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Who is Kendra? Kendra is lost media.

She was created back on Tumblr. In fact hers was the first thing I ever posted to Tumblr, accompanying a story that is now lost to time. Simply put, she's a living suit. A prostitute that men wear to experience a raunchy night as her before returning to their normal lives.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that she's a Liminal Character like Carlita, Monty, and others, but you'd be mistaken. Carlita isn't liminal. She's actually a person with a complete background.

See, Kendra is actually a the fursona of a long missing furry from the early 2000's. A man, a nerdy systems administrator who was zapped onto a computer's hard-drive when his office building was struck by lightning while he was working. And so for 20 years this remnant of the past; back from when the fursuits were simple, the internet was dialup, and "YIFF" was a furry's most uttered phrase; she was revived after the hard-drive they were trapped on was placed into a computer with an internet connection.

So how does a ghost of wire end up as a latex suit for people to wear? Simple. You download her from an app.

Kendra's website and app appeared shortly after she escaped. And from there, word-of-mouth led curious men give it a download and make an account. It's totally free. So when you're ready, you select the duration of time you'd like to wear her for (typically 1 night), and then she bloomps her way through your phone or computer screen. Have fun.

Except, how is that even suppose to work? What if more than one person is using the app? Can Kendra be in more than one place at once? And the answer to that is yes.

When someone uses the App, they're using a copied instance of Kendra. A downloaded copy to be used, abused, and disposed of like a condom.

But why? If Kendra can make physical copies of her digital self, why not use that power to leave the digital world altogether? Does she not want to leave? Why doesn't she want to leave?? Well the answer to that question is simple once you remember that Kendra is actually a furry. A furry that has now has the power to make his wildest fantasies come true. A furry that doesn't care about the real world. Nay, he's a furry who's using his own fursona as a vector for infecting reality, because one day after harnessing enough sexual energy, this furry aims to make the furry world real.



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