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I set up this Patreon way back in 2016, and I don't know exactly what I did but this past month, June 2021 was the most support I've ever received after all of these years.

Not only does it break the record for the most patrons that I've ever had at 41, this marks the the first time, the FIRST TIME EVER, that everyone who pledged stuck around for the duration of the month. That has never happened before. Every month prior till now I would have at least 2-3 people have to cancel at the last moment, OR there would be those who canceled on the 31st only to re-pledge on the 1st in order to dodge the payment window. In  the almost 60 months that this Patreon has been active, this June was the first time where none of that happened!

I gotta do something special for you! I have some things I need to tackle but still! This is an unprecedented occasion and it's all thanks to you!


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