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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Enid's eyes snapped open. Her body ached as she struggled to roll out of the bed that she was sleeping on. She froze when she realized she was in an unfamiliar room. Looking around, she found herself stationed in an empty room. The only thing that she saw which stood out was a locked door across the room. As she slowly lifted herself upright, she noticed that she was wearing a plain white garb that almost seemed to resemble a prison uniform. Her mind raced with questions. Where was she? How did she get here? Why was she here?

A chill ran down her spine when she thought of Wednesday. Was she here with her? Suddenly, the memories came flooding back to her. The two of them were in the woods together, basking in the afterglow of their time together when they were ambushed. Wednesday had been sedated before she even had a chance to wake up. But, Enid was conscious. She tried to fight back against their attackers. But, it was to no avail. Her heart pounded against her chest. She rose from the bed and tried to take a few steps. Her legs wobbled, but she was able to make it towards the door. She grabbed the handle and tried to break the lock. Surprisingly, it didn’t budge. She would have assumed that her werewolf strength would have helped with this situation.

Unless they were prepared to imprison a werewolf.

Fear choked her. With each passing second, Enid felt like she was drowning in anxiety. She banged on the door. ‘’Hello? Where am I? What’s going on?’’

Over and over again, she crashed her fist against the door. It rattled against the impact of her strikes. However, it would not fall. Enid retreated further back into her room and searched for something that would give her a better understanding of this place. She rummaged through the bedsheets but found nothing. She looked up at the ceiling. Nothing. There weren’t even any cameras to watch over her. No windows. Enid had never felt so claustrophobic. She clutched her arms nervously and sat on the bed.

‘’Wednesday, I hope you’re doing better than I am.’’

It wasn’t much, but the thought of Wednesday Addams did ease her worries slightly.

Suddenly, the door creaked open. Enid bolted to her feet. Her nails extended as she tried to put on her war face. However, she felt like she resembled a timid kitten more than a fearsome beast. Much to her surprise, a petite woman dressed in white walked into her room. A pleasant smile was plastered across her face. ‘’Welcome. I hope that you slept well.’’

Enid tensed. Her instincts were flaring intensely. The woman’s smile was too big to be genuine. Her eyes were glassy like a porcelain doll. ‘’How are you? Why am I here?’’

‘’My name is Isadora,’’ the woman responded in a friendly manner. ‘’As for your second question, that will be revealed shortly. But, not by me. I am here to guide you to today’s morning assembly.’’

Enid’s eyes flickered over Isadora’s shoulders. She thought that if she was quick enough, she might be able to slip past and escape. But, what else was waiting for her? She didn’t even know if Wednesday was here too. Enid was too panicked to think straight.

Isadora tilted her head and offered a sympathetic smile, like a parent who was trying to reason with a confused child. ‘’I assure you that you are safe with us. We only want to help you.’’

‘’Help me? By kidnapping me?’’

Isadora stood aside and gestured to the door with an open hand. ‘’Please follow me to the assembly hall.’’

Enid didn’t budge. Now, she was unsure about making a run for the door now that it was being offered to her. It felt too easy. Her suspicion was proven right when two large guards emerged from around the corner. Enid recognized them from the previous night. They were armed with large metal rods but kept their weapons lowered as one of them turned to Isadora. ‘’Is this one giving you trouble?’’

Isadora’s tone remained positive as she smiled at the wolf girl. ‘’She’s just shy. She will be coming along any moment now. Won’t you?’’

Despite Isadora’s smile, Enid couldn’t help but feel like that was an ultimatum. If she didn’t come willingly, she would be dragged to wherever they wanted her to go. Reluctantly, Enid complied and followed Isadora out of the door and through a long hallway. All the while, Enid felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. The two guards who accompanied Isadora were stalking her from behind, just in case she thought about escaping. But, Enid wasn’t sure if there was anywhere to run. The hallway seemed endless, even as they turned a couple of corners.

Along the way, other people joined them. More people dressed in white were being led to a mysterious destination. Enid noticed that their attire matched hers. Their dejected expressions told her that they were also here against their will. The color was drained from their souls as much as it was from their surroundings. At the front, more people like Isadora guided them. Each one had a wide grin etched on their face. None of them felt real. Enid’s mind raced with terrifying theories. Were they also being held captive? Had they been brainwashed? Enid’s pulse quickened as she felt like she was on the brink of a panic attack. She tried to hold it together. If Wednesday was here, she would scold her for showing weakness. But, she would also look out for her through this crisis.

‘’Wends?’’ Enid scanned through the crowd, searching for anyone with black pigtails. But, no one resembled Wednesday.

If she wasn’t here, then where was she?

Enid’s anxiety spiked again. She didn’t know who was in the worse predicament.

They entered through a double door which revealed a large room with a dozen long tables which stretched all the way to the other side. Isadora and the other guides turned around in synchronized unison and gestured for everyone to take a seat. The armed guards that came with them lined the walls, making sure that everything was under control. A few brave individuals followed their instructions first. They were seated with no further issues. More and more soon sat down, Enid included. Her eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape. Murmurs filled the room. No one knew why they were here. And the guides weren’t going to reveal anything. They appeared to be waiting for something…or someone. Enid’s blood turned to ice. She looked around the room the longer she stared at Isadora and the guides. Their faces were blank as their smiles remained. Enid felt a surge of fear as she realized that she and the others trapped here were in a room full of people who might be under some kind of mind control.

‘’What are we doing here?’’

‘’I want to go home!’’

‘’I didn’t do anything!’’

‘’Who are you people!’’

The questions were being hurled around by many. However, none of the guides or guards answered back.

Just then, the door opened again, and a man with a stern expression walked in. He was tall and used a cane to assist with his stride. With white hair and beard, a crinkled face, and raspy breathing as he trod forward, the man didn’t look imposing. And yet, Enid’s instincts were screaming. She could also tell that the others who were sitting at the tables were just as scared.

Wait…how could she know that? She turned and gazed at the other prisoners. They were equally as confused. They could all sense each other’s fear. That was impossible…unless…

All of the captives were werewolves.

Enid’s heart sank. Every new detail she discovered was filling her with more dread.

The man strode to the front of the room as the guides bowed their heads. He waved at them before addressing everyone who was sitting down. ‘’Good morning, everyone,’’ he spoke in a gruff tone. ‘’I am pleased to see so many of you here today.’’

‘’That’s because you kidnapped us! Tell us why we’re here!’’ One person shouted.

The guards seemed ready to step in, but the man at the front signalled for the guard to stand down. His presence was enough to deescalate the guard’s tension. ‘’I know you must all have many questions,’’ he continued. ‘’And they will be answered in due time. But, you shouldn’t be afraid. This is a time of celebration. Your salvation is upon you.’’

Enid felt another chill run down her spine at the man’s choice of words.

‘’My name is Abraham Van Sloan,’’ he placed his hand on his chest. His fingernails had been removed. ‘’I am a humble man who wishes only to help you all. Life dealt you all a cruel hand. It is not fair that you have to live your life as a monster. But, this is where we come in.’’

It felt like Enid’s entire world was sinking. She could see it dawn on the faces of the others around her.

‘’Werewolves…beasts of the night…should have no place in our society. They are blood-thirsty animals who seek only to kill. I have seen it happen too many times to count.’’

‘’Are you going to kill us?’’ one questioned with fear in their voice.

Abraham’s face creased as he offered the group a sympathetic grin. ‘’No, my child. I know that is how things were done in the old times. But, we are more civilized than that. I know that you all have families that you wish to return to. You will not be kept here long. My programme will ensure that you are saved. However, it can only be done with your help. You must go down this path with me so that your souls are not damned to hell.’’

Confusion and fear ran rampant throughout the hall. ‘’What programme?’’ another person asked.

‘’To cure you of the beast within,’’ Abraham smiled. ‘’To remove the werewolf side of you.’’

The room fell so silent, Enid could hear her own gasp. This didn’t feel real. She had fallen into something that was beyond her worst nightmare.

‘’You can’t do that!’’ Someone yelled as they rose to their feet and began to back away from the table. ‘’You can’t just get rid of our werewolf side.’’

‘’Oh, but I can, child,’’ Abraham said softly. ‘’You shouldn’t have to think of it as removing a part of yourself. I am curing you of a terrible illness that threatens to tear you apart, along with anyone else that is caught in the crossfire.’’

The heckler, a man in his early 20s with a trimmed beard, shook his head and looked for a way to escape. ‘’You can’t cure us! There’s nothing to cure! You’re just another normie trying to find another way to get rid of us!’’

Abraham tensed. His pleasant façade slowly faded as his stern look from before returned. ‘’Child, I only wish to help you. But, if you force my hand, I will have to get my guards to put you in your place.’’

‘’Go ahead! I can take them all on!’’ The heckler challenged.

As he turned to the guards and bared his fangs at them, a sense of confidence swept through the assembly hall. Even Enid seemed encouraged by the rebellion. However, she could see that Abraham wasn’t troubled by their actions. The old man gave a slight tilt of the head, calling for one of the guards to take action. The guard gripped the metal rod he was holding and struck the heckler on the leg, just above the knee. The force caused him to buckle. But, with his superior strength, it didn’t do too much damage. He laughed off the attack and was ready to fight back…

Until he stilled and began to convulse. He grabbed his leg and fell to the floor, crying out in pain. ‘’What’s happening? It burns!’’

Everyone stepped back in horror. They couldn’t see any blood or broken bones. Yet, the heckler was acting like his leg had been amputated. Enid’s nose flared up as a terrible smell made her skin itch.


The others could sense it too. The guards were armed with silver rods. It wouldn’t kill them. But, it would leave them incapacitated. The heckler was powerless to do anything as two guards approached him and cuffed him around the wrists. They were also laced with silver, causing him to scream as they dragged him out of the room and into the corridor which led back to their rooms. Everyone was rendered speechless.

Abraham cleared his throat, gathering the attention of everyone who remained in the room. ‘’As you can see, I will resort to drastic measures if necessary. But, I do not wish that on anyone. I want to help all of you. But, you cannot be saved if you fight back. Your willingness to accept this programme is the most important step. We will cure you all. That is my promise to you.’’

His words offered little hope.

Enid’s heart felt like it was going to climb up her windpipe and choke her. She had never been so scared. Her only hope was that her friends and family would find her. But, she couldn’t be sure if they even knew where she was. The only person who might have any idea of her whereabouts would be Wednesday. However, Enid didn’t even know if her roommate was alive. No, she had to be. Nothing can keep Wednesday Addams down. Enid had full confidence in the goth girl.

‘’Wends…if you’ve got some elaborate plan to get us out of here, I hope you do it sooner rather than later,’’ Enid mumbled under her breath.


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