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Note: I'm writing this post on June 29th at 5:00am EST to schedule it for 8:00am EST. My page is officially paused right now, so all times mentioned such as "today" are relevant to the time of writing.

Hey peeps, I mentioned on Friday that I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with everything that's been going on in the world and I'm in need of a break. So, my page's billing cycle is officially paused for July.

You can read my extended thoughts on why I'm doing this on my short post from the other day, but here's the simple rundown of how pausing my page works:

  • The July billing cycle for my page is paused as of today. All of you (my current Patrons) won't get charged for your current pledge amount on the 1st of July. Yup, it's that simple.
  • You can stay pledged during July and you'll still get access to my page and any content I upload. It's basically like a free month.
  • New patrons who join after today will get charged for their chosen pledge amount because my page is charge up-front.
  • On July 27th, I'll make an announcement post to let you know what I want to do at that point, hopefully I'll be in a better spot.

I still owe a Rosalina pic for June and I'm hoping to have that done within the next couple days. There has just been so much going on lately that I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet. I apologize for the lack of content and failing to meet deadlines/expectations, but I'll still finish the content I owe and do the best I can to make more in the coming weeks. Thank you for your support and I hope you understand.


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