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Hey folks, I've been thinking on this for a few days, but I've decided that I'm going to pause my page's July billing cycle (July 1st). If you don't know what that means, check out the bullet points below.

Quite frankly, the world is all kinds of fucked up right now (especially the US) and it's pretty damn difficult to be positive and keep drawing kinks at the moment. I need a breather and ideally I'd like to use my minimal creative energy to try some different stuff with my art, so I don't want to waste your time or money by doing so.

I mean, I'll have only made two pics this month once this Rosalina pic is finished. I can't possibly accept another round of your support when I can't even guarantee that I'll be able to make one pic next month. That's just not fair for you, plain and simple.

If any of you don't know what happens when a page gets paused, it's pretty simple:

  • On Monday, June 29th, I'll push a button and you (all current patrons at that time) won't get charged for your current pledge amount on the 1st of July. Yup, it's that simple.
  • You can stay pledged during July and you'll still get access to my page and any content I upload. It's basically like a free month.
  • New patrons who join after my page gets paused will get charged for their chosen pledge amount because my page is charge up-front.
  • On July 27th, I'll make an announcement post to let you know what I want to do at that point, hopefully I'll be in a better spot.

I feel like all I've done for the last year is apologize for my shortcomings as an artist and, at this point, even I'm sick of hearing it. But, sorry again for not being anywhere near as consistent or capable as so many other artists out there. Y'all are saints for being so supportive and patient with me so far and I'm very thankful for that. I just need some time to myself and I hope you understand.


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