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Probably not what you were expecting. Let me walk you through my thoughts.

I made a post about them towards the middle of the month when I was planning on working on them a whole lot more. I was inspired and resolved to make a unicorn character and over the course of developing them I felt that they'd be the proper candidate for Jordan and Derick's eventual fusion. Lion + Donkey = Unicorn.

However I've had some apprehension, frustration, cold feet during this process because I feel held back from exploring more extreme fetishes that I haven't tackled already. Everyone already knows how anxious I get when trying to please people.

For those of you not familiar with Jordan and Derick:

Jordan (Lion) was my parody of hyper-herms that started flooding the fandom around 10 years ago. They once respected medical researcher was transformed into a perverted mad scientist after accidentally being exposed to unstable hormones with working in the laboratory. From the get-go they were meant to be hypersexualized and completely over-the top. And in the subsequent years they became my a vehicle for slackerism and chronic drug use, effectively become anthropomorphized drug use  that subsists on nothing but pizza.

Derick (Donkey) despite being simpler of the two, has actually caused the most controversy. Simple and slow, he was originally Jordan's janitor. Though despite having no scientific background whatsoever, Jordan tapped him to be hir personal assistant and guinea pig, subjecting him to a slew of wacky experiments and keeping by hir side 24/7 goto sex slave (because pr0n). 

But what made Derick controversial was that that he wasn't meant to be trans, instead (himself describing it as "wanting to be pretty") he had a repressed fetish where in he's turned on by image of himself as slutty woman, (lit: Self Woman Love) which unbeknownst to me was a word used by TERFs to insult and demean transwomen. I personally think the word perfectly describes what Derick is all about, but of course TERFs have to ruin everything :(

Regardless, Jordan and Derick's dynamic was one of codependency (drugs?), with a bit of Stockholm syndrome sprinkled in. (Which you may see is a big of favorite of mine). Jordan would be relentless in hir antics, and Derick despite his reluctance would gradually come to love his circumstances. A classic Pr0n setup.

Gradually I'd started drawing Jordan fatter and fatter as they continued to consume pizza after pizza, and gradually I started drawing Derick more shapely and shapely until they became a the shemale he always wanted to be. -Something that I had once thought I'd continue on Pillowfort but Pillowfort sucks.

This convergence of personalities would eventually foster love and eventually the desire to fuse together (which may or may not have been Jordan's plan from the start) But what form should they take. Those of you who have been here from the beginning will know that I've tried and tried to make it work, but it just never looked right. So what if I took a different approach?

What if Jordan and Derick pushed it to the extreme? In this conception, Jordan would no longer be analogous to marijuana but instead harder drugs like DMT or PCP, not that I condone the latter, just that the the magical rainbow unicorn analogy fits so well there. And moreover it would continue Jordan's tradition of being a parody as this would be the closest I've ever come to doing anything My Little Pony Related. And for Derrick's trouble I wanted to return to my love for drag queens and give them really garish appearance with the heavy eye makeup, instagram eyebrows, pronounced cheek bones, my signature bucktooth lip combo, and helming it off with their comically large California nose job. Not necessarily what I'd consider "pretty" but if you blur your eyes then I'm certain you've seen about 1000 "influencers" who look just like that.

Now if you're wondering why I had cold feet about this was that along with everything described thus far I was also wondering if I could riff on the idea of unicorns pooping rainbows and candy (remember 2019?), but I have the strong feeling that I'm the only one that would appreciate the joke. I know first hand how disturbing bathroom related kinks can be, and I assumed that literal rainbows and diapers becoming bags of candy would be hilarious, but now I'm not so sure.

This is why I was so happy to work on those gummy bears the other day. They fall into that some realm of anthro that this fusion would inhabit, but I don't know if this whole idea is dead on arrival. 

Tell me what you think. Good or bad I want to hear your honest opinion. Is this a terrible idea? Something that's peaked your interest? Something that needs retooling, or is it something you would like to see more of before passing judgement? Whatever your thoughts are I want to say thankyou for pledging and thankyou for reading.



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