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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Alicent saw the attacker before Rhaenyra did. Reacting quickly, she grabbed the princess and dragged her to the ground just as the blade crashed against the side of the tree. A thread of white hair which had been cut from Rhaenyra’s head drifted away in the wind. Rhaenyra stumbled backwards, and the sound of metal carving into wood buzzed in her ears. She looked up to see a heavily armored man, his face obscured by a grotesque mask. Draped in oyster shells and seaweed, he looked as if he had just emerged from the depths of the ocean. Rhaenyra reached down to her belt. However, panic filled her chest as she realized she had left her sword back at camp.

Looking ahead, she saw Alicent raising her head to see what was happening. The attacker briefly looked at the Queen. Rhaenyra bolted up to her feet and waved her arms. ‘’Over here!’’ She shouted.

The attacker turned sharply, locking eyes with the princess. Rhaenyra hesitated, torn between her instinct to fight and her fear of facing this monstrous swordsman without a weapon. But as the swordsman ignored Alicent and charged towards her, Rhaenyra knew she had to move. She spun around and dashed towards a nearby tree, grabbing a thick stick from the ground as she went. The swordsman's sword struck the tree trunk just inches from her face, sending splinters flying in all directions. Rhaenyra swung her stick at the swordsman's head, but he easily blocked it with a small shield that was strapped to his arm. The shield resembled that of a large crab shell.

A soldier of the Triarchy from the Stepstones. That was the only explanation. But, how did he manage to find his way to Kingswood?

There was no time for Rhaenyra to think as the attacker continued to chase after her, his sword glinting menacingly in the sunlight. She tried to dodge, but his foot caught her in the stomach, knocking her to the ground. She gasped for breath as the swordsman towered over her, his sword raised high. Rhaenyra scrambled backwards, trying to get away, but the swordsman's boot caught her in the ribs, sending her rolling to the side. As she struggled to regain her footing, Rhaenyra's hand brushed against something soft and crumbly. She scooped up a handful of dirt and flung it in the swordsman's face, blinding him momentarily.

Rhaenyra scrambled to her feet, her stick at the ready. She swung it wildly, hoping to connect with something, anything. The swordsman's sword rang against her stick, cutting through it like a hot knife in butter, and she stumbled backwards. She threw herself to the ground as the swordsman's sword whistled past her ear time and time again. She rolled to the side and scrambled to her feet, backing away as the swordsman advanced. Rhaenyra searched frantically for another makeshift weapon, anything she could use to defend herself. But there was nothing, nothing but her wits and her determination to survive.

The swordsman was almost on her now, his curved sword raised high. Suddenly, something struck him in the back of the head and he lurched forward. Pained grunts escaped from him as he turned and saw Alicent standing there with a rock in her hand. Fear flashed across her face as the attacker now turned his attention to her.

‘’No!’’ Rhaenyra leapt to her feet and grabbed his hand, trying to pry the sword from his grasp.

They struggled against each other, trying to push the other person aside and take the weapon. Rhaenyra was hopelessly outmatched as it quickly became apparent that the attacker was going to shake her away. Before she lost her grip, Rhaenyra noticed a knife dangling from a belt around his waist. It wasn’t the weapon she was hoping for, but it would have to do. Her eyes were fixed on the knife as she let go and ducked underneath, evading his strike by inches. She grabbed the knife and stabbed it into his side. The attacker cried out in pain but wouldn’t relent. He thrashed his elbow across Rhaenyra’s face, knocking her to the ground. The knife remained embedded in his ribcage, blood pouring out from the wound as Rhaenyra tried to regain her footing. Looking beyond the attacker, she saw Alicent paralyzed with fear. The Queen seemed to be in two minds regarding whether to run and help Rhaenyra, or reach for the knife and stab the attacker repeatedly until he was lifeless. Rhaenyra searched desperately for something, anything that could help her turn the tide.

And then she saw it. Another fallen branch, thicker and heavier than the first, lying just a few feet away. Rhaenyra lunged for it, grabbing it in both hands. With a roar, she charged towards the swordsman and swung the branch with all her might, striking the swordsman in the back of the head. He crumpled to the ground, his sword clattering away from his grasp. Rhaenyra stood over him, her breath coming in short gasps, her heart pounding in her chest. Her adrenaline soared higher than ever the most daring dragon rider as she raised the branch and brought it down onto the attacker’s face.

Then again. And again. And again.

Alicent, who was standing a few feet away, watched on in stunned silence as Rhaenyra caved the attacker’s face in until the skull was nothing more than a bloody and shattered mess.

Rhaenyra didn’t stop until the branch had splintered and couldn’t be used any longer. Her arms ached intensely as she stood over the corpse. Blood was splattered across her face and even coated her white hair. She panted heavily and turned to Alicent. The raging fire in her eyes slowly quelled. The respite was halted when they spotted someone else tearing through the woods. Rhaenyra instinctively ran forward to protect Alicent. Dazed by the experience, it took her a few seconds to register that it was Daemon who had come to them. The Prince stared at them, sword drawn, before turning his gaze towards the mangled form of their attacker.

An uneasy silence lingered as Rhaenyra and Daemon locked eyes. He seemed surprised by what he had just witnessed. But, Rhaenyra couldn’t be too sure of anything.


Viserys wasn’t a king who used his anger often. So, when his rage did come to the surface, everyone cowered before him.

He slammed his fist down onto the table and glared at each member of his royal guard. ‘’How did this happen?’’

‘’Your Majesty, we are sorry for…’’

‘’Sorry?’’ Viserys did not give them time to respond. He pointed at Rhaenyra and Alicent. ‘’They were without protection! They could have been slaughtered and you offer a pitiful apology as if that will soothe me?’’

His temper ignited the second Rhaenyra and Alicent returned to the camp with Daemon. When he saw Rhaenyra soaked in blood, he demanded answers and called off the hunt that was supposed to take place. It didn’t help that he had already consumed a few goblets of alcohol beforehand. Anger radiated from his body like fire dancing between a dragon’s teeth. The guards who had been summoned into the main tent were the ones who took the heaviest verbal abuse from the King. Their crestfallen faces painted a grim picture.

Standing beside Viserys, Alicent reached for his hand and tried to calm him down. ‘’You shouldn’t stress over this. We are safe now.’’

He turned to her and smiled. His eyes flickered between her and Daemon. ‘’Yes, and I am forever indebted to my brother for coming to you in your time of need.’’

For the first time since their return to camp, Rhaenyra was broken out of her trance and turned her head slightly in her father’s direction. The jab at her pride almost made her step out of line and expose the truth of what really happened. However, one quick motion from Alicent kept her silent. It was better for them if they talked less about the events leading up to the attack. So, Rhaenyra held her tongue and allowed Daemon to have his ego stroked this one time.

‘’Actually,’’ Daemon spoke, chilling Rhaenyra to the core. ‘’I did not arrive until after Rhaenyra had incapacitated the bastard herself.’’

Viserys turned to her in shock. ‘’Is this true?’’

Rhaenyra wore a placid expression as she nodded apprehensively. ‘’Aye.’’

‘’Don’t be so modest, Rhaenyra,’’ Daemon continued with a sly grin. ‘’I don’t know any man who can stand against someone from the Triarchy without a weapon and live to tell the tale. You should be commended for how bravely you fought to protect the Queen.’’

When his gaze shifted towards Alicent, it felt like he was baiting them. Rhaenyra was too rattled to think of a response. That was probably for the best. However, Alicent was not going to back down but wanted to keep her wits about her. She wore a delicate smile and respectably bowed to Daemon. ‘’Yet, we still offer our sincerest thanks to you, Prince Daemon. You are already quite experienced with dealing with warriors of our attacker’s calibre. It might even have been someone you clashed swords with at the Stepstones.’’

‘’My dear, what are you insinuating?’’ Viserys questioned.


Daemon smirked. ‘’Perhaps it was a soldier out for revenge after the death of the Crabfeeder. If that is to case, then I am to blame for this. Is that what you want to hear?’’

‘’I just find it odd that you were the first to find us. I never knew that your foresight was so splendid.’’

‘’I came when I heard your screams.’’

‘’I wasn’t screaming.’’

Daemon turned to face her fully. ‘’Are you sure? I could have sworn I heard your screams cutting through the woods. Albeit, they happened to be quite some time before I found you, so Rhaenyra must have had a gruelling time fending off the attacker.’’

Alicent’s smile dropped. She knew what screams Daemon was referring to…ones that were now out of fright. She quickly regained her composure. ‘’I must not have realized I was screaming.’’

Before long, Viserys stepped between them and faced Alicent. ‘’Enough of this. I no longer care who is to blame. But, this will never happen again. There will be additional protection for both you and Rhaenyra.’’

Alicent gulped. ‘’W-we have more than enough protection…’’

‘’Clearly, not enough!’’ Viserys barked. ‘’Any time you two are not in my sight, you will be under the supervision of one of my guards. There will be no exceptions. Do I make myself clear?’’

Between his raving, Rhaenyra and Alicent locked eyes. The same anxious expression masked their faces. They were already finding it difficult to see each other without getting caught. Now, that task was going to be next to impossible. They would not be able to comfort each other without drawing suspicion. Their embraces would be no more. All the while, there was still the very real possibility that Alicent was pregnant. It would become more likely for a guard to notice over the upcoming months if they were constantly vigilant about her every move. The sicknesses. The cravings. The maids noting how she was would start to become too big for her dresses. All of those were going to be things that would be picked up on, and now there was no way for Alicent to hide them. But, she was powerless to argue against her husband. The King’s resolve was final. Her gaze lowered to the floor and she hummed in agreement.

‘’You cannot be serious!’’ Rhaenyra found her voice again. She glared at her father. ‘’Is this retaliation for our argument earlier.’’

‘’That argument we had is the least of my concerns right now!’’ Viserys replied. ‘’I just want the two of you to be safe. If this is the way that he has to be done, then so be it! I will not change my mind on this, Rhaenyra. You and Alicent will still be able to see each other. I am not forbidding you from spending time together.’’

‘’But…’’ Rhaenyra hesitated. ‘’I killed him! I can defend myself!’’

‘’That does not matter…’’

‘’Yes, it does!’’ Rhaenyra roared. ‘’If I were your son, you would have complimented my bravery. I would be able to lead your armies. I would have a rightful claim to the throne. However, I am just a girl who you can’t even whore out for heirs because I was born with a sword instead of a crown between my legs…’’


Everyone reared back under the might of Viserys’ yell…all except for Rhaenyra. She stood her ground. But, as the seconds passed, her eyes glazed over and a single tear fell across her cheek. Her fist clenched. The hoarseness in her voice could be heard as she spoke softly. ‘’I am the Princess with no crown. I am the Queen who was never allowed to be. I am the Targaryen who made the Iron Throne a prize to be won. I will never be your son. And I cannot be your daughter. I have tried to make something of myself. But, it’s only just brought pain and ruin to those around me.’’

She turned sharply and stormed out of the tent. Behind her, Viserys’ face softened. He clicked his tongue and shared a momentary look of contemplation with his brother. Daemon showed a flicker of sympathy before turning away. The King flicked his wrist, signalling for a couple of guards to follow Rhaenyra and watch over her.

Standing at the back of the tent, clutching her stomach, Alicent tried to hold her tears back. She had never seen her friend so hurt. She wished with all her heart that she could be with her. But, that was never going to happen again under their new protection.

They would always be watched.

They never felt more alone.


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