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Continuation of Daily Free-Write October 31, 2021 "Castles and Crinklebutts pt. 7"

Part 1+2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 

"Okay, Krendall, you're first! Uh, Krendall?"

"Unh... h-hold on... almost finished..."

"Oh no," said Bardswell, as he saw Krendall's diaper turn yellow and a -2 smarts icon flash above his head.  "Not this again. Will ya at least let me out before you go regressing into a baby?"

Krendal was stuck on the ground and still strapped into the toppled stroller. He would have let himself out, but at the moment, his hands were encased in teddy bear paws so thick, he couldn't even facepalm properly. A few moments later, a teenage Krendall sighed, pulled his thumb out of his mouth, and waddled over to release him.

"Hold your horses, I'm coming," he said.

"Gee, thanks," said Bardswell, getting up and dusting himself off with his poofy paws. "You sure took your time. What's with the goofy grin? Are you... are you enjoying this?"

Krendall gave a guilty smile. "N-no. I mean. W-well... Maybe a little..."

"Oh my god," said Bardswell, who would have been seen rolling his eyes if it weren't for the teddy head in the way. "Whatever dorkus. You can keep the diapers, thank you very much. I'm going to focus on getting out of here."

"Oh really? And you aren't enjoying that teddy bear suit of yours? I think I've heard you cum in it a least twice - and you weren't quiet about it."

Now it was Bardswell's turn to blush. "I- th-that's different," he spluttered.

"Oh yeah? How?"

"I had no choice!"

"I didn't either! What part of cursed diaper don't you understand?"

"Guys, guys," said Brandon. You're in the middle of combat. Maybe you could save the bickering for after we get the hell out of here? Or did you forget what the bat lady said about working together.

"Okay, okay," said Krendall. Uh... I guess I have some movement left... I'll go ahead and position myself by the rocking horse to attack.

"Okay, go ahead and move your character. Bardswell? You're next."

"Alright," said Bardswell, "I'm going to go ahead and attack the rocking horse."

"Okay, roll your attack..."

"I pull out my, uh..." he patted around to feel for his weapons and realized they were all gone since he was naked, and stuck in a big puffy teddy bear besides.

"You don't have any weapons," said Brandon. "You'll have to find some or do an attack unarmed."

"Okay... I guess I'll, uh, attack unarmed." Bardswell rolled the 20-sided die and landed a critical hit.

"Critical hit. Great job! And... it... has no effect." Brandon said this with obvious disappointment.

"What do you mean no effect?!" asked Bardswell. "I hit him full on!"

"Your hands are soft, dude," said Sam. "What do you expect? You should have grappled instead."

"Eh, he's right," said Brandon. "Maybe next turn. Throbdor, you're up! Uh... Throbdor?"

Throbdor was vigorously rocking on the horse, and grinding into the saddle, his loin cloth practically popping off due to his erection. His two kobolds were eying it hungrily, eagerly awaiting their turn so they could hop on for a ride of their own.

"Throbdor, what are you going to do?" asked Brandon, growing increasingly concerned, until they all saw what had happened.

While the others were arguing, Throbdor found himself stuck to the rocking horse, leather straps snaking around his hand, wrists, and feet to secure him tightly.  Each rock seemed to massage his genitalia, coaxing another erection out of him. He couldn't stop it, and as Brandon announced it was his turn, he looked over to the castlemaster, desperate to escape but unable to stop himself from lustily grinding against the stimulating saddle.

"Mmmff! Mmmmfff!!" came his desperate cries, muffled by the pacifier.

Muskarella's voice echoed out once more.

"Oh, my. Someone is certainly enjoying his playtime! Let's hope he can keep from making a big mess all over!" her voice lapsed into teasing baby talk as she said this last part, causing the desperate and pacified man to blush. " and muskarella says he'll be downgraded if he has an 'accident' on the rocking chair... if he does, he'll be downgraded to diapers just like his friend here."

Throbdor shook his head vigorously, but paradoxically his cock throbbed harder than ever as she spelled out his possible fate. Why did the idea turn him on so much?

"Who knows," said Muskarella, "Maybe his helpful little lizard folk will help. If not, I'm sure they'll make fine caretakers..." Muskarella laughed again as Throbdor whined into his paci. The display indicated that his turn was over, to the disappointment of the other players.

"Looks like Bardswell uses his turn to, uh... rock... uh, alright... uh... next turn is..."


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