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Commissioned by WolfReader25

All characters in this story are over the age of 18

It was only when Hermione reached the door of the manor and paused before knocking that she finally listened to the voice in the back of her head.

She shouldn't be here. While this place wasn't the Malfoy Manor, Hermione still felt uneasy being at the home of someone who carried the Malfoy name, even if they were being sympathetic towards her. It shocked the bright witch when Narcissa Malfoy reached out to her, offering her a place to stay whilst Hermione tried to settle with the fact that she and Ron were no longer together. There was a small part of Hermione that knew their relationship wasn't going to last. They went through a whirlwind of emotions together at Hogwarts. They cared for each other. But, they also argued and fought regularly. She thought that since leaving the school, things would improve.

However, that was not the case.

Hermione tried to make things work. But, it wasn't meant to be. She tried to explain to him that things between them weren't going to work. He retorted by abandoning her. Hearing the venom in his voice as he scolded her before turning to leave cut deeper than any knife. The only salvation for Hermione was that, despite the heated confrontation happening in a public place, no reporters brought the news back to the wizarding world. Yet, Narcissa had heard of what had transpired. Hermione still did not know how that happened. Then again, the Malfoys tended to have a way of finding things out. It was more surprising though because of the loss of power the Malfoy family had suffered since the fall of Lord Voldemort all those years ago. Narcissa and Draco seemed to be better off. The latter retreated to a secluded countryside home where he could find himself again. Lucius was apprehended and is still set to stand trial for his connection to the Dark Lord. Although, he was willing to cooperant and help the Ministry find other accomplishes of Voldemort that was still in hiding. Whether he was doing this as a genuine attempt to atone or just to save his skin, Hermione wasn't sure.

Either way, Narcissa was alone. Perhaps, that is why she reached out to Hermione. They now had common ground to stand on.

Hermione sighed deeply before knocking on the door. She waited with bated breath. She glanced down at herself and made sure that she was presentable. She didn't know why she was making such a fuss about her appearance.

The door opened and Narcissa greeted Hermione with a smile. ''I didn't think you'd come.''

''I'm surprised myself,'' Hermione paused. ''No offence…''

''None taken,'' Narcissa said, her eyes quickly scanning Hermione, making the younger witch nervous. ''Please, come inside.''

Hermione followed her host through the interior of her home. It was quite the contrast to what she remembered from the Malfoy Manor. The décor was quaint and pleasant. Narcissa didn't horde prized trinkets nor display proud declarations of her family lineage. Hermione was comforted knowing that she was stepping into a place that didn't hold any dark memories from her past. She was led to the couch where Narcissa already had a set of tea prepared for her arrival. Narcissa handed her a cup and smiled warmly at her. Hermione graciously accepted the beverage and took a sip. The warm liquid tickled the back of her throat and soothed her soul instantly.

''This is lovely, thank you,'' Hermione hesitated. She set the cup down on the small table in front of her and turned to the older woman. ''Mrs Malfoy…''

Narcissa raised her hand. ''I go by Ms Black. I thought it would be best to leave that life behind.''

''Ms Black,'' Hermione continued. ''I do appreciate what you're doing. I apologize if I'm coming across as ungrateful and offending you in any way.''

''You're not offending me, dear,'' Narcissa cupped her hand over Hermione's. The young witch flinched at the contact, but she didn't pull her hand away. Narcissa brushed her thumb over Hermione's knuckle. ''I know that our past is fraught with…difficulties, to put it mildly.''

''That's through no fault of your own. You were only doing what you thought was best for your son. And Harry told me what you did for him in the Forbidden Forest. You were brave for concealing the truth from Voldemort like that.''

''A mother will do anything to protect their child.''

Hermione's expression softened. She could see the sincerity in Narcissa's eyes. There was a small thread of apprehension clawing at the back of her mind, warning her about trusting this woman. But, she elected to ignore that voice. She needed support from somewhere. She wasn't going to get that from anyone in Ron's family. Narcissa wasn't the person she expected. Nevertheless, she was grateful. As they sat together in contemplative silence, Hermione noticed the older woman's features. She had a mature look about her, but she was still beautiful. She could re-marry again easily if that's what she wanted. Hermione thought about lightening the mood with banter and jesting that they should date each other now that they were both single. But, she resisted the urge to speak. She didn't want to blur any lines. It didn't help that Hermione was attracted to older women.

She blamed Fleur for that discovery about herself.

Hermione had often wondered what her life would be like if she openly expressed her desire to be with women. It filled her heart with joy to think about having a girlfriend. However, she fought against the temptation, believing that the way she had been born would prevent her from finding happiness with another woman. It was bad enough that she was a Muggle-Born Witch. But, she also thought that being Intersex, being a woman born with a penis, would hinder the possibility of asking a girl out. She didn't know if that was truly the case. So, she kept her desires to herself. The idea of being with a woman would only be a dream for her.

''Why am I here?'' Hermione asked before she could stop herself. She didn't mean to blurt that question out.

Narcissa didn't look troubled by Hermione's inquiry. She smiled. ''You tell me. You are the brightest witch of your age, after all. I think you can find the answer.''

Hermione blushed at the compliment. She had heard that statement so many times she thought that it had lost all positive meaning. Yet, when said by Narcissa, she could help but feel flushed and nervous. She ignored the warmth blossoming in her chest and cleared her throat. ''I'm here because the man who I thought I could be with abandoned me.''

''Did you love him?''

After a moment to ponder, Hermione shook her head. ''I was putting on a mask. I cared for…I care for Ron. But, not in that way. He's not who I'm after.''

''Who are you after, Ms Granger?''

Hermione sighed and locked eyes with Narcissa. ''I guess…someone who won't judge me before they got to know me.''

''That's the least you deserve,'' Narcissa said. ''I've followed your achievements since you left Hogwarts. You are quite the prolific diplomat. I could see you becoming Minister for Magic.''

''You think so?''

''I believe in you.''

Hermione couldn't remember when her heart started racing. It definitely started before she noticed that Narcissa had inched closer. Their knees were almost touching. The older woman's hand was still on Hermione's. The young witch gulped. ''Why have you followed my achievements?''

''You were a curious thing. Anyone who met you could tell you were going to grow up to become something special. But, what many weren't expecting when you reached adulthood was how beautiful you would become. You are a brilliant young woman who deserves the world.''

''Mrs…Ms Black,'' Hermione corrected herself. She didn't move away as Narcissa edged closer.

''You don't mind hearing this from an older woman, do you?''

Hermione knew that she was testing the waters. Hermione was in her mid-20s whilst Narcissa was approaching her 50s. The age gap between them would turn a few heads. But, Hermione didn't care what others thought. The knowledge that Narcissa was twice her age made this moment more enticing. She licked her lips to stop them from going dry. ''On the contrary,'' Hermione whispered. ''I prefer getting advice from older women.''

''Is that so?'' Narcissa purred. ''Have you taken advice from older women often?''

It was clear that there was a double meaning behind the word advice. Hermione shook her head. ''No, but I would like to.''

Arousal surged throughout Hermione's body, streaming towards a particular area between her legs. She wondered if Narcissa had noticed. She hoped that Narcissa would notice.

That's when her anxiety finally knocked down her doors and built walls around her. ''I can't!''

Her outburst caught Narcissa off-guard. She stilled and leaned away. ''I'm sorry.''

''Don't be!'' Hermione quickly added, taking Narcissa's hand when she tried to move away. ''It's not that I don't want to, it's just that…I'm not… there are things about me…''

Narcissa offered her a genuine smile. ''I know you must hate what the family I married into stood for. But, it's not what I believe. You are a brilliant witch regardless of who your parents are.''

Hermione wanted to smile back. But, her fear eclipsed every other emotion. ''It's not that. I'm different in other ways.''

''Whatever it is, I won't judge you,'' Narcissa replied gently. ''That's why I wanted you to come here. I want to support you. If you do not wish to tell me, I will not hold any grudges against you. But, I will always be here for you whenever you need me.''

This was the kindest ultimatum Hermione had ever been given. Narcissa wasn't going to force the truth out of her. This was dependent on Hermione's mindset. She could walk away and not bring this up again. She'd be hiding her true self away again, just like she used to do at Hogwarts. She didn't want to relive the past. She didn't want to journey through any more hurt. She wasn't a little girl anymore.

With a deep intake of breath, she shifted closer to Narcissa. ''I'm Intersex.''

''Forgive me, I've never heard that term before.''

''It's what a person is when a person is born with reproductive systems and anatomies that don't fit into the typical gender binaries of male and female. It can be different for each individual. For me…I'm a woman who was born with a penis and testicles.''

Narcissa's brow was raised. She didn't baulk at the new information. But, she was trying to absorb this new knowledge. ''Oh, that is interesting.''

''I suppose interesting is one way of putting it,'' Hermione said. ''You're not put off by that?''

''Why would I be?''

Hermione had caught herself in the older woman's entanglement. If she further elaborated and vented her wish to be desirable to Narcissa, that would escalate things between them beyond the point of no return. This was the last chance for Hermione to back down. It didn't take long for her to make up her mind. She had held herself back for too long. She was a woman with urges. And if Narcissa was offering her a chance to release those urges, why shouldn't she indulge?

''Ms Black, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you?'' Hermione said, visibly flustered as she glanced away.

Narcissa made a soft sound as she leaned forward. Her hand moved onto Hermione's knee, squeezing gently, both as confirmation of Hermione's inquiry and also to comfort her. Hermione released one final gasp of disbelief before she felt her lips being pressed against Narcissa's. Her hand slid up to Hermione's hip, pulling her closer. Their kiss deepened as Narcissa probed Hermione's mouth with her tongue, silently pleading for entry. Hermione eagerly obliged, parting her lips and moaning with delight as she felt Narcissa's tongue explore her mouth.

''I've wanted to do this to you for so long,'' Narcissa whispered. She lifted her hand to Hermione's chest and groped her breasts through her shirt, eliciting a soft moan from the younger witch. ''I was afraid that I couldn't have you.''

''You have me now,'' Hermione blurted out between pants. ''So, take me!''

A wicked smile formed across Narcissa's face. She squeezed Hermione's breasts more firmly, earning another moan of approval. Hermione leaned forward and arched her back. As Narcissa continued to caress her chest, she kissed her way down to the witch's neck. Hermione's eyes rolled back and she purred with delight as she felt Narcissa nibble and suck on a sensitive spot just above her shoulder. No one had ever left her a hickey before. The sensation was one that she hoped to repeat many times.

Hermione's throat hitched when Narcissa's hand found its way down to her bulge. The older woman rubbed the growing tent between her legs, marvelling at how quickly the outline of Hermione's cock had grown. She tried to wrap her fingers around the shaft through her jeans, but the material was too restrictive for her to properly enjoy the moment. Cursing under her breath, Narcissa tugged at the belt buckle, undoing it until she felt Hermione's pants loosen. The waistband shimmied below Hermione's thigh, exposing her boxers underneath. The bulge was far more prominent. There was a mischievous twinkle in Narcissa's eyes.

''Oh, how dare you keep such a delight from me, Ms Granger.'' Narcissa purred.

Hermione's cheeks flushed fiercely. No one had ever talked to her like that before. The sensual tone laced within the older woman's voice made her cock throb with greater anticipation. ''Do you want me?'' she asked.

''I most certainly do,'' Narcissa leaned down and ran her tongue over Hermione's bulge.

''Oh!'' Hermione gasped loudly. Her hips jerked forward in response, rubbing her concealed erection against Narcissa's face. ''Please…I need…''

''You need what?'' Narcissa teased.

''Your mouth…on my…''

''On your cock, dear,'' she cooed devilishly, hooking her fingers into Hermione's boxers before tugging them down.

When Hermione's cock sprang into view, Narcissa had to stop and take this moment in. She couldn't believe it was real. At first, she thought that Hermione had used some form of magic to increase the size of her shaft. No one was this naturally big, right? Narcissa reached out and grasped at it, barely able to curl her fingers around the girth. She felt it pulsating intensely. This was very real. It felt so hot in her palm. She slowly began to stroke the shaft up and down. Hermione bucked her hips, thrusting into Narcissa's hold. The older woman was lost for words.

Thankfully, words weren't needed. Her mouth could be used for other purposes.

She kissed the tip. The taste of pre-cum tickled her lips. She then slowly licked up and down the underside of Hermione's cock before circling the head with her tongue. Hermione was panting heavily as she watched Narcissa widen her mouth as much as possible before taking her cock into her mouth. Narcissa released muffled moans as she felt the tip of Hermione's cock hit the back of her throat. She bobbed her head up and down, adjusting her angle so that she could take more of the shaft down her throat. Despite the lewd sound of her gagging startling Hermione, Narcissa refused to stop. Hermione threaded her fingers through the woman's hair, guiding her as she continued to suck her. Gradually, she bobbed her head faster and sucked her shaft more forcefully.

The sound of Narcissa choking on Hermione's dick echoed throughout the room. She rested her knees on the floor and settled between Hermione's legs, fully dedicating herself to deepthroating the young witch for as long as humanly possible. Narcissa glanced up and the two women locked eyes. Narcissa continued to slide her lips up and down the shaft until they were sealed around the base.

''Narcissa…that feels so good! Please, keep going!'' Hermione moaned.

Narcissa hummed with delight. The vibrations from her lips added further pleasure to Hermione's cock. She thrust her hips upward, ramming her cock down Narcissa's throat repeatedly. She could almost see the lights in Narcissa's eyes forming into small love hearts.

After a while, Narcissa pulled her mouth away and gasped for breath. Saliva poured down Hermione's length, drenching every inch of her shaft. Even her balls were coated with spit because of Narcissa's relentless sucking. However, the older woman looked far from done. She shot Hermione another sensual smile before removing her top and bra. Hermione was left dazed, aroused and confused. What was she planning to do now? Hermione's brain was too rattled to think rationally. Her eyes were glued towards the older woman's chest. Her mature tits had a bit of sag around them as her age was starting to show, but that made them more alluring and beautiful in the young witch's eyes.

''Do you like my tits?'' Narcissa purred, playing with her boobs and making them bounce.

The erotic display almost made Hermione swallow her tongue. ''Y-yes!''

Narcissa then surprised Hermione by taking her cock and sliding it between her cleavage.

''Oh fuck!'' Hermione cried out.

It felt like her cock had been enveloped by two smooth pillows. Narcissa's breasts fit snugly around the shaft as she pressed them together and began to move her body up and down. She opened her mouth and let her tongue hang out, spilling drool onto the tip of Hermione's cock and between her tits. With the added lubrication, Narcissa could move at a faster rate. She teased Hermione for what felt like an eternity. The head of Hermione's cock poked out from between her tits, giving her the perfect excuse to lick the tip every time it neared her mouth.

The pleasure was becoming too much for Hermione to handle. She had never had her dick sucked before. Now, she experiencing a heavenly titfucking from an older woman who was experienced with this type of thing.

''I can't hold on! I'm going to cum!''

Narcissa's lips curled into a delightful grin as she felt the first of Hermione's thick load erupt and land on her tits. More ropes of cum exploded from the tip and painted Narcissa's face and chest. She leaned down and engulfed Hermione's cock once more. She moaned with pleasure as she felt the hot seed hit the back of her throat. She gulped it down eagerly and loudly, ensuring that Hermione heard her swallow her load.

When she pulled back and released Hermione from her hold, there were bridges of saliva and cum that connected their bodies. ''Marvellous,'' Narcissa said as she licked herself clean.

''I can't believe that we just did that…that I just…''

''I knew you were special, Ms Granger,'' Narcissa got up and stood over her. As quickly as she could, she removed the rest of her posh attire. The sight of Narcissa stripping was enough to make Hermione's dick erect in no time. When Narcissa was nude, she raised one leg and hovered her hips over Hermione's lap. Her pussy, which was already dripping, was carefully lowered down onto the tip. ''But, we're just getting started.''

Hermione barely had enough time to register what was happening before she felt Narcissa's pussy clench around her cock. The older woman threw her head back and moaned. She had never felt so stretched by anything or anyone. She had to slow the speed of her descent so that she could properly adjust to Hermione's overwhelming size. Rocking her hips from side to side made the process easier. Her juices coated Hermione's shaft, helping her lower herself until the witch was finally fully embedded within her.

''Ah! Fuck!'' Narcissa hissed through gritted teeth. She sat on Hermione's lap and squirmed, rotating her hips before slowly riding her. ''Don't keep me waiting, Ms Granger. Fuck me like you mean it!''

Hermione nodded and grabbed Narcissa's hips. She pumped her hips upward, going harder and faster with every passing second. With every movement, Narcissa's breasts would bounce, along with the necklace she still wore. The sight was utterly bewitching…no pun intended. Hermione reached out and grabbed Narcissa's tits, playing with them as she fucked her as hard and as fast as she could. Her cock reached deep inside, sending Narcissa spiralling into endless bliss. They moved in sync; determined to bring the other person into a euphoric state of rapture. Narcissa's pussy clenched tightly around the shaft, refusing to let Hermione leave her for even a second.

''You certainly know how to please a woman, Ms Granger!''

Feeling her confidence grow, Hermione leaned forward and stared deeply into Narcissa's eyes. ''Call me Hermione.''

Narcissa briefly climbed off of Hermione. The young witch whimpered and tried to pull her back on. However, Narcissa had other ideas. She slid back down onto Hermione's cock, but this time, she was facing away from her. Hermione grabbed Narcissa's hips again and slammed herself deep into her pussy. Narcissa cried out with joy. She could tell that Hermione was now fully committed. She was more than happy to let the young witch take out her sexual frustrations on her. Narcissa had missed this feeling. She couldn't remember the last time she had sex that was enjoyable. At her age, she feared that no one would find her desirable. Hermione was proving otherwise. She pounded the older woman aggressively. Narcissa's ass cheeks jiggled with every hard impact as she slammed herself down onto the witch's cock over and over again.

''Fuck me, Hermione! Fuck me good! Fuck me hard! Fuck me until you cum inside me!''

Her words made Hermione flinch momentarily. The thought of going all the way and cumming inside of Narcissa was something she would have given much more thought over if she had more time. But, she was too enraptured at the moment to consider any other option. She wanted this. She needed this. And Narcissa felt the same way.

The older woman's rhythmic bouncing became more erratic as she felt herself going over the edge. Her body sparked with renewed life as she rode through the waves of her orgasm on Hermione's cock. And with one final thrust, Hermione filled Narcissa to the brim with her seed. She coated the inside of her pussy with dozens of threads of cum. The amount was so great that Hermione's cock spilled out from Narcissa's pussy. The remnants of her climax leaked onto the floor.

''Bloody hell!'' Hermione moaned.

Narcissa was too tired to speak. She collapsed next to Hermione. Their juices mixed between her legs. She happily scooped some of it up with her finger before licking it clean. As if that taste was enough to reinvigorate her, Narcissa got up and placed her hands on the arm of the chair before lifting her ass in the air.

The tempting position made Hermione's heart explode out of her chest. ''You want to keep going?''

''Don't tell me you can't keep up with an older woman,'' Narcissa teased.

Hermione wasn't usually one to fall for such obvious baits. But, this was an exception to the rule that she would gladly break.

She got up and moved behind Narcissa, guiding her cock back towards the woman's soaked entrance. There was still some of her cum that was leaking out from her. The wet feeling Hermione felt around her cock as she pushed back inside sent chills down her spine. Narcissa moaned loudly and clawed at the couch. Hermione lowered herself onto Narcissa's back until her breasts were pushed against the older woman's back. She grabbed onto her as she began to buck wildly. Her thrusts were more powerful than ever before. She slammed in and out of Narcissa's pussy with enough force to rattle her bones. Every nerve was twinging with ecstasy.

''You feel so good!'' Hermione moaned, burying her face into the side of Narcissa's neck and kissing the spot just under her ear.

''Oh, God!'' Narcissa was melting.

The older woman was powerless to do anything other than take whatever Hermione had to offer as she quickened the tempo of her thrusts. One of her hands snuck around to grope at her swinging breasts, pinching her hardened nipples, eliciting more screams of pleasure out of her.

''Fuck me! Fuck me with your big, hard cock! It feels so good inside my pussy! I want you to cum inside me again! Cum in me as if you want to breed me!''

Once again, Hermione was fleetingly bamboozled by Narcissa's words. However, she found her desire to be bred incredibly hot. It spurred Hermione into action. She thrust harder and faster than ever before. The couch was being pushed under the intensity of their fucking. But, they didn't stop. Nothing could stop them. They felt powerful and in their element in this position.

''You want me to breed you?''

Narcissa gasped when she suddenly felt herself being flipped over so that she was now resting with her back on the couch. Hermione loomed over her before rubbing the tip of her cock against her pussy once more and sliding inside. Just when Narcissa thought she couldn't experience greater pleasure, she felt herself being pushed up, her legs loosely locked around Hermione's hips. The younger witch's hands were planted near Narcissa's shoulders for support as she slammed down onto her repeatedly. Narcissa was spiralling yet again. She raked her nails down Hermione's back as the younger witch settled her into a mating press.

''Yes! Breed me! Fill me with your cum! Pump your thick load inside me! I want you to give me everything and breed me to your heart's content!''

Hermione was grunting like a feral animal and pounding her hips uncontrollably. She reached up and grabbed Narcissa's ankles that were raised above her head and pushed on them until Narcissa's body couldn't be pinned down any further. Narcissa's face contorted with pleasure as her body was rocked to its very core. This was unlike anything she had ever experienced; not even in her wildest dreams. The bright witch had a raging fire in her that needed a forest to burn. Narcissa would happily let herself be consumed in Hermione's flames.

Narcissa let out an ear-piercing scream as she squirted profusely. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her body quaked under Hermione. With a few more thrusts, Hermione twitched and cried out before coating Narcissa's insides with her cum. This load was more potent than the last. Narcissa could feel it. She could die a happy woman at this very second.

With a tired gasp, Hermione pulled her cock from Narcissa and sat back on the couch. Narcissa remained on her back. A stream of Hermione's cum and her juices poured out of her. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as a huge smile appeared across her face. ''I am glad that you accepted my offer to visit.''

Hermione gazed down at her and smirked. ''Me too. I think you should invite me over more often. After all, we women have to support each other.''



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I could use some more of this