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Your chest swelled with pride as you walked into the office building. Daddy was finally letting you apply for a real job - at  *his* workplace. He was a big CEO there so you knew you'd get hired, but you still dressed your best. It had been a long time since you'd had the chance to wear anything that didn't have snaps or locking zippers, and wasn't covered in cute little designs that screamed 'I'm a big baby'. But finally after weeks of begging and pleading you had your chance. 

You had double checked before you went in - crisp clean pink shirt? Check. Ironed slacks? Check - Daddy helped you with the ironing since you couldn't be trusted to touch hot things. Bow tie tied by Daddy? Double Check. You even had him drop you off at the corner so you could walk in all by yourself without holding Daddy's hand. So why was it that as soon as you walked in people began to stare and smile? Was it your handsome new haircut that Daddy gave you? Was it  your confidence? You paused. Your diaper bulge wasn't showing was it? 

You brushed those thoughts aside and approached the front desk. 

"Hi, I'm here to interview for the position?"

"Oh yes, we've been expecting you. I can already tell you'll fit right in. Come on, then!" 

Wow. They didn't even ask your name. How did they know?

You expected to go up, but the elevator actually took you down. You were led down a colorful hallway and into the company nursery. 

"Uhh, I think there's been a mistake, I didn't apply to be a daycare worker..."

"Of course not, silly!" said the assistant. "You're too little! Your Daddy said I'd know you when I saw you and I knew right away because of the pacifier clip and your cute little slip on crocs!"

Then it hit you. Daddy had lied to you. He wasn't letting you get a job, he was making sure you were looked after while he was at work! And you were pretty sure big kids didn't wear pacifiers either! 

"No!" you yelled, "I don't want to!" 

The assistant just clucked her tongue as the daycare workers converged on you.

"Your Daddy thought you'd be safer here, sweetie, and you'll get to test out all the new products we're developing for babies of your size. Won't that be fun?" 

You didn't think so, but you didn't have much choice as you were stripped down to your onesie and hoisted into the big baby bouncer to cool off. 

"There there, sweet pea," said one of the workers after the assistant left. They brushed the tears from your cheek and held your paci to your lips. "Open up, you'll feel so much better after a suckle on your dummy." 

The tears rolled down your cheeks as you opened your mouth to accept the soft teat. Your hopes of ever being allowed to grow up again were dashed. 



Yep. Here is vote number 2 for me. Really enjoy the idea of boy getting to test out all the ridiculous products his daddy's company makes. Especially the ones to impractical. Like diapers too thick for the market or expiremental tech with babyfying effects!


Poor little guy