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I just got my second vaccine shot so I may be out of commission for a bit. This was planned but i'm still nervous. My parents didn't have any side effects at all while my sibling (who may have already contracted covid) had it rough. I'm currently back home and taking it easy with coconut water and pizza...

So, with that out of the way, Devils.

I'm honestly surprised at the the volume of likes on those images. I've posted some devil work here and there before (I'm a satanist, yadda yadda) but I wasn't expecting them to be greeted so positively. My assumption was people who know me for my furry work would be put off of that more bizzare humanoid work. After all, I only have so much time to draw, so every devil drawn is time potentially lost that could be used on something else.

If you didn't already know I really enjoy drawing devils and have been doing so for 7 odd years now. And along with being sources of my own personal religious expression, they're often drawn with the caveat of there being no rules. With them I'm free to explore certain things I wouldn't be able to with my standard furry work, but often the result of this experimentation trickles down into the other things that I do.

Seriously I looove devils, and the ones I draw have tons of lore and factoids I could sprinkle you guys with, only if you're intrested in seeing and learning more :)


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