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Hello everyone! 

October is over, but we have one more month of fall! Personally, this is my favorite season, followed by winter. I just love the idea of cozy days at home sipping on hot cocoa, or hot cider, wearing a warm sweater, and maybe even having a nice fire in the fireplace. I say I like the idea of it because I live in California, and the cold season doesn't really exist here, but that doesn't mean I can't pretend! 

I was very happy with the amount of content I was able to put out last month - including an unusually large number of PDFs. I can't promise that level of output every month, but I'll still keep up my goal of at least 2 PDFs and 2 audio files a month. 

Here are some changes and upcoming projects for November:


Starting this month, some of my most popular stories are returning to the Free-Writes. Originally I wanted to keep them more exclusive, however, as you may have noticed, this results in a long wait between releases. Since free-writes are how I get more of my work done. I'd like to

  • Bring my most requested stories back in the free-writes (e.g., Room for Rent, Babied by Billy)
  • Focus on at least one story per month to complete
  • Release the story as a PDF at the Little Waddler  Tier


Polls are coming out this week. Little Waddlers will be making decisions about the upcoming stories and what I prioritize, while Little Explorers will pick the next audio track(s) for this month! I also plan to make an all patron poll, so keep an eye open!


I have several stories planned for this month, and perhaps some more if you ask for them. A few requests such as a continuation of Granny Grabbed will depend on how much I get through this month, but do keep reminding me with your comments! Here are the upcoming stories on my to do list:

  • The Neighborhood Terror - Mostly finished, the story of the obnoxious Bobby and his Neighbor turned Daddy is getting edited soon. There's something so blushy about being kept as a baby, then being babysat by your friends who won't help you get out of baby treatment. That's what I wanted to explore in this story!
  • Room for Rent - What can I say? This is my most popular story so far, and I want to get back to it! You'll see this in the free-writes this month as I work through the next chapter. See what Robbie and Colt are up to as they both adjust to their new lives as Daddy and Baby.
  • Finnicky Baby Book 1 - My super exciting Zootopia fanfic is at least halfway done, and I'm going to release the first 'book' as soon as I finish editing. Although it has never won in the polls, it's a personal passion project of mine. Kuneho, a very talented artist, sent me a message and made an illustrated image to go along with the story. How awesome is that? I'm excited about the release, and if you are too, let me know! (furry) 
  • Nick & Doug - This adorable couple just has to come back this month. I'm a big fan of this pair and I think they're the perfect characters for a cozy and (mostly) wholesome story. You may remember them from 'Baseball Baby' or the 'Nick and Doug' chapters that were put out already. (Furry)
  • Diaper Training My Boyfriend - A great story that is one of the hidden gems here on my Patreon. In accordance with previous poll results, I want to edit and put this out as a big ol' PDF, but we'll see how long it takes. If you want to see the unedited version, check it out in the tags. It's a full length story!


I've figured out the hard drive space option, and I'm able to make more new files, so expect some more awesome hypnos this month. There are a few alternate versions I want to try, but that's sometimes easier said than done once I get into the actual files. Another thing I want to do is create a telegram channel or site to post completed hypnos. That will make them easier to find. Maybe I can make a separate poll about this.

  • Baby Interests alt - In answer to a special request, I'm going to try and do an alt of baby interests with the 'losing interest in adult interests' element removed. I'll try, at least!
  • Cartoon Coercion alt - In answer to feedback from some of my Patrons, I'm going to try and remove explicit sexual suggestions from this file! I'm pretty sure I can do this one without issue. 
  • Hypno Poll Winner(s) - I honestly have no idea what I'm recording next. It's up my Little Explorers and Jr. Captains! I'll throw in some past options, some cozy fall options, and maybe some completely new ones as well for you to pick from!
  • Easier Access - I'm going to make a telegram channel, google folder, or some other option so people can find my completed hypnos easily. Keep an eye out for this in the all patron poll. 

That's all the news for now! Thanks for your support, and I'll see you in the polls! 

~<3 Champ



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