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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

It was a new day for Rebecca…in more ways than one. Her mind was still buzzing as she rolled out of bed and remembered the events of yesterday. Abi's taste still lingered. Her heart was racing as she flopped back onto the bed and squealed with delight, clutching her pillow and screaming into it. She had sex with Abigail. It was so wrong, but so right.

It was real.

They had spent so many hours indulging their deepest desires. Rebecca had lost count of how many times Abi had made her cum. Despite her age, the older woman had a seemingly endless vast pool of stamina. She was more than able to keep up with Rebecca all night long. The storm had long since passed. But, they had no intention of going out. They took their activities to the bedroom and rocked their worlds like there was no tomorrow. Their lovemaking continued until they could see the rising dawn through the bedroom window. They were beyond exhausted at that point and had finally drifted to sleep, holding each other in their arms. Rebecca had never had a more blissful sleep. By the time she woke up, it was well past noon. Abi was nowhere to be seen. But, Rebecca just had to lift her nose and detect the faint smell of breakfast to know that she was cooking downstairs.

As quickly as she could, she ran to her wardrobe and retrieved her clothes. She stumbled a few times in her hurry. It was like she had a new lease on life. She was rejuvenated. She hoped that Abi felt the same way.

But…what if she didn't?

A pang of dread stabbed Rebecca in the back. Why didn't Abi stay in bed with her? Was she already regretting what had happened between them? Rebecca sat on the edge of her bed after getting dressed and pondered. Rebecca knew that there would already be a stigma against her for having sex with a woman who was much older than her. She didn't care about that fact. She was more than happy to be with someone who was considered a GILF. But, she couldn't help but feel cautious about what this meant for them. She didn't want to upset Abi. They wanted to look out for each other. Rebecca was fully invested in this relationship. If Abi wasn't…Rebecca had to accept that, despite how much it would hurt.

She sighed and finally found the courage to leave her room and walk downstairs. As she approached the kitchen, the smell of bacon and eggs grew stronger. She felt sweat pouring down her back as she advanced. When she walked into the kitchen and spotted Abi by the cooker, she froze and her eyes went wide.


''Oh, you're finally awake!''

Abi's pleasant tone almost went over Rebecca's head as she was too focused on what Abi was wearing. Although, it was easier to focus on what she wasn't wearing. The older woman was almost completely nude except for an apron that barely covered her front. The string tried around her waist was thin and looked as if it would loosen at any moment. Her ass was on full display. When she turned, her cleavage almost popped out to greet Rebecca. She walked over to the table and turned the frying pan in her hand to set the food down on a plate.

''I know that it's late for breakfast,'' Abi continued. ''But, there was some stuff in the fridge that still needed to be used. So, help yourself. I imagine that you must be quite hungry after yesterday.''

She wiggled her brows and winked at Rebecca. The sensual tone in her voice caught Rebecca completely by surprise. It mirrored her voice from yesterday. However, after the doubt had crept into Rebecca's subconscious, it nearly sounded like a foreign language to her.

When Abi saw that Rebecca was still standing by the door in a daze, her expression softened. ''Are you alright?''

''I…uh…'' Rebeca tried to overcome her shock. But, she couldn't form the words needed to express how she was feeling.

Abi glanced down at herself and shifted awkwardly. ''I guess this was a bit much. I'll get changed.''

''No!'' Rebecca shouted, stopping Abi in her tracks. ''I mean…don't do that. You look nice.''

Abi smiled and spun around, showing off every curve and wrinkle on her body. ''I was hoping for sexy or gorgeous. But, nice works too.''

''Sorry, I was just worried…'' Rebecca paused. She was blurting out her thoughts without thinking. When Abi's brow creased and she gazed at her with concern, Rebecca knew that she had to get this tension off her chest. She slowly exhaled and approached her. ''I was afraid that you regretted what happened.''

''Why would you think that?''

''When I didn't see you in bed, I was thinking that maybe you had come to your senses and thought that what we did was wrong.''

''Do you think what we did was wrong?''

Rebecca hesitated. ''Well…ethically, yes. But, I liked it. I wanted you.''

Abi offered her a comforting smile. She cupped Rebecca's cheek and kissed her on the forehead. ''I feel the same way. As for the reason why you didn't see me in bed, it's because I was hungry. We were too preoccupied with each other to have dinner or breakfast. And your stomach was rumbling in your sleep too.''

''It was?'' Rebecca blushed before laughing. ''I'm sorry…''

''Don't be,'' Abi said softly. ''I know that what we're doing isn't considered the norm. But, if we're both happy with this arrangement, I don't see why we should stop.''

It felt like the crushing weight had been completely lifted off Rebecca's shoulders. She sighed with relief and finally found herself enjoying her lack of attire. ''Do you mind giving me another spin? I didn't get a proper look.''

Abi gave her a sultry glance before doing as she was told. She slowly turned around. When her rear was facing Rebecca, the younger woman couldn't resist bringing her hand down to caress the plump cheek before giving it a playful slap. ''Cheeky,'' Abi purred.

''You started it,'' Rebecca replied. ''Did you plan this? Or was this spontaneous?''

''Spontaneous,'' Abi was facing Rebecca fully. ''I was cooking with just my robe. But, the idea came to me as I waited for you to wake up. I thought that it would be a nice surprise for you.''

''It most certainly is. Sexy and gorgeous.''

''Ah, there are the words I was looking for.''

Rebecca stepped closer and reached around to cup Abi's ass. She pulled her closer so that her breast was pressed against her, smothered underneath her apron. ''I was actually thinking fuckable, but I wanted to be modest.''

Abi smirked. ''After everything you did to me yesterday, now you're going to be modest?''

''You don't want me to be modest?''

''I want you to be truthful,'' Abi leaned forward and brought her lips to Rebecca's ear. ''If you feel like fucking me, tell me.''

A low growl escaped from Rebecca. Her grip on Abi's ass tightened. Abi was rubbing her body against her, desperate for a reaction from the younger woman. It was working. Rebecca felt her cock twitching with anticipation beneath her pants. As they grinded against each other, a wicked idea came to Rebecca like a flash of lightning.

''Well, since you're wearing next to nothing…'' she took a step back and began to strip.

Abi bit her bottom lip as she watched Rebecca take off her clothes one layer at a time. Her shirt was gone. There was no bra underneath, so Abi could enjoy the sight of Rebecca's breasts bouncing into view. Faint scratch marks were spread throughout her lean physique, reminding Abi of the things they did to each other yesterday. She rubbed her legs together. Her lack of panties meant that it was more obvious that her wetness was flowing, running down the inside of her thighs. Rebecca's pants soon followed. Eventually, the girl was standing in just her boxers. The bulge between her legs was already very prominent. A bead of wetness could be seen coming through the material where the tip was. Abi exhaled and waited for Rebecca's cock to come into sight.

However, Rebecca stopped, causing Abi to look on in disappointment. ''What? You're not fully naked either.''

''Oh no,'' Abi brought her hand down and cupped Rebecca's tent. ''You're not going to tease me like that.''

''I'm just returning the favor,'' Rebecca moaned with a rascally grin plastered across her face. She was more than happy to stand there and let Abi fondle her package. ''You teased me with the apron.''


Abi squeezed the hefty bulge and stared deeply into Rebecca's eyes. She watched her squirm and moan huskily as she began to buck her hips. Abi caressed her more firmly. She rubbed her hand up and down, feeling her cock grow more and more underneath her boxers. The head of the shaft was almost poking out.

Suddenly, the thick air of sexual tension was blown away by the sound of Rebecca's stomach growling. The two women stopped what they were doing and giggled. Rebecca's face was flushed as Abi took her hand and guided her to the table. ''Let's eat first.''


Rebecca had to admit that it was nice eating at the table with Abi while wearing next to nothing. It was a fun and erotic idea. But, it was also pleasant in a soothing way. They both felt free in a way that made the atmosphere feel relaxing. It also helped that there were no more secrets between them. Rebecca was relieved that she didn't have to hide her feelings for Abi any longer.

''I'm feeling refreshed now,'' Abi said as she took the empty plates to the sink and began to wash them.

Rebecca's eyes wandered over to Abi. She was fixated on the older woman's exposed back. She spotted a couple of hickeys that were just behind her neck and coming down to her shoulder. And don't even get her started on Abi's glorious ass.

As quietly as she could, Rebecca snuck up behind Abi and wrapped her arms around the older woman, startling her. ''Rebecca, what are you…''

''Just stay like this.'' Rebecca purred into her ear.

Before Abi could further question Rebecca's intentions, she felt her grinding against her rear. She still had her boxers on, so it was her concealed bulge that was rubbing between her ass cheeks. As much as Abi wanted to feel Rebecca's cock inside her, she had to admit that this display of affection was quite hot. She leaned into Rebecca's tight embrace and let her dry hump her rear to her heart's content. Rebecca grunted and growled as she bucked her hips faster. She thrust her covered erection between Abi's ass, quelling the throbbing sensation that erupted throughout her length. Her hands snaked their way underneath Abi's apron and found her mature breasts. Abi moaned and reached behind to run her hands through Rebecca's hair.

''Abi…'' Rebecca nibbled on Abi's earlobe and thrust more wildly.

Abi moaned with delight as she felt Rebecca pinch her nipples and tweak them, sending jolts of arousal through her body. The friction caused Rebecca's boxers to fall slightly, allowing her cock to poke out of the top. Abi felt a droplet of pre-cum touch her skin, exciting her more than ever before. Rebecca humped her harder, pushing her against the skin. They were fucking without penetration. Abi had never been in this kind of position before. Her pussy was soaked. ''Rebecca…''

Hearing the needy tone in her voice, Rebecca gave her what she wanted. She brought one of her hands down between Abi's legs and rubbed her pussy. Her fingers were instantly drenched by the older woman's juices. Abi gasped excitedly and grinded her ass against Rebecca's cock. It was practically pillowed between her plump ass cheeks.

Faster and faster. Rebecca groped Abi's breasts, fingered her pussy, and humped her ass without stopping. She was on the verge of cumming. She panted heavily into Abi's ear, licking the outer shell. ''Can I cum on your face again?''

Abi smiled and turned around before dropping to her knees. ''Stroke your cock for me, dear.''

Rebecca grabbed her cock and pumped it. As her hand slid up and down the thick shaft, Abi waited with bated breath and fingered herself. The slick sounds of them masturbating filled the kitchen. They met each other's gaze, wanting to see the pleasure written on the other person's face as they brought themselves to a powerful climax. Abi's legs trembled as she sunk her fingers into her pussy and felt her wetness coat her hand. At the same time, Rebecca pumped a barrage of cum all over Abi's eager face. Abi looked positively delighted to have her face painted by Rebecca's seed.

Rebecca wanted to enjoy the sight for much longer. However, something moving slightly from the side caught her attention.

She turned…and spotted Amber, staring at them through the window with wide eyes and her jaw hanging low.


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