this would be the end of them. Big Mom’s fury knew no bounds. Yet, by some miracle, things turned out alright in the end. And that was all thanks to the absolutely chaotic carnage that came from Sora’s captain, Monkey D Luffy.

Sora’s crew never gave up on their cook. Their efforts to rescue her were beyond anything that Pudding expected. She wondered if her family would ever go through such measures to rescue her from a similar fate. Some might…but, the most important figure in her life…she wouldn’t have been so forgiving. And so, it was with a heavy heart that Pudding decided to go along with Sora and the Straw Hat pirates. Most of them were reluctant to let her on board after all of the plotting and scheming. But, she was a tremendous help in stopping Big Mom’s rampage. She and Sora worked together to bake a cake big enough to quell Big Mom’s ferocious hunger. All the while, Luffy was able to take down Katakuri. Pudding couldn’t believe it when she heard. This crew were full of surprises.

They sounded like the perfect family for Sora, more so than Germa 66 ever were.

Sora and Pudding were leaving behind their old families and had found a new one.

‘’I know that there is a lot I have to atone for,’’ Pudding sobbed. She was too afraid to look any of the Straw Hats in the eye. But, with Sora standing by her side, she felt like she could do anything. She bowed her head. ‘’I beg for you to give me a chance and let me come along on your journey with you so that I may help you achieve your dream and to be by Sora’s side always.’’

‘’Okay,’’ Luffy’s answer was quick and easy. The jolly captain turned to Sora. ‘’When’s dinner? I’m starving?’’

Everyone aside from Sora seemed to be shocked by the captain’s nonchalant response. Pudding felt like she could cry again. And she did. Sora brushed aside her fringe so that she couldn’t get any hair in her third eye. Sora really did love Pudding with all of her heart, regardless of her appearance. Love hearts and songbirds were practically fluttering around both their heads, much to the joy of those on the crew who saw them. The only exception was Zoro, who was a little peeved that Sora had let her emotions ensnare someone who was plotting to kill them a few days ago. But, he would get over it eventually. After all, the two of them were so adorable together. It surprised them that Sora was such an innocent partner in public considering all of the experiences they had.

But, when sailing at night, whilst everyone was asleep…Sora and Pudding were not so innocent. Thankfully, Pudding’s personality-shifting outbursts were not enough to wake the crew. A hurricane was the only thing that could wake this crew from their slumber. Sora and Pudding could spend the rest of the night basking in the pleasures of their love.

Every single time…Pudding cried tears of happiness. All three eyes were sparkling and in full display.

This was a dream come true for her.


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