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Hey! Thank you very much for supporting me! I really appreciate it!

Make sure to check the latest Link Posts to get access to all the content.

- Make sure you have the latest HF-Patch installed!!
- Select your character and press (right ctrl + P) to make it Vanilla+ and react to lightning!

My scenes may have a watermark on them. To remove it do Add -> Frame -> None.

If you have any problems with Scene files, don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be glad to help!

Added: 2024-02
Hey! Thank you very much for supporting me! I really appreciate it!

Make sure to check the latest Link Posts to get access to all the content.

- Make sure you have the latest HF-Patch installed!!
- Select your character and press (right ctrl + P) to make it Vanilla+ and react to lightning!

If you have any problems with Scene files, don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be glad to help!

My scenes have a watermark on them. To remove it do Add -> Frame -> None.

To potential leakers: I know you guys won't stop, but please at least have some professional decency and keep the watermark. Thanks.

Added: 2024-01